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Trump says sending federal agents to more U.S. cities to fight violent crime


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Used to be folks didn't cause destruction because for starters it's not right, but also because you know there are consequences...meaning being arrested. But we've come to an era where it seems to be OK to shut down major highways for protests, burn businesses, assault police and to top it off the folks who we pay to be in charge are in cahoots with the criminals. 


Now when all this mayhem winds down the thugs will be demanding money not to start again.

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6 hours ago, riclag said:


 Portland mayhem again ,what is it fifty eight days of far left radical protests! Now the hammer and sickle on the custom made shield,  just solidified what America is up against. ! 2:30 -  2:40


The Trump admin needs to expose more of the marxist thugs and put them in jail









Absolutely shocking pictures in Portland at the end of that video. Looks like a dystopian horror land.


About time Trump sent in federal agents to restore order.


Good decision.

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1 minute ago, Logosone said:

Absolutely shocking pictures in Portland at the end of that video. Looks like a dystopian horror land.


About time Trump sent in federal agents to restore order.


Good decision.

It was winding down already, till he sent in the feds. About time he moves out.

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6 hours ago, torturedsole said:

I'm at a loss as to why people disagree with Trump's approach.  Law and order is the bedrock of a free and safe society. You don't hand power to part-time protestors because they're offended and have decided that lawlessness is justified.  


Be careful what you wish for because as soon as social order irretrievably breaks down, which is close, then these protestors may wonder why criminal gangs are trying to burn their houses down with no intervention from the law.  


Do you want law enforcement or do you not? Trump is maintaining law and order and that's good leadership, unlike some of these states that have just given up.



Just more of the Friday night distraction attempt by trump and btw trump isent maintaining law and order he’s desperately trying to create an incident so he can sow fear and division and further gut our democracy it’s what he does the VAST majority of Americans see it it will be fixed come November then we can start to heal and repair the damage done to our country by this administration I don’t know what tv you are watching it’s certainly not playing out in donalds favor here quite the contrary 

Edited by Tug
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3 minutes ago, Tug said:

Just more of the Friday night distraction attempt by trump and btw trump isent maintaining law and order he’s desperately trying to create an incident so he can sow fear and division and further gut our democracy it’s what he does the VAST majority of Americans see it it will be fixed come November then we can start to heal and repair the damage done to our country by this administration 

I know, kinda a shocker for the dems to see their plan going array when Trump is defeating their rioters. It's going to be interesting to see if he can turn the polls around.

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14 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

I know, kinda a shocker for the dems to see their plan going array when Trump is defeating their rioters. It's going to be interesting to see if he can turn the polls around.

Funny that you say that. 

I think that everyone knows that 45 wouldn't be behaving this way unless it was near an election and also far behind in the polls. 

Proof that this is 100 percent about himself and his efforts to stay in power and out of prison rather than good federal government policy. 

This smells of Bannon. 

Edited by Jingthing
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8 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

I know the thought of doing what's right is foreign to many, but I believe he'd do this battle against evil doers regardless.

It's not right unless the feds are invited in by local officials and the forces invited in are actually trained in domestic situations and not operating in unmarked uniforms and vans. This is the sort of extremist authoritarianism tactic that the USA used to have the moral authority to complain about happening in other countries such as the Putin country. 

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35 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

And America used to have the moral authority to never let such destruction of our cities occur in the first place. The Major of Portland should face charges beginning with gross dereliction of duty, encouraging riots by not actively looking to end them by whatever means necessary.

Reality check news flash NO CITYS have been destroyed there has been some vandalism certainly not to the level to deploy unmarked troops to pull people off the streets for practicing their first amendment rights no sir it’s trump trying to instigate an incident it’s not playing out in his favor most of us see it for what it is

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41 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

And America used to have the moral authority to never let such destruction of our cities occur in the first place. The Major of Portland should face charges beginning with gross dereliction of duty, encouraging riots by not actively looking to end them by whatever means necessary.

Either America's cities are burning or someone is engaging in laughable hyperbole.

Oh wait....


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17 minutes ago, Tug said:

Reality check news flash NO CITYS have been destroyed there has been some vandalism certainly not to the level to deploy unmarked troops to pull people off the streets for practicing their first amendment rights no sir it’s trump trying to instigate an incident it’s not playing out in his favor most of us see it for what it is

It's to be expected that young folks don't know any better, but so sad when the old folks are fooled into believing it's their right to burn, loot, destroy small businesses, injure police and innocents. ????

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

I know, kinda a shocker for the dems to see their plan going array when Trump is defeating their rioters. It's going to be interesting to see if he can turn the polls around.

The polls are bogus.

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1 hour ago, Logosone said:
1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

It's not right unless the feds are invited in by local officials and the forces invited in are actually trained in domestic situations and not operating in unmarked uniforms and vans. This is the sort of extremist authoritarianism tactic that the USA used to have the moral authority to complain about happening in other countries such as the Putin country. 

Total nonsense, there is no requirement for local officials to proffer an invitation.


Obviously since the ANTIFA hide among real protesters, wear masks and hoods, it's perfectly legitimate if law enforcement use the same stealth tactics.


Extremist violence and destruction, started by ANTIFA, requires extreme reaction.

And the "unmarked uniforms" lie will be repeated again and again despite the left knowing it's a lie.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

It's not right unless the feds are invited in by local officials and the forces invited in are actually trained in domestic situations and not operating in unmarked uniforms and vans. This is the sort of extremist authoritarianism tactic that the USA used to have the moral authority to complain about happening in other countries such as the Putin country. 

Your answer is what I'd expect from a far lefty. It has everything to do with Trump and nothing about what is right or wrong. If they burn down city hall so be it, but Federal property is not theirs to burn. Trump is making the hard decisions the snowflake politicians in Portland refuse to make. I'll bet they ask for assistance to rebuild, which I hope is turned down. 

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Here's another reality check for ya, Tug.


Fox News - George Floyd protests could be most expensive civil disturbance in US history, experts say


Just one city alone . . . 


"In Minneapolis, where some 400 businesses were damaged, owners and insurance experts estimate costs of the damage to exceed $500 million, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune."


Tug - ". . . some vandalism . . . "  LOL  Where do you come up with such a distortion of reality?  The MSM?

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3 minutes ago, checkered flag said:

Your answer is what I'd expect from a far lefty. It has everything to do with Trump and nothing about what is right or wrong. If they burn down city hall so be it, but Federal property is not theirs to burn. Trump is making the hard decisions the snowflake politicians in Portland refuse to make. I'll bet they ask for assistance to rebuild, which I hope is turned down. 

It's ever only about Trump.  And the Russians.  LOL  Never seen such mass delusion in my life.

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Back on topic. This link deserves a reposting no matter how hurtful it must be for the ever-trumpers:


'Judge Andrew Napolitano: In Portland, actions of federal agents are unlawful, unconstitutional and harmful'


"Under federal law, the feds may not deploy police or military domestically unless the state Legislature or the state governor requests it. Neither has done so for Portland."



Game, set, match.



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29 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

Back on topic. This link deserves a reposting no matter how hurtful it must be for the ever-trumpers:


'Judge Andrew Napolitano: In Portland, actions of federal agents are unlawful, unconstitutional and harmful'


"Under federal law, the feds may not deploy police or military domestically unless the state Legislature or the state governor requests it. Neither has done so for Portland."



Game, set, match.



you are TOTALLY wrong and so confused and so is napolitano. Do some research and try to understand state & federal rules and laws.

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13 minutes ago, i84teen said:

Done, the US district court for oregon just tossed the case telling AG to get stuffed. Well that didn't take too long. At least one oregon person with some common sense.



Anything else u need assistance with today?

For those interested in this, hereby a verifiable link, https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/24/judge-federal-agents-portland-reject-381381

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23 minutes ago, i84teen said:

you are TOTALLY wrong and so confused and so is napolitano. Do some research and try to understand state & federal rules and laws.

Riiiiiight. It's Napolitano and I that are confused! You've certainly convinced me with those powerful arguments :cheesy:


PS. Since you've clearly got a handle on this maybe you could point us confused individuals in the right direction wrt to relevant state and federal rules?

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