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Second Stimulus Check nonfilers on SS/VA Benefits

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3 minutes ago, Why Me said:

Question if anyone can help:

I got my first check by snail mail even though the IRS surely has my credit union info from my filing every year and payments I made. What to do to get them to deposit the next check (fingers crossed) in my account?

Unless you included your bank info on your federal return "and was getting a refund on that retun" they probably don't have your bank info for stimulus payment purposes.  


If you "owed" money on your return and paid via bank debit then I don't think the IRS will use that bank info for stimulus payment purposes.

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1 minute ago, Pib said:

Unless you included your bank info on your federal return "and was getting a refund on that retun" they probably don't have your bank info for stimulus payment purposes.  


If you "owed" money on your return and paid via bank debit then I don't think the IRS will use that bank info for stimulus payment purposes.

Thanks, that makes sense. As I might not be in control of the account payment was made from though I would be in control of an account refunded to.


And IRS will pretty surely not take bank info over the phone. Well, that's that then.


Hot off the press...tells the results of Monday evening/27 July meeting between Democrat leaders and US Treasury/White House officials regarding the Senate Republican HEALS Act proposal.  "Setting the stage for lengthy negotiations" best sums it up. 


See TheHill news weblink for full details...partial quote from the news article included.




The $1 trillion coronavirus relief package unveiled Monday by the White House and Senate Republicans is being dismissed as a non-starter by Democrats, setting the stage for lengthy negotiations as various federal assistance programs are set to expire.

Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) met for almost two hours with Treasury Mnuchin and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in the Speaker’s office Monday evening for an initial round of negotiations but made little progress.


Democrats say the GOP legislation falls short of providing enough money for state and local governments, fails to protect renters from eviction and doesn’t invest enough in lower-income communities hit hard by the pandemic.


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How useful will debit cards be for most people who live outside the U.S.?


Maybe good for gift-buying on-line for friends and family in the U.S.?


I see that one may be able to transfer the balance to a bank account, so that's good.



Yes, you can easily transfer the funds1 from your EIP Card to an existing bank account online at EIPCard.com or using the Money Network Mobile App2. You will need the Routing and Account number for your bank account. To transfer funds:

Call 1.800.240.8100 (TTY: 1.800.241.9100) to activate your Card.

Register for online or mobile app access by going to EIPCard.com or the Money Network Mobile App2 and click on “Register”. Follow the steps to create your User ID and Password. Be sure to have your EIP Card handy.

Select Move Money Out and follow the steps to set up your ACH transfer. Transfers should post to your bank account in 1-2 business days.
ACH Transfer to Domestic Bank Limits Apply: $2,500 per transaction | $2,500 per day | $5,000 per month. Please see your Cardholder Agreement online at EIPCard.com for more information.


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Major fraud  last time people taking advantage of loopholes. Next time around it will be tighten up who gets it if any is given. Large number of republican voters don't like the spending and are complaining to congress. Most likely it will be a skinny bill helping small business and extending unemployment benefits. Or nothing at all because Dems want everything that has nothing to do with covid 19in their version.


And don't forget the new $1.5B FBI building Donald and Republicans put in the HEALS Act proposal which is totally non-COVID related.   But once it went public some Republicans are distancing themselves from the new FBI building provision....even Senator McConnell who is the head honcho for the HEALS Act is flip-flopping in wanting to remove the provision that he allowed.   





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23 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Not quite... At least, not in this universe... What one are you in?

It’s a fact actually we’re getting the same we got last time possibly more. I’m really starting to wonder if any of you ever watch the news outside of Thailand. No one ever knows what’s going on. It’ll be official anytime now they were supposed to sign the bill by now but it’s already been promised to the American people. It’ll pop in accounts in mid August. If you already did your non filer it’ll just pop up in your account if not you have to do a non filer. 

  • Haha 2

It’s guaranteed at this point but doesn’t look like we’re going to get more than $1200 like they were saying but possibly. It’ll be another $2400 like last time. Last time it popped up in our account fast looks like it’ll be faster this time around. 

9 minutes ago, DerekJ said:

It’s a fact actually we’re getting the same we got last time possibly more. I’m really starting to wonder if any of you ever watch the news outside of Thailand. No one ever knows what’s going on. It’ll be official anytime now they were supposed to sign the bill by now but it’s already been promised to the American people. It’ll pop in accounts in mid August. If you already did your non filer it’ll just pop up in your account if not you have to do a non filer. 


The news from the U.S. actually says, they'll be lucky if there's any bill for the "president" to sign by mid-Aug.... And then time after that for the promised payments to be processed.


The Republicans are divided, and the Republicans and the Democrats are far apart on what they want in the law. And the actual negotiations between the two parties are just starting in earnest now.


Maybe you should consider consulting some actual "real" news sources instead of the current ones you're relying on and/or misrepresenting.



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It’s a crappy bill but the good news is we are getting another one but before mid August or September depends on DC but it’s coming. The news is it’s coming. 

On 7/28/2020 at 8:31 AM, Pib said:

If you "owed" money on your return and paid via bank debit then I don't think the IRS will use that bank info for stimulus payment purposes.

I always owe money every year since I don't pay estimated taxes.  The last $1200 payment was paid into the same bank account.  

1 hour ago, cmarshall said:

The last $1200 payment was paid into the same bank account.  


Which account?


One you might use for SSA?


One you listed on your 2018/19 1040?


Or did you use the non-filier tool?



1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


Which account?


One you might use for SSA?


One you listed on your 2018/19 1040?


Or did you use the non-filier tool?



I file and pay taxes every year.  The $1200 was paid into the bank account that I used to pay the IRS, not the one that receives my SS payment.


3 hours ago from Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattperez/2020/07/29/second-stimulus-white-house-chief-of-staff-says-congress-nowhere-close-to-a-deal/#d428f73656e1


"Nowhere close to a deal"  gives you an idea of how much our Legislative branch looks out for its constituents.  Congress takes another "recess" in a few weeks, I would not hold my breath


I mean really - it took Congress 4.5 months and 150,000 deaths to decide to mandate mask wearing in the Capitol Building.  https://en.as.com/en/2020/07/30/latest_news/1596061117_743408.html


16 hours ago, DerekJ said:

It’s a fact actually we’re getting the same we got last time possibly more. I’m really starting to wonder if any of you ever watch the news outside of Thailand. No one ever knows what’s going on. It’ll be official anytime now they were supposed to sign the bill by now but it’s already been promised to the American people. It’ll pop in accounts in mid August. If you already did your non filer it’ll just pop up in your account if not you have to do a non filer. 

Sure, and the entire US will be vaccinated and back to work by mid August as well. 

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You can look at some average rent prices here: https://www.rentcafe.com/blog/rental-market/local-rent-reports/southern-california-rent-report-july-2019/


One California city as high as $3,500... AVERAGE. 




Not that it does not help... but, ok.... 3,500-1,200 = $2,300 left to pay, and that is without food or gas. 


I think they based the $1,200 out of costs for the old boys livin down in the bayou, drinkin Pabts Blue Ribbon. 

4 hours ago, cmarshall said:

I always owe money every year since I don't pay estimated taxes.  The last $1200 payment was paid into the same bank account.  

Edit:  strange...goes against what the IRS posts on their website.  My original response said they probably got your bank info from the SSA since you draw SS but I then saw you said your stimulus payment didn't go to the bank acct that receives your monthly SS payment but to the one you use to pay tax owed.


Maybe the IRS is just bending some of their normal rules relating to stimulus payments.  As earlier posted here's a Q&A from the IRS stimulus payment webpage saying they will not send a payment to accts used to make a payment to the IRS. 



1 hour ago, pmarlin said:

Dem version $3Trillion, GOP version $1Trillion Want to guess which one is loaded with the most BS pork. That DOD $8 billion is for weapons which is needed.  

Actually, the GOP is trying to slip in over $29B in defense related spending.  Guess they need to bomb COVID out of existence.  


The $8 billion weapons procurement package is part of a $29.4 billion defense portion of the GOP's $1 trillion coronavirus response measure, a White House-backed package released Monday. Providing that money now would help build headroom into the annual defense funding bill tat Congress plans to write later this year.

The outlook for Shelby's proposed defense projects appears dim. Democrats slammed the add-ons and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of 
Kentucky said Tuesday that the final package should not stray from the coronavirus response.


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I never got the first check so I called the IRS and was told that I am not eligible. I told the agent I meet all the rules and should get the payment. 

The agent put me on hold for 20 minutes and when she returned, said that there is a Congressional rule that states "if you are married to a non US citizen and filed a tax return you are not eligible". 

I said that is ridiculous and discriminatory.  She said if I had not files a joint tax return I would have been paid.

I sent a letter to my Congressmen it's been 6 weeks with no reply.


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17 minutes ago, Jeffrey346 said:

I never got the first check so I called the IRS and was told that I am not eligible. I told the agent I meet all the rules and should get the payment. 

The agent put me on hold for 20 minutes and when she returned, said that there is a Congressional rule that states "if you are married to a non US citizen and filed a tax return you are not eligible". 

I said that is ridiculous and discriminatory.  She said if I had not files a joint tax return I would have been paid.

I sent a letter to my Congressmen it's been 6 weeks with no reply.



You are not eligible per the CARES Act which your Congressman probably voted for.  I agree that it's not right.


In the HEROS Act that the House passed several months but the Senate never moved on it would have allowed you to get a payment...and your ITIN spouse also.  The Republican HEALS Act that the Senate unveiled a few days ago basically maintains the same eligibility requirement as the CARES Act that was passed into law.  


As our Democrats and Republicans come to some compromised act over the coming weeks I hope the Democrat proposed eligibility requirements win out.   Time will tell.


CARES Act Eligibility 





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29 minutes ago, Jeffrey346 said:

I never got the first check so I called the IRS and was told that I am not eligible. I told the agent I meet all the rules and should get the payment. 

The agent put me on hold for 20 minutes and when she returned, said that there is a Congressional rule that states "if you are married to a non US citizen and filed a tax return you are not eligible". 

I said that is ridiculous and discriminatory.  She said if I had not files a joint tax return I would have been paid.

I sent a letter to my Congressmen it's been 6 weeks with no reply.


I think she was telling you to file an amended return and not file jointly. I am not a tax whiz but i did not see a reason on green earth why someone would file joint with a non us spouse. 

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8 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

I think she was telling you to file an amended return and not file jointly. I am not a tax whiz but i did not see a reason on green earth why someone would file joint with a non us spouse. 

Depends on income level.  If the spouse has no or little income to add to the primary breadwinner's income filing a joint return should result in significantly lower taxes than a single return.  Say a person taxable income is $51,000...filing as a single the tax would be $7,084 but filing a joint return it would be $5,735.


1040 Tax Table for 2019


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32 minutes ago, Pib said:


You are not eligible per the CARES Act which your Congressman probably voted for.  I agree that it's not right.


In the HEROS Act that the House passed several months but the Senate never moved on it would have allowed you to get a payment...and your ITIN spouse also.  The Republican HEALS Act that the Senate unveiled a few days ago basically maintains the same eligibility requirement as the CARES Act that was passed into law.  


As our Democrats and Republicans come to some compromised act over the coming weeks I hope the Democrat proposed eligibility requirements win out.   Time will tell.


More info on ITIN eligibility under the House HEROS Act that went no where in the Senate.





ITIN Filers Would Be Eligible For Stimulus Checks Under HEROES Act:

The HEROES Act, unveiled by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is an ambitious $3 trillion relief bill that tackles myriad Democratic priorities. Included in the proposal is another round of $1,200 stimulus checks as well as augmented payments for dependent children. The new stimulus payment provision is not a carbon copy of the CARES Act and seeks to make several policy improvements, including expanding the pool of individuals eligible for funding.

Specifically, the CARES Act had excluded undocumented immigrants, who do not have a Social Security Number (SSN), from receiving stimulus checks. The HEROES Act would make individuals filing taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) eligible for stimulus relief. Moreover, it would include a retroactive change to the CARES Act, which would allow ITIN filers to receive the initial $1,200 stimulus payment.



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Trump and the art of the non-deal....




As Trump Undercuts Aid Talks, White House Says Extra Jobless Benefits Will Lapse

WASHINGTON — The prospects for a quick agreement between the Trump administration and congressional Democrats on a new round of aid for the ailing economy faded on Wednesday, as President Trump undercut his own party’s efforts to negotiate a deal and a top White House official declared that a lifeline to unemployed workers would run out as scheduled at week’s end.

With negotiations barely started to find a middle ground between Republicans’ $1 trillion plan and Democrats’ $3 trillion package, Mr. Trump poured cold water on the entire enterprise, saying that he would prefer a bare-bones package that would send “payments to the people” and protect them from being evicted.


“The rest of it, we’re so far apart, we don’t care,” Mr. Trump said before leaving the White House for an event in Texas. “We really don’t care.”





True words of wisdom from a guy who really doesn't care...




The GOP Senators and Representatives will ultimately ignore Donald's interference and negotiate something with the Democrats....and Donald will support it...that's how it ended up working for the CARES Act.  it's kinda like a bee (named Donald) that's flying around your head while you are trying to get some work done and you keep swatting it away until it flies away and leaves you alone.

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