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Face masks not necessary based on current evidence - Holland's Top Scientists conclude after review of evidence

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RIVM says there is no evidence to prove the effectiveness of face masks


"The National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM) has announced that, at this point in time, they do not feel it is necessary to introduce a rule making face masks mandatory in the Netherlands, stating there is no hard evidence to suggest that the use of masks in public spaces prevents the spread of coronavirus."


Andreas Voss, member of the World Health Organisation expert team and head of microbiology at a hospital in Nijmegen, said he didn’t personally believe masks should be made mandatory, stating that because in many of the countries where a face mask rule has been implemented, there are several other measures also in place, so it is impossible to determine the impact of masks specifically. 


The WHO currently advises people to wear non-medical face masks in places where contact takes place in public spaces. Voss says this advice was issued, not because of scientific evidence, but because of political pressure and public opinion.




So, dimitri, still think the Daily Mail did not report the dutch decision accurately?


Answers on a postcard.

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19 minutes ago, dimitriv said:


Yes. I speak Dutch so I am able to read more newspapers in Dutch than you, and I am also able to better interpret who says what, and why they say things.


The problem in The Netherlands is that this organisation from day one said that wearing masks was not needed and would not help. The reason why they said this is that there were NO masks available. Even healthcare workers had no masks. The Netherlands were prepared very badly. To save masks they advised the population not to use it because there was no need.


And now they have to make a 180 degree turn?  Saving face is also a thing in NL.


There are many scientists, and they all say something else. You can selective quote one to prove a point. But it is just 1 opinion of many, and doesn't prove much.


The Daily Mail is similar. Out of many opinions they quote 1 to prove their point. And forget about other opinions. A very bad newspaper.





No you're not. I speak Dutch as well. I studied in Maastricht. And you're not better placed to interpret anything.


As you make clear by fantastically misinterpreting the official, clearly stated advice from the dutch national health institute, and the Outbreak Management Team is not advising not to wear masks because there are none but simply because the evidence does not support wearing them.


The Daily Mail reported accurately that the Dutch authorities had concluded that the evidence does not support wearing masks. I have posted links from the actual Dutch National health institute itself. And yet you persist in misinterpreting the clear evidence. And even though the Daily Mail reported the Dutch decision accurately you claim it's an individual scientist only. When it is in fact the entire Dutch National Health Institute and the Outbreak Management team which advises the government. You're a hopeless case.



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22 minutes ago, Why Me said:

Masks and social distancing are now beyond doubt known to break local transmission. Countries will strict compliance are on top of the virus. The evidence is incontrovertible.


But there are contrarian loons among scientists too. No law there can't be. Sometimes it's sincere, sometimes it's just plain attention-getting.


What bothered me though was this piece I just read in the WaPo about anti-mask and anti-vax protests in Germany:



I always had this notion of Germans as a superior people with logical and orderly minds and no room for eccentricities (or humor). But guess I am wrong.



Yah, there is so much "incontrovertible evidence" that masks work that the top scientific advisors of the Netherlands' Outbreak Management team and the Dutch National Health Institute concluded, after reviewing the evidence:


 there is no hard evidence to suggest that the use of masks in public spaces prevents the spread of coronavirus.


An RIVM spokesperson told NOS that there was ongoing research into the effectiveness of face masks, and that all the existing research was continuously evaluated by experts. However, at this point in time, the RIVM said there is no proof that wearing non-medical masks prevents infections. 




Dimitri! Apologise to the Daily Mail right now! Or see your credibility vanish.

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6 minutes ago, androokery said:

Sorry but your pathetic attempts to discredit the messenger are pointless. On the page of the Dutch National Health Institute you can see the Daily Mail reported the Dutch scientists' decision accurately:


 It is not necessary to wear a face mask. 




Apologise to the Daily Mail! They reported it accurately.

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1 hour ago, cmarshall said:

The Dutch with 356 deaths per million shouldn't be giving advice to anyone about managing the risks of Sars-Cov2.  Much better to look at countries that succeeded in protecting their populations from unnecessary death such as Thailand (0.84 deaths per million, Vietnam (1 death in total), S. Korea (5.83), Taiwan (6 deaths total), and China (3.35.)


The arrogance of the Western countries in the face of their abject failure is unbelievable.

Agreed my countrymen are wrong. Or at least those are. But many cities are now making face masks mandatory. Problem is that it is hard to do legally so there are other views too.

5 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Sorry but your pathetic attempts to discredit the messenger are pointless. On the page of the Dutch National Health Institute you can see the Daily Mail reported the Dutch scientists' decision accurately:


 It is not necessary to wear a face mask. 




Apologise to the Daily Mail! They reported it accurately.

Actually if you could read Dutch and as a Dutch guy i can you can read the news and it states that we are now making masks mandatory in some places. The government is afraid to give this order so now its up to majors of towns and they are doing it.


Its all a bit tricky legally. 

1 minute ago, robblok said:

Agreed my countrymen are wrong. Or at least those are. But many cities are now making face masks mandatory. Problem is that it is hard to do legally so there are other views too.

So you know better than the all the top scientists in the Netherlands' Outbreak Management Team who have reviewed all the evidence, several times, and better than the Dutch National Institute of Health?



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