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Princeton to drop Woodrow Wilson's name from school

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11 hours ago, Srikcir said:

This about reversing decades of societal racism embedded through government and corporate institutions. 

'societal racism'


That's a new one.

4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I am offended by the trailer park reference to fox watchers. That's right whites feelings aren't considered.


Perhaps we need some affirmative action programs for the poor whites.

What do you suggest? A free upgrade to a double-wide?

4 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

Political correctness, bred in the racist, misogynist US of A. More of the same. Revising history, correcting thinking and education. Ministry of Truth.

Hey! Stop hogging the spliff willya?!

13 hours ago, simon43 said:

Years in the future, if the human race still exists, we may look back on 2020 as the year when 'The Great Lunacy' began.  These actions are in response to anarchists.  I don't see any offers to return all the lands to the Native Americans.

I start to think that the future generation will have history books that start with the year 2020

2 hours ago, NanLaew said:

What do you suggest? A free upgrade to a double-wide?

No, rampant diversity hires and affirmative action mandates, with zero regard for matters of personal and individual merit, regardless of sex or race, which have persisted since the 1960's in America--it would be nice to see that stopped. No need to upgrade white trash from single-wides to double-wides. I don't hear the "white-trash" in America asking for special treatment or reaching out their hand for alms by any other name.

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Some troll posts, inflammatory posts and the replies have been removed.  A post using a trolling reference to POTUS has been removed, if you want your post to stay up, please stop with the trolling references. 

6 hours ago, NanLaew said:

What do you suggest? A free upgrade to a double-wide?

Perhaps a quota for hiring and college entrants for starters, sort of like we do for blacks who don't have to play by the same rules as others.

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7 hours ago, riclag said:

Are the  msm channels ,asking biden,what his take is !

He, WW, was the father of the progressive movement!  


Even accepting the questionable "father of the progressive movement" label, how does it apply to Biden? Is he what's termed in the USA "progressive"? More likely, yet another attempt by a Trump supporter to paint the entire Democrat party as this or that. Deflect away.

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5 hours ago, OZinPattaya said:


J.K Rowling has been one of the worst panderers of the radical left and I am over-joyed at the fact that she is now getting her rightful desserts. She actually made the astonishing comment on Twitter that only women can menstruate. I know, I know, shocking, yeah? And within minutes she was excoriated by the very people she previously pandered to. I call that karma. Live by the woke, die by the woke.


And incidentally, this is the fate that awaits all you virtue-signaling sycophants. This is the "reward" for all your self-flagellation. No matter how obsequiously you prostrate yourself, it will never be enough. The second you say the wrong thing your brethren will turn on you in a heartbeat.


Too funny. Guess you selectively forgot how each and every one of the "best" people appointed by Trump and later left, quit or got fired went from hero to zero - in the eyes of Trump and his supporters.

  • Like 2
59 minutes ago, Morch said:


Even accepting the questionable "father of the progressive movement" label, how does it apply to Biden? Is he what's termed in the USA "progressive"? More likely, yet another attempt by a Trump supporter to paint the entire Democrat party as this or that. Deflect away.

The point was whats biden's response! Has anybody (msm) asked! As a voter I want to know how he feels about it,don't you!

"For his success in passing these laws during the first months of his gubernatorial term, Wilson won national and bipartisan recognition as a reformer and a leader of the Progressive movement"

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodrow_Wilson#:~:text=A corrupt practices law and,leader of the Progressive movement.

biden ,progressives ,left liberals all   equal left wing politics

"The center-left includes social democrats, social liberals, progressives and also some democratic socialists and greens (including some eco-socialists)".

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_politics#:~:text=The center-left includes social,including some eco-socialists).


7 minutes ago, riclag said:

The point was whats biden's response! Has anybody (msm) asked! As a voter I want to know how he feels about it,don't you!

"For his success in passing these laws during the first months of his gubernatorial term, Wilson won national and bipartisan recognition as a reformer and a leader of the Progressive movement"

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodrow_Wilson#:~:text=A corrupt practices law and,leader of the Progressive movement.

biden ,progressives ,left liberals all   equal left wing politics

"The center-left includes social democrats, social liberals, progressives and also some democratic socialists and greens (including some eco-socialists)".

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_politics#:~:text=The center-left includes social,including some eco-socialists).



You're a Trump supporter. You wouldn't vote for Biden anyway. The feigned interest is dully noted. As for me, no, I'm not very interested because I can pretty much guess anything stated will be campaign trail waffle. In case you forgot, Biden doesn't hold any power, and according to Trump fans, not even public support. Given that, pretending to be indignant over what he says and whether the media covered is not very convincing.


As for the second "point", thanks - that's what I meant. You're intentionally lumping it all together, while highlighting the labels deemed as less attractive and/or controversial.


This guy enacted the IRS and the Federal Reserve System - might as well get rid of those two rasists institutions as well.

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7 minutes ago, Morch said:


You're a Trump supporter. You wouldn't vote for Biden anyway. The feigned interest is dully noted. As for me, no, I'm not very interested because I can pretty much guess anything stated will be campaign trail waffle. In case you forgot, Biden doesn't hold any power, and according to Trump fans, not even public support. Given that, pretending to be indignant over what he says and whether the media covered is not very convincing.


As for the second "point", thanks - that's what I meant. You're intentionally lumping it all together, while highlighting the labels deemed as less attractive and/or controversial.

The labels came with the source!  I'm a independent (swing) voter with no loyalty to any party. Do you understand the difference! The lumping together of biden with the left, is what it is according to the source I quoted! 

Don't you want to know bidens response  to WW name drop  

8 hours ago, JensenZ said:
12 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

a deadly virus ravaging the country, a weak leader who cant deal with it, an extremely divided  population, both equally dumb as dumb comes, race riots, and now PC madnes that wont stop until it stops, and a weak leader who cant do nuttin' except twitter screaming against protesters, and be buddies with a country that secretly pays for killing usa soldiers. 


Lets see how that works out in a decade. ????

You've got to stop blaming Trump for all the sh*t going on. He's a human and there is no one else on the planet that could deal with this any better than Trump. Perhaps you think Biden is the answer. I'd like to hear your rant after he's been in office for over a month. More than half of all the sh*t going on is due to the Democrats' performance, or should I say non-performance. Everyone sitting at a keyboard is an expert.

I forgot to mention in my this post above, in case you haven't been paying attention, all world leaders are currently in the sh*t and barely coping, and most of them didn't have to deal with impeachment AND an extremely hostile opposition party that just can't get over that they lost to a wealthy businessman in one of the most amazing election victories the modern world has ever seen. And as if that wasn't enough pressure for one person to handle, the Democratic Party had to start sponsoring rioting over the whole nation.


Even if they weren't directly sponsoring it, they are certainly endorsing it by allowing it to happen. That's not on Trump. The state leaders are responsible for keeping law and order. The crime in NYC has jumped nearly 400% over the same time last year and that's on the 2 Democratic clowns currently in charge, Cuomo and de Blasio. ditto for Chicago, with another Democratic clown in charge... and of course let's not forget the autonomous zone in Seattle, sanctioned and even praised by yet another Democrat. Jenny Durkan is preparing for "a summer of love", while destroying downtown Seattle as businesses clamour to relocate to other states where sanity may prevail.


It's the Democrats that are destroying your nation, not Trump.

  • Haha 2
On 6/27/2020 at 9:54 PM, Bluespunk said:

Did not know that.

Hard to understand how anyone could hold such foul views and be so ignorant that they would do such a thing. 


Well done Princeton, a little late but nevertheless...

So you'll agree anything named after Franklin Delano Roosevelt should be renamed since he put over 100,000 Americans in internment camps, right?

  • Sad 1
2 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

So you'll agree anything named after Franklin Delano Roosevelt should be renamed since he put over 100,000 Americans in internment camps, right?

I assume you are talking about the internment of Americans of Japanese descent at the outset of Americas entry into World War Two?

I certainly view that as an appalling act that as far as I am concerned is very hard to defend. 

While it is not a cause I would have started, I would certainly listen with sympathy to those arguing, as you would seem to be, that this action and it’s consequences should be a subject for discussion. 

Bravo for raising the issue, I am surprised to see you taking such an empathetic stance.

Well done. 

Here’s a link to help you promote your cause. I wish you the best of luck. 


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4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I assume you are talking about the internment of Americans of Japanese descent at the outset of Americas entry into World War Two?

I'm guessing conditions for Americans of Japanese descent residing in internment camps were a few notches up from Japanese POW camps.  ????

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5 minutes ago, torturedsole said:

I'm guessing conditions for Americans of Japanese descent residing in internment camps were a few notches up from Japanese POW camps.  ????

Talk to crazy Alex, it’s his cause. 

Though I will add, who was occupying japan again, after World War Two and had every opportunity to pursue and punish those responsible for the war crimes of the Japanese imperial government?

2 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Talk to crazy Alex, it’s his cause. 

14 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I certainly view that as an appalling act that as far as I am concerned is very hard to defend

You expressed an opinion, so were the American internment camps a few notches up from Japanese POW camps?


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5 minutes ago, torturedsole said:

You expressed an opinion, so were the American internment camps a few notches up from Japanese POW camps?


Might want to reread my previous post, edited to ask about Japanese war crimes. 

As I say it’s crazy Alex’s cause not mine, but I would certainly support any campaign to bring to justice those responsible for and companies that profited from war crimes.

Again I ask, who occupied the country and had the opportunity to pursue such individuals and corporate entities at the end of World War Two?

14 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

As I say it’s crazy Alex’s cause not mine, but I would certainly support any campaign to bring to justice those responsible for and companies that profited from war crimes.

You still didn't answer the question.  


I'll express my emphatic opinion that Japanese POW camps were hell on earth and nothing in comparison to an American internment camp.


Would you support a campaign to bring justice to those that suffered and perished in Japanese POW camps during WWII?



11 minutes ago, torturedsole said:

You still didn't answer the question.  


I'll express my empathic opinion that Japanese POW camps were hell on earth and nothing in comparison to an American internment camp.


Would you support a campaign to bring justice to those that suffered and perished in Japanese POW camps during WWII?

I already said I would...

As to hierarchies of guilt the fact I call one an appalling act and the other a war crime, should make clear which I judge to be the worse, though as I keep telling you, it’s not me who has raised this issue. While I wish crazy Alex all the best, it is not my cause. Please direct your questions to that poster. 

Now can you answer my question?

Who failed to do as you wish while occupying japan at the end of World War Two?

It wouldn’t be the same country that interned it’s own citizens would it?

  • Haha 1
5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I already said I would...


Now can you answer my question?

Who failed to do as you wish while occupying japan at the end of World War Two?

It wouldn’t be the same country that interned it’s own citizens would it?

I'll answer. 


I personally wish the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't happen, but it was a necessary evil as the Japanese weren't going to surrender by any other means.

2 minutes ago, torturedsole said:

I'll answer. 


I personally wish the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't happen, but it was a necessary evil as the Japanese weren't going to surrender by any other means.

That isn’t the question I asked. 

  • Haha 1

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