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Dates for Coming Back?

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Very unlikely. The government just stopped the "travel bubble" scheme which would have allowed very small numbers of tourists from selected countries. 


Currently allowed to come in are 5 or 6 categories like diplomats, people with work permit or married to a Thai citizen. BUT even those only under VERY strict requirements including mandatory and self-paid quarantine 

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2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Just rumours, until you see it substantiated I would not act. We have yet to see those with Elite Visas or Retirment Extensions confirmed beyond the rumour.

Those with a Thai Elite visa are going expected  to be included in the next group allowed to apply for a certificate of entry.


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2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

I think that is an extreme guess. Even a year is going to far I think. As a I wrote above the Thai Elite may be part of the next group.

Those with valid extensions based upon retirement or OA visas could be included later.

Hi Ubon Joe


I am on a retirement extension to an OA visa based on marriage from years ago. I remain married, just did it that way eventually for convenience. Do I fit the definition of someone allowed in at the moment, accepting that the other group will probably be allowed in sooner than I need it anyway, as I remain here now.

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6 minutes ago, Bluetongue said:

I am on a retirement extension to an OA visa based on marriage from years ago.

You qualify due to you being married to a Thai.

Your visa or extension type does not matter as long as it is a non immigrant visa or an extension of an entry from one.

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2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

I think that is an extreme guess. Even a year is going to far I think. As a I wrote above the Thai Elite may be part of the next group.

Those with valid extensions based upon retirement or OA visas could be included later.

Agree, if that turns out to be the case the economy would be wiped completely out - and basically anyone with an envelope would be able to enter via land borders......


Next fall, perhaps, at most!

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3 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

I think that is an extreme guess. Even a year is going to far I think. As a I wrote above the Thai Elite may be part of the next group.

Those with valid extensions based upon retirement or OA visas could be included later.

I think that there is going to be a slow opening but it will not start until next year at earliest.  The Thai government is getting lots of kudo's from the outside world for the control that they have.  They are not going to want to screw that up or start back fighting this disease.  Until countries are designated covid free people form those countries are not boing to be allowed to travel.  


The big question though is who is going to want to travel or be able to afford to travel.  Canada has a marked increase in people that are camping and travelling by RV because people are staying closer to home for holidays.


While I think that tourism will be opened it will depend on the other countries. example the way covid is in the US would you open your border to them.


Canada has even barrred the Toronto Blue Jays from playing in Toronto because they travel to the states.

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Very unlikely, even the safe countries such as China, Korea, Japan were shelved following the scare by the Egyptian and Sudanese.


Western tourists would have to be at the back of the queue because the virus is still raging in those countries.




Edited by EricTh
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4 hours ago, stoicccc said:

Just open Thai-Lao borders and don't let tourists in yet to either country. Solves a lot of problems with low risk and would make sense for the first border to be opened as a case study for the government.

Making sense does not seem to go far these days. Laos has not had a case for three months.

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5 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Those with valid extensions based upon retirement or OA visas could be included later.

Perhaps, but for those much over 60 the annual cost of health cover of at least US$ 100,000 is likely to be prohibitive.  The premium difference between the current long-stay minimum 400,000 baht plans and minimum 100,000 dollar plans is huge.

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Should we be using the Crystal Ball or ouija board out of the cupboard for this one? "Hi, I've seen rumors that Thailand will allow Western tourists in again. before fall.  Any truth to this?"

Rumors, YES (Loads of them}

When will they allow Westren tourists in? Ouija said " How the H do I know. Go ahead ask me another"

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5 hours ago, EbhB said:

Now, thats a completely different ballgame!


Sadly, I might agree... Which is why I'll stay here fighting tooth and nail to avoid leaving, I trust the arbitrariness here way more than any "rights" in the West... Easier to fly under radars and so on!

Everyone likes arbitrariness when it fits their purpose. Wait until the grain goes against you or your family and see how you like it. ???? if you are scared you are not free. 

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I will say Christmas to try recoup some of the massive tourism loss and even then I bet there will be hoop jumping and a new type of insurance that you will need to purchase and a fit to fly certificate etc. 
If not open by Christmas/ February they will lose more people to suicide than they did from Covid as nobody has a job hardly and any that do are on lower wages usually so struggling.

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14 hours ago, cubism001 said:

Hi, I've seen rumors that Thailand will allow Western tourists in again. before fall.  Any truth to this?  Thank you.

Any crystal ball can give you the answer, because nobody knows at the moment.


Based on the latest new stories – which are not facts, but mere opinions from health specialist and a foreign minister – it might last another six month before it opens up. Some specials, like Elite Card holders and spouse to a Thai, will be allowed in at some point, and the bobble-tourism might also begin after some more month from selected countries like China, Japan and South Korea, as they have been mentioned; whilst Western tourists in general might not be before a vaccine is available. But all this is just qualified speculation...????

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