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Covid-19: Thailand named best in the world in coronavirus pandemic recovery stats


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58 minutes ago, 86Tiger said:

These are only temporary symptoms.  Soon all commerce will resume, bank balances will grow and pride will swell knowing disease free Thailand can succeed without dirty foreigner money.  Life can go on as before, like 200 years before......

Yup...hunters, gatherers and fisherman!

How deluded can one person get?

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The interesting thing is that Thailand which has done nothing but get people to wear face nappies and not to go out after 10 pm is basically doing no worse than countries that have gone lockdown crazy.


It may just be that age and obesity, vitamin D, these things are far more important than anything government can do.



Edited by Logosone
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5 hours ago, Matzzon said:

So, now continue to live in your little bubble with the stupid belief that Thailand have managed to fool the whole world and it´s only you that can see the truth.


Do you realize how stupid that sounds when you read it.

Good Job Thailand!

Just post the independent link to back up the claim and everybody will believe it.

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37 minutes ago, simon43 said:

Since I live in Laos, well done Laos for doing so much better than Thailand, and better than almost every country in the world

I actually would believe Thailand before I believed a bunch of Communists.

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1 hour ago, scammed said:

thailand, educated united and shut down economy,

got a 3000 uptick in pneumonia deaths supposedly unrelated to covid


sweden, educated and carried on business as usual,

not a mask or closure in sight


both are going toward zero new deaths

daily deaths thailand.jpg

sweden covid-19.jpg

It takes literally a few seconds to Google. Quote from a yesterday newsarticle:


"With a COVID-19 death toll of 5,700, Sweden’s mortality rate from the disease is now around a quarter higher than that of the United States, when adjusted for population size."


A  Swedish mortality rate higher than the usa. 5700 deaths. You know, that justdoesnt sound good to me. No praise from me for the Swedish covid response.

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5 hours ago, whiteman said:

Keep the boarders SHUT for the next six to nine months    Happy Days

@whiteman yes too right. and what they should do to be extra safe is chuck out every foreigner living there, just have thais in the country, cuz the foreigner is a disease ridden person so can never be too careful. its got to be the next step surely 

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Just talking about this & that Thailand has done a pretty good on the whole in this.

See all the knockers on here of course that could have done a much better job than the Thai public service.

May I suggest that you have a good look at your home country & the shambles that most are in.

I honestly believe (although my tourist business is hurting badly) that the old saying

"No Pain. No Gain" applies here & Thailand may be in a much better position to resume more fuller tourism once this virus has been gotten under control.

Next problem next year are 50% of the first world arrogant countries population are saying that they will not take the required shots for vaccination.

To them I would say "fine" but you cannot travel anywhere, stay home

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5 hours ago, meechai said:

Do you know how many die on the way to the hospital? Or at the hospital? Do you?


So then why would you have a wealth of any ideas as to how many have been dying in the country provinces? Labeled pneumonia as they have no covid tests.

How many covid tests done in Thailand thus far? less than 500k? In a country of 70 million?

Irrelevant. Untested deaths would appear in the excess deaths statistic, approx 2% for Thailand as opposed to 43% in the UK


Thailand (1 Mar - 31 May)

The number of deaths in Thailand has been 2% higher than average, with about 2,400 more people dying than usual.


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13 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

It takes literally a few seconds to Google. Quote from a yesterday newsarticle:


"With a COVID-19 death toll of 5,700, Sweden’s mortality rate from the disease is now around a quarter higher than that of the United States, when adjusted for population size."


A  Swedish mortality rate higher than the usa. 5700 deaths. You know, that justdoesnt sound good to me. No praise from me for the Swedish covid response.

@herwin1234  but swedens economy not affected 

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14 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

It takes literally a few seconds to Google. Quote from a yesterday newsarticle:


"With a COVID-19 death toll of 5,700, Sweden’s mortality rate from the disease is now around a quarter higher than that of the United States, when adjusted for population size."


A  Swedish mortality rate higher than the usa. 5700 deaths. You know, that justdoesnt sound good to me. No praise from me for the Swedish covid response.

Until you realise that 5700 deaths is 0.0553 of Sweden's population. That's a pretty low number.


And comparing a country of 10 million with one of 330 million will obviously make the smaller country look worse. It distorts the statistics.





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Thai people are taking mask wearing seriously pity they wear masks on motorbikes and not crash helmets. The lockdown certainly saved road kill but now the road kill numbers are above 7,000 so far this year compared to 58 covid19 deaths! I believe that the road kill numbers are the second highest in the world. Maybe a big success with covid19 but a huge failure in road kill numbers. 

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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Get real mate. Fraudulent and complete and utter lack of testing would be my guess ! UK tests is about 22% of the population - Thailand test and dire and pathetic 1%. If they found 3298 cases in Thailand based on 717,814 tests, that would equate to about 68,000 cases if ramped up to higher country testing . They also don;t test the dead, and with death at 558,000 a year of all causes, it is very clear they are not testing the dead going by their tests so far. No test, no cases. 



UK 300,692   45,878   N/A N/A 97 4,428 676 15,197,099 223,772



Thailand 3,298 +1 58   3,111 129 1 47 0.8 717,814 10,282 69,813,599

We are all quite real mate. Quite obvious those with a deep rooted hatred need to try and justify the xenophobia irrespective of the facts.

Thailand recorded 58 deaths due to covid and 2400 excess deaths above the normal average, what would that make the possible total due to the pandemic? Answers on a postcard.

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17 minutes ago, paulikens said:

well as of yesterday it was just over 700th tested in thailand compared to 15mill uk, 55mill US.  so not hard to figure out why thailand numbers are so low!

Certainly, follow the US Covid plan and become an embarrassment to the world. ????

Edited by bkk6060
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7 hours ago, spiekerjozef said:

What do you think 2nd, 3rd and 4th waves will do in Europe or the US?


Well done Thailand !

Hey!  Maybe the silly little general's boast that all the world will be speaking Thai may be right, now that they are the leader in something other than killing their citizens on the roads?

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20 minutes ago, paulikens said:

well as of yesterday it was just over 700th tested in thailand compared to 15mill uk, 55mill US.  so not hard to figure out why thailand numbers are so low!

Well, that number is wrong. Way below even confirmed cases.


At their peak they were testing almost 7000/day. Now about half of that.


Edited by rabas
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15 minutes ago, natway09 said:

Just talking about this & that Thailand has done a pretty good on the whole in this.

See all the knockers on here of course that could have done a much better job than the Thai public service.

May I suggest that you have a good look at your home country & the shambles that most are in.

I honestly believe (although my tourist business is hurting badly) that the old saying

"No Pain. No Gain" applies here & Thailand may be in a much better position to resume more fuller tourism once this virus has been gotten under control.

Next problem next year are 50% of the first world arrogant countries population are saying that they will not take the required shots for vaccination.

To them I would say "fine" but you cannot travel anywhere, stay home

Exactly. Tourists now could mean no tourists for years to come.

Short term gain can mean long term pain, as the UK is going to find out.

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5 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

If one does not test the deceased for Covid19, one cannot determine if the infection was present.If one does not perform a full autopsy how does one determine the cause of death is other than  "old age" or "flu".

So they do not get ill before they die...they don't go to the doctors/hospitals........ they just all drop dead ---Ergo the thousands that dropped dead didn't have Covid....


Talk about clutching at straws, Anything.....Anything at all as long as we don't say what most other countries are saying.....Oh Thailand , "They seem to have managed it quite well.

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Well done, Thailand. Just ignore the Negative Nancys who have to find something negative in anything even remotely related to Thailand, or drag something completely unrelated into it ("Thai student wins international math competition? Well what about that time those foreigners were murdered on Koh Tao?!"). It's a mystery why they're even hanging out at this website to begin with.

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6 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Well done Thailand indeed, however...


This is the main reason why there will be no wholesale opening of the borders or lifting of quarantine restrictions for the foreseeable future. 


The xenophobia this government has created will now work against them as will their own success in handling the crisis so far. Thais will be petrified that those nasty furriners will enter and spread the virus... thus any second wave or outbreak will be catastrophic to this authoritarian administration and must not be allowed under any circumstances.


The only solution for them now being a complete isolation of the entire country with mandatory quarantine for all entrants. This means only a dribble of essential people in and out, and that is for the foreseeable future.


Meanwhile the Thai government will need to find another solution for the 20%+ of GDP that has just gone missing through lack of overseas tourism, dwindling exports and a tightening of belts domestically. Given that the situation globally will certainly worsen, it does not look like there is a solution, and with so many mega-projects just being signed off, I fear that an economic collapse is even more likely in tandem with growing political unrest.


The cracks are already beginning to show.



". Thais will be petrified that those nasty furriners will enter and spread the virus..." 


Nonsense. More like screaming with JOY to see some money on the table . Amazing how a former health ministers racist rant has now grown to include the whole of thailand only on TV of course 

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6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Looking at the worldwide news everyday I am happy to be in Thailand with no or little Covid-19.

Many people complain about the government but I think especially in this case we have to say: Good job. Thanks.

And then there are all the Thai people who take this serious. Most were wearing masks right from the beginning. Nobody had to order the people to wear masks, they were smart enough to do it by themselves. Great.


And the economy? Obviously that is bad and it will continue to be bad for some time. Nobody likes that. But what's the alternative? Opening up the borders and inviting tourist in? How long will it take before they infect others? And then? Let it spread or shut down again? I think no international tourists is the best from all the bad options.

Being stuck here in NZ I have been watching closely and listening to my friends and my Thai wifes relations ect who do say covid is not a problem.

My Sister in law and mother inlaw work in the large markets in Hua Hin and they say no problem.

So I would say that maybe due to the hot weather and masks and possibly some advice and help from the Chinese that covid is under control.

I would not agree that Thailand leads the world, they have far more people in quarantine with covid than the other top 8.

I also would never believe the death toll.


However the place seems safe for now which is great and I hope I can return with my family to my home this year or early next year.

Some one said the BK post reported some covid deaths a week ago so if that's true then god only knows the truth.

I just asked my wife if she was aware about Boss getting discharged she said thai people don't care, then my friend rang his wife in esan and she said the same.

Thai people are more worried about filthy falaangs coming to LOS, the stupid government has shot themselves in the foot, it will be some time before the big jets fly.


Taking a side bet I would bet that as we speak the US has started a 30,000 people trial for a vaccine.

The test will be a success and we will be all getting jabbed and with a vaccination certificate in hand marching to the airports within 6 months.

Kids will not be able to go to school without a certificate nor will anyone in the world be able to travel without the jab. 

Big Pharma wins and makes billions from developing a vaccine financed by handouts from the tax payer.



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