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When can I get into Thailand?

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34 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Spouses of Thais have not yet begin to be able to enter, it is still being discussed/arranged and far from easy.

They have already started the process of doing the applications for a certificate of entry at embassies and official consulates already.

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

I believe next we will be hearing about ‘Quarantine Corridors’ whereby countries with Low Covid-19 cases will permit Quarantine Free travel between themselves on direct flights. 


i.e. Thailand & Korea, Taiwan, Australia, NZ, Vietnam, UAE etc 



I hope

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44 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Fair point, I’m surprised the Virologists and Doctors studying Covid-19 don’t know this already. There really is no news or information of people who have had Covid-19 and caught it a second time? 


If I’m not mistaken, there is anywhere between 1 and 3 immunity for those who have caught the ‘other’ human Coronaviruses (i.e. common cold etc). 


One of the key factors in fighting Covid-19 is the knowledge as to whether or not there is immunity. 




I can also see this happening. Yet it may be a flawed approach. Nothing is water tight and attempting to prevent a virus from entering your country without herd immunity either through exposure and / or immunisation is impossible. 


Is Thailand holding onto its ‘firm lockdown’ in the hope that a vaccine becomes available and everyone is forced to take it? 

The flu vaccine is only 40-60% effective. Can a vaccine even be found? (It couldn’t for the common cold).





Have you ever met anyone who had a common cold once and never again? Same question for any of the coronaviruses. And, as with all viruses, they mutate so they're very difficult to nail down. That's why the flu vaccine changes every year.

I think the best we can hope for is something that reduces the effects to make it manageable without heavy machinery like ventilators. A bit like Lemsip is to a common cold. Something that would keep most infections out of intensive care. Alternatively we have to hope the virus mutates into something less vicious. We're not doomed yet...

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

I believe next we will be hearing about ‘Quarantine Corridors’ whereby countries with Low Covid-19 cases will permit Quarantine Free travel between themselves on direct flights. 


i.e. Thailand & Korea, Taiwan, Australia, NZ, Vietnam, UAE etc 



"Quarantine Corridors" is like talking about santa. As for group of countries you suggest straight away you can cross out AU, NZ.

In au today Victoria had 41 new cases. Some borders closed to Victorians now by some states. The au PM made statements indicating negative thoughts about the bubble concept. 

You either open borders (without quarantine) or don't. The later would cause economic implosion.

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4 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

"Quarantine Corridors" is like talking about santa. As for group of countries you suggest straight away you can cross out AU, NZ.

In au today Victoria had 41 new cases. Some borders closed to Victorians now by some states. The au PM made statements indicating negative thoughts about the bubble concept. 

You either open borders (without quarantine) or don't. The later would cause economic implosion.

Australia has yet to eliminate community transmission, but New Zealand has been Covid-19 free (apart from cases detected in returning New Zealanders in quarantine) for over a month. There are discussions about, possibly, keeping the border controls in place between certain Australian states, and allowed a travel bubble between New Zealand and the Covid-19 free Australian states.


The most interesting situation is that in China. There has been an unexpected outbreak originating at Asia's largest fresh food market in Beijing. This ended a long period with virtually no community transmission in China. Given China's huge population, the low rate of infections suggests allowing travellers to enter from China would be low risk (as far as I know, there has not been a single case of an infected person from China being detected elsewhere in the world since February). However, some do not trust China's official figures.

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20 hours ago, HerbyJFlash said:

I agree we don’t have much hope. But S korea , Taiwan and China haven’t gone 30 days and are in the bubbles.

There are no travel bubbles,yet from any country. It's a terrible idea anyway. 

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2 hours ago, BritTim said:

There are discussions about, possibly, keeping the border controls in place between certain Australian states, and allowed a travel bubble between New Zealand and the Covid-19 free Australian states.

Is that a joke. So your thinking with Victoria closed off to other states of Australia, there has been "discussion" .

Rubbish post. Show link. 

Yes there was past tense "discussion"

There will be zero bubble anytime soon AU and NZ. Read up on au PM recent comments along with state Premiers.


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4 hours ago, mrfill said:

Have you ever met anyone who had a common cold once and never again? Same question for any of the coronaviruses. And, as with all viruses, they mutate so they're very difficult to nail down. That's why the flu vaccine changes every year.

I think the best we can hope for is something that reduces the effects to make it manageable without heavy machinery like ventilators. A bit like Lemsip is to a common cold. Something that would keep most infections out of intensive care. Alternatively we have to hope the virus mutates into something less vicious. We're not doomed yet...


And thats why it's the ‘common cold’, we maintain a degree of immunity minimising the impact. 

If we had no degree of immunity the impact of the ‘common cold’ could knock a nation off its feet. 


We’ve all heard the suggestion that if we were to travel back in time carrying the common cold we could knock out an ancient civilisation. 


Present day immunity does not mean we cannot have symptoms, it means our body’s immune system is strong enough to suppress the symptoms such that they are not severe and we just get the ’snivels’ every year.


The Common Cold is actually various strains of human coronavirus which circulate and resurface. 

These ‘common' human Coronaviruses are the Alpha Coronaviruses 229E and NL63 and also the Beta Coronaviruses OC43, HKU1 - as these viruses circulate the globe and evolve, our immunity evolves with them.


Once exposed humans carry immunity to the ‘common' human Coronaviruses for between 1 and 3 years depending on the strain and the person. 


The ‘other’ human Coronaviruses are SARS-CoV (the original outbreak of SARS), MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2.



Influenza is more severe than the ‘common' human Coronaviruses, hence, it is recommended that those in 'high risk groups’ (asthmatics, the elderly etc) are vaccinated. Decades of study have allowed virologists to predict the antigenic drift, although they are sometimes caught out, the H1N1 outbreak in 2009 is an example of this. 



Thus: If we also have immunity to SARS-CoV-2 it won’t meant that we cannot get Covid-19, but it could mean that our symptoms are so mild that we just get the ’snivels’. In fact it would seem the vast majority of the population are already immune, ±85% anyway who show no symptoms of very mild symptoms. 


I am wondering if immunity is carried over from any of the common Alpha or Beta Coronaviruses and those who are impacted more severely have not been exposed to one of these ’key’ viruses within the past couple of years and thus responsd more severely (just at thought).


Perhaps one of the Alpha or Beta Coronaviruses swept through South East Asia recently which is why the impact of SARS-CoV-2 has been so (relatively) minimal.



If we ever learn this for certain - perhaps Thailand could remove all lockdown after the realisation that most people are immune. We could just get on with our lives. 


So, when can the Op get into Thailand - when more is known about the virus and ultimately the paranoia stops. 


IMO - the lockdown can never water tight. IF people are taking Covid-19 tests prior to boarding flights (less than 72hrs) - the risk of any spread is minimised such that there really isn’t any risk to the general Thai population. 



Edited by richard_smith237
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To original Post:

Even if you do get here, in the not near future, you will face 14 days self qurantine in Thailand, then another ? 14 day on return to UK. Surgest you forget it for this year.

Edited by roskruge
some post have gone of topic
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8 hours ago, Enzian said:

Say I'd like to go from LOS where I am to Vietnam (where I have in-laws) before the end of the year, a modest request I'd say. Will Vietnam look at the low rate in Thailand where I've been Covid-free for months, or at my US passport? And if I even get to Vietnam, what will Thailand look at when I try to return, my US passport or my stay in a safe country?

If a travel bubble opens up between Thailand and Vietnam, your passport country will not matter. It is still uncertain if this will happen, and, if so, when. I think the chances are good for such a travel bubble by late in the year if both countries remain Covid-19 free.

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Dont forget about Canada eh. Our numbers aren't too bad, were only a couple countries above China at the moment on worldometers virus count, and they have a green light it appears, very low in British Columbia Canada where I'm stuck. Keeping in contact with THAI embassy here thats all us Non O Multi folks can do at the moment. Something will happen in August/September I think.

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12 minutes ago, CANSIAM said:

Dont forget about Canada eh. Our numbers aren't too bad, were only a couple countries above China at the moment on worldometers virus count, and they have a green light

If you wanna go by the statistical comparison.

China cases per 1M population - 58

Canada cases per 1M population - 2,759

Not even close...

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On 6/29/2020 at 9:09 PM, richard_smith237 said:

The UK is softening its lockdown despite continued numbers of Covid-19 cases (815 cases on July 29 - on a diminishing trend from 2905 on May 29) - There are still lots of cases in the UK, lock down is being lifted - it would seem the government has decided ‘herd immunity’ is the way forwards. 

Currently during the pandemic there are less people dying in the Uk than the average per week for the same week for the last 5 years without covid. So,currently the pandemic is having zero effect on raising the number of deaths in the UK.

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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:
On 6/30/2020 at 3:09 AM, richard_smith237 said:

The UK is softening its lockdown despite continued numbers of Covid-19 cases (815 cases on July 29 - on a diminishing trend from 2905 on May 29) - There are still lots of cases in the UK, lock down is being lifted - it would seem the government has decided ‘herd immunity’ is the way forwards. 

Currently during the pandemic there are less people dying in the Uk than the average per week for the same week for the last 5 years without covid. So,currently the pandemic is having zero effect on raising the number of deaths in the UK.


Only for the latest one week of collected stats (For England & Wales) Week ending 19-June (Week 25)

Raw Data xls attached - Source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/weeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales


Up until this latest ‘one week’ of collected stats the number of deaths per week has been higher than the previous 5 year average since Mid March.


Perhaps this is herd immunity coming into effect. Or perhaps this is some form of equilibrium as the stats to date show 54,365 more deaths up to Week 25 in 2020 than the previous 5 year average [Again, source attached, xls, website linked above].


Without doubt, the number of Covid-19 deaths are decreasing - 25 at the latest count (June 29)

[Graph Source: https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/united-kingdom?country=~GBR]



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1 hour ago, CANSIAM said:

Test me on arrival ill pay for it ......

A negative test is no guarantee that you are not infected. In fact, while tests have merit, the 14-day quarantine is the most important protection (albeit not 100%) against reintroduction of the virus into the community.

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17 hours ago, cerox said:

I am in the same situation and apart from waiting I see only two ways:


1. buy Elite card and pray they will be allowed in with the retirees with quarantine

2. marry gf in Turkey because Thais cannot enter our countries, we cannot enter Thailand, Turkey is open and visa-free for Thais and us - not sure whether that's even possible, I just do not see other open countries Thais can go too without a visa

With marriage certificate as I understand it we would be able to get the paperwork to get in as do people now

Thais visit Turkey????....Whats the scene like there compared to LOS?....be nice to find a backup option

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4 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

Thais visit Turkey????....Whats the scene like there compared to LOS?....be nice to find a backup option

I do not know - just asking here hoping someone had thought about it before too.


Turkey is visa-free for Thais / 30 days. And it is open / no covid-restrictions. But they would have to go into quarantine when going back to Thailand so it seems not to be an option now.

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6 hours ago, Caldera said:

All that talk about virus elimination is just wishful thinking. It might work for a remote island under ideal lab conditions, it won't work for a country such a Thailand that has millions of migrant workers and notoriously porous borders. There will be outbreaks in Thailand again and they will need to be dealt with. Eventually that will sink in.


I don't think travel bubbles will work. They're complicated to negotiate and situations change quickly.

So far, countries like Vietnam (and probably Thailand) have successfully implemented a virus elimination strategy. Whether future outbreaks (which I agree are likely) can be controlled via a test, trace, isolate strategy, we will need to wait and see.


I agree that negotiation of travel bubbles is harder than people think. It is critical that all countries within the bubble have common border control procedures with respect to countries outside the bubble, and a credible infrastructure for dealing with outbreaks. However, there are strong economic incentives for getting bubbles in place. If a country within the bubble has a sudden major outbreak, that country will need to be removed from the bubble until the outbreak is brought under control. For nearby countries, this can be done within 24 hours. By October, I expect some travel bubbles to be in place, possibly including Thailand.

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19 minutes ago, BritTim said:

I agree that negotiation of travel bubbles is harder than people think. It is critical that all countries within the bubble have common border control procedures with respect to countries outside the bubble ...

Reading between the lines on the last published newspaper articles / quotes from officials, I think the primary hold-up is getting all countries to agree on a common-standard.


22 minutes ago, BritTim said:

By October, I expect some travel bubbles to be in place, possibly including Thailand.

I hope it is Aug 1st, for the sake of many - could do it limited to border-areas, at least - somewhat like the areas where border-pass use is permitted.

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