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Leader of London BLM protests demands meeting with Johnson


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On 6/23/2020 at 12:04 AM, torturedsole said:

Does anyone feel like the world has gone crazy when saying "white lives matter" is some kind of controversy? How do they do it with a straight face?

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4 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

Football league distances itself from the BLM movement after group makes anti Israel tweets and calls for the Police to be defunded 



Having let the genie out of the bottle there's no way they'll be able to put it back in. Their entire approach makes a mockery of their much hyped 'Kick it out' campaign which didn't seem to work for whites either :blink:

Edited by evadgib
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56 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Having let the genie out of the bottle there's no way they'll be able to put it back in. Their entire approach makes a mockery of their much hyped 'Kick it out' campaign which didn't seem to work for whites either :blink:


the premier league administrators are a joke, 'kick it out' has been ineffective for years, and just to show how tolerant and inclusive they are; how many openly gay players are there? enough said.


it's often said sports administration is filled with people, white males in the vast majority, who cant make it in the business world, you see evidence of that all the time.


and the players are just as bad, bandwagon jumping, 'look at me', they have no idea about what the BLM agenda is.

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