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Travel to Thailand

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I think plans are in the making.  Maybe visas for everyone, the insurance obligations will remain , who knows. Certainly the fit to fly certificate will be here for a good while. That’s why the authorities are taking so long to open borders to tourists in my opinion. 

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No one on TV can give you an answer. I think a lot will depend on the outbreaks that might or not happen once the current list of eligible people are back, healthy and back in the community. 

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49 minutes ago, PeteDaKat said:

I saw the stipulation once again about the $100,000 medical insurance for covid to get in. What company in their right mind would write such a policy? What would the premium be? Enquiring minds... 

You could follow this topic which doesn't exactly answer your question in detail but you could ask them, or......

As / if I find out more, I shall update it (rather than reply to other topics) but they're difficult to get hold of on the phone at the moment.



Edited by VBF
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39 minutes ago, PeteDaKat said:

I saw the stipulation once again about the $100,000 medical insurance for covid to get in. What company in their right mind would write such a policy? What would the premium be? Enquiring minds... 

Most companies cover it under Accident and Emergency, not a problem

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When can you travel to Thailand without all the papers that go with it ie covid test papers insurance paper fit to fly paper and enter Thailand permission 


It won't happen overnight but it will happen.  

Just No one knows.   

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I still hope for october 2020 or so. My speculation is that when one country or touristic region such as Bali or Vietnam opens up, the others in the region will quickly follow not to fall back, not to let tourists and their money go their way to another destination.


But I confess: This is sheer hope, and it is speculation.

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2 hours ago, BTB1977 said:

You can't travel here. They just want to make it look like you can. Show face, look good.  Look what we are doing  . We so good. We so smart 

Yes exactly, but please get in shape by jumping through all of the hoops and obstacles we will place in your way. Mountains of paperwork, duplicate copies we will loose and say we never received as well as the brown envelope we need with your quarantine funds for a stay in a palatial estate

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Considering cases are going up each month globally - I really doubt it will be this year.  even if they will pe opening up you will probably need to take a covid test 72 hours before , probably get your visa/letter at a thai embassy (highly doubt VOA will be allowed) along with other hops ...

I personally wouldn't bother.


There will probably be a second covid  wave in september so I really lost hope that anything can be salvaged this year in terms of tourism.


The relaxation happening now in Europe is dumb. We'll be again up there by september.

Edited by anon7854
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I am a time traveller from the year 2245 and checked our old historic records. Thailand opened up their borders for all tourists on August 14th 2021. However, hardly any tourists came because everything had been closed for more than a year and never managed to re-open. There was nothing to see or do.

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2 hours ago, anon7854 said:

There will probably be a second covid  wave in september so I really lost hope that anything can be salvaged this year in terms of tourism

By the time covid-19 has been eliminated, covid-20 will be here to take its place and the whole circus starts again.

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2 hours ago, Dexxter said:

I am a time traveller from the year 2245 and checked our old historic records. Thailand opened up their borders for all tourists on August 14th 2021. However, hardly any tourists came because everything had been closed for more than a year and never managed to re-open. There was nothing to see or do.

I even got the time 6pm 44 min 12 sec

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1 hour ago, cerox said:

I am caught in my home country too.

Got myself busy with other stuff now. Do not care anymore, Thailand will not open anyway. That is what I accepted.

That's the right attitude to forestall frustration.

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1 hour ago, cerox said:

I am caught in my home country too.

Got myself busy with other stuff now. Do not care anymore, Thailand will not open anyway. That is what I accepted.


absolutely, manage your expectation and look on it as an opportunity, because there is nothing you can do, and for sure many are in a worse situation than you, and to mis-quote Vicomte de Valmont; it's beyond your control.

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