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Neighbours are burning plastic at night times.


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Mostly neighbours are pain in butt! In our country side home other neighbour make charcoal and burn all carbage even there they pick up carbage every week! Other neighbour sing karaoke all day long and really loud. In city home they not pick up carbage from our soi and don't know why! Just who is in charge that one don't give a F. Reason neighbours burn they carbage every week. If don't want this kind problem from neighbour need to move condo and high lvl floor!


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interesting to see a few posts that seem to fit with my opinions after living here and experiencing

the many trials and tribulations ........ that go along with the many things that I appreciate here.

Oddly enough,  the good and the bad are actually mostly due to the same mai pen rai attitude .

Life in Thailand certainly can fit the definition of a  love/ hate relationship.


The farangs posting here with the " I'm gonna change things.... I know what's right or wrong in life" attitude are easy to spot.   As are the beaten down  wizened old farts who have learned to adjust.

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On 6/21/2020 at 9:59 PM, samsensam said:


certainly dont get into a fighting fire with fire, no pun intended, situation


do you have a thai partner, or friend, who can sort it out as locals would do. if you were in your home country with a thai partner and you had a problem you'd know how to sort it, you wouldn't rely on your thai partner... thais are the best people to sort out thai problems.

i would download i-translate on your smartphone.  works great. 

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18 minutes ago, rumak said:

interesting to see a few posts that seem to fit with my opinions after living here and experiencing

the many trials and tribulations ........ that go along with the many things that I appreciate here.

Oddly enough,  the good and the bad are actually mostly due to the same mai pen rai attitude .

Life in Thailand certainly can fit the definition of a  love/ hate relationship.


The farangs posting here with the " I'm gonna change things.... I know what's right or wrong in life" attitude are easy to spot.   As are the beaten down  wizened old farts who have learned to adjust.

Thai's do not recycle.  just easier to burn everything.  sad. don't get it.  meanwhile the developing countries are destroying the environment and burning the candle at both ends.

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Neighbours are burning plastic at night times. 

Remember that you are in Thailand and that it is Normal for people to burn Whatever they Want to Burn.

 It doesn't matter where you go in Thailand they will Burn Plastic and Other toxic waste. ????


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They can't be the brightest sparks as the fumes will be in their air as well.

It is actually against the law co go to your local city hall & formally complain with their full address & any evidence such as video.

Buy an air quality monitoring device for the home from Lazada & keeps records.


I would recommend a buffer so either the missus if can keep calm or ask your lawyer to do it.

The problem may get worse so keep fliming & recording AQ levels then complain again.

Doing nothing will only increase your blood pressure & affect your lungs.

Good luck!


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1 hour ago, malibukid said:

Thai's do not recycle.  just easier to burn everything.  sad. don't get it.  meanwhile the developing countries are destroying the environment and burning the candle at both ends.

Not sure about what your saying but I see them taking glas and plastic and paper and recycling it. So maybe you mean rural Thais or whatever as in BKK and greater BKK i see them recycle. 

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2 hours ago, malibukid said:

Thai's do not recycle.  just easier to burn everything.  sad. don't get it.  meanwhile the developing countries are destroying the environment and burning the candle at both ends.

so really what your saying is :    NOBODY GIVES A  SHIRT !    

and you are right.    

about the only thing someone can do ( if they care)........ is try to live the best life they and their family

can.   Twenty years ago i thought CM was going to be great.   Five years ago the pollution levels started to get worse and longer.    I moved to rural Lamphun,  but there it is also bad.

I will be moving on to a southern location soon.

Only sure thing in life..... is change.    Seems to be mostly for the worst,  but what does Rumak know?

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1 minute ago, CNXexpat said:

The advantage of living in a good managed gated community where it´s forbidden to burn garbage and other stuff. 

Every village has a kind of major. Why not talking with him about the burning? Against the smell of cooking you can do nothing. Cooking outside is Thai style.

all the while hoping that it's not 'him' doing the burning?

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3 hours ago, Tarteso said:

Neighbours are burning plastic at night times.

Same in my village and nothing to do, I wonder if they born with a lighter in their hands.

maybe Mum and Dad met via Match.com? 

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One old lady burns charcoal every day (around midday) and thus Im running to close the windows everytime she starts 'cooking'. 

So it's not just here then.


I have an old Thai neighbour. Does exactly the same, morning and afternoon, cooks outside.


Looks like being an inconsiderate antisocial pyromaniac is the natural state for Thai neighbours.


They also burn garbage here. They don't do it as a personal attack. They do it to save the 250 baht for garbage collection. Cheaper to burn.


It's like living among antisocial criminals.

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What about showing up with a garbage bin, a smile, and have a friendly discussion about the offending smell and odour, and then make an offer to periodically take away and dispose of the offensive plastic in your own collection schedule? In my case, in my village, the burning plastic smell comes from outside the fence around 3AM, and I don't know who is doing it.

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I'd move ... You could write a letter of complaint and deliver it by hand and email version too to the local ampur /local large police station commander and the Governor of your province with photos and or video. Then don't look back or go back there. Folks burn same in my area in Phuket too but not as close to you by the sounds of it. I shut the condo and turn on the aircon for a few hours. Burning plastic releases extremely toxic gases into the air not to mention the acrid black smoke.

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

Not sure about what your saying but I see them taking glas and plastic and paper and recycling it. So maybe you mean rural Thais or whatever as in BKK and greater BKK i see them recycle. 

They recycle everything in rural Issan as well, the local government provides special bins for glass,plastics,paper,metal and even batteries, the money from recycling goes towards the village funeral fund.

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