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Red Bull "Boss" latest: Police claim cocaine was from dental treatment and suspect drank AFTER hit and run incident


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Wow a hell of a good dentist. Of course cocaine still the number one painkiller used by every dentist in the world. Come on Thai police. I think you let Officer Crabtree do the investigation.





For people interested in dentistry read this 




or this one 


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5 hours ago, GraveRobber said:

Whats the speed limit on that soi where this accident occured?

Why has the fleeing an accident scence charge been dropped?

Is it not a crime to operate a vehicule while under the influence?

Fleeing to avoid prosecution isnt that a crime?

They have more than enuff broken laws to charge this guy with.




Whatever the speed limit is/was, it certainly wasn't 177kph, which is what the expert scientifically estimated his speed as.

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Bangkok- the capital of Thailand and a prospering city...you’d think in 2020 there would be an authentic forensic team / real criminalists to investigate any crime. Instead you have a bunch of clowns running around. I am no detective but looking at the collision damage on the front of the Ferrari tells me the driver was not going only 60 km an hour.  And even if Boss was innocent, why didn’t the young man phone an ambulance instead of hiding in his family villa? He’s definitely a lost soul with no empathy for others.

Edited by toenail
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of course he is an angel, isn`t he?:) Seriously...EVERY TIME time i`ve been out at Thonglor and met hi-so friends or friends of friends cocaine is an issue the later the evening gets. I don`t consume it, but it`s always available...so all that bs about that guy has 0 credibility.

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5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Police have told a House committee investigating the case of Red Bull heir Vorayuth Yoovidyha that a dentist told them cocaine found in his system came from medication for a tooth complaint. 

I would really like to obtain this dentists address I totally approve .....

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5 hours ago, GraveRobber said:

Whats the speed limit on that soi where this accident occured?

Why has the fleeing an accident scence charge been dropped?

Is it not a crime to operate a vehicule while under the influence?

Fleeing to avoid prosecution isnt that a crime?

They have more than enuff broken laws to charge this guy with.



One by one all of those things ran out due to the statute of limitations. All they had left was the manslaughter charge and they've figured out a way to get rid of that. It must have cost the family a lot of money, but what's $5-10 million when you've got $3-4 billion?

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5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


What was this medication? When was it prescribed? 


Need a lot more details here.

The dentist could be telling the truth. I had a pain killing injection for skin cancer removal on my leg. In the afternoon I was singled out by a narcotics sniffing dog as I went to board a plane. After I was searched (nothing, I only use beer) the walloper said the dog is never wrong. So he could have had drugs from the dentist in his system. Probably the dentist patient visit book looks the best it ever had. 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Police claim cocaine was from dental treatment

please give me the name of the dentist, it thought they use lidocaine


so, running away at a crime scene


trying to blame a worker


fleeing abroad


lying , cheating ...



Edited by Bender Rodriguez
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5 hours ago, phetphet said:

Do dentists even use cocaine for treatment? I thought they used some sort of derivative. Maybe Lidocaine, Novocaine, or some other drug  Would any of them show up as cocaine positivity in any drug test?

Apparently NO ! this is a misconception.

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4 hours ago, anterian said:

I would love to know the total cost of this to Boss and family, 300,000 to the victim's family will be just the tip of the iceberg, buying off the judiciary and the entire police force does not come cheap, then there is buying all the experts and witnesses. Must be in the millions.

They just "fell into the fortune" in the first place, so easy come, easy go.

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