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Deputy AG fails to show up at an independent hearing into the dropping of ‘Boss’ charges


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They could fix this <deleted> attitude the supposedly above the law have in Thailand


Just immediately issue an arrest warrant...(not the BS type like they did for "Boss" )

Any further fuss or resistance shoot on sight then hang for good measure


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12 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Ok, so her is the gist for you Pho King.  The "Boss after the initial impact with the MC applied the brakes of his vehicle after he realized he had struck something, of course that was after the body of the police officer was ejected backwards off of the MC and across the hood of the car before hitting the windscreen.  That braking action would have then ejected the policeman in a forward motion where he rolled back forward and then became trapped under the twisted pieces of the cars front end.  With the clothes stuck on the jagged pieces of the car he would have been then dragged until the clothes tore, and then he became dislodged from the vehicle, and possibly run over by the vehicle, but this is all speculation on my part without having been at the scene afterwards and reviewing all of the physical evidence.  Forensics on the body during the autopsy would also show which parts of the now deceased policeman's body were in touch with certain vehicular components.  Go ahead, you can thank me for my 30 plus years as a traffic accident reconstruction officer, and supervisor of major incident investigations.  If the RTP wants an independent review, I will gladly go over everything they have and lay it out for them.

Ryan,Your points all make sense even to a layman.A person like you is the last one they want to hear from.

Very enlightening statement.This whole case has been a debacle fro m day 1 st BS they tried to pull was to charge the family driver? OMG ..There are scandals in the west to be sure but usually take place behind closed doors but this case is right in your face with no shame attached whatsoever.  Remind you of bananas?


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On 8/10/2020 at 10:30 AM, KhunKenAP said:

He is currently at the same address as the "Boss" that they could never find.

The little boss is likely hanging out in an 80ft (frontage) townhouse in Kensington, Knightsbridge, or Chelsea. Since no interpol notice was ever filed (why would they pursue someone they are doing their best to protect?), he roams the streets looking for ways to spend his fortune. Totally unconcerned about the previously pending case.


Prayuth will take care of it. That is his job. 

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Now, that he is met with utter humiliation, international scorn, and much opposition from the people of Thailand, he decides that law and order are important. For six years now, Prayuth could not possibly have been more indifferent to law and order, the stunning incompetence and corruption plaguing the nation's cops, and the inequity within the system. 


It seems, the only way for any progress to take place, with this toxic army, is through shame and the public unmasking of their objective to protect the rich and those that are connected, and in power, at all costs. 


Now he acts. Will anything come of this besides some lower ranked guys getting transferred at full pay? Nobody in power ever gets prosecuted under his watch. 


NMWYDIWPY. No matter what you do, I will protect you. The army code of dishonor.


PTBAAC - Protect the "Boss" at all costs. 


Always remember two things here.


1. The police are about revenue, and not law enforcement. They are franchisees. 


2. Prayuth and the army will always do that which benefits their patrons. It is never about the people. 


Both groups represent the utter absence of nobility, concern for the public good, or a desire to do the right thing, and move the nation forward. 

Edited by spidermike007
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I don't know why this case fascinates me so much, I should know better.


For the newbies, yeah I get it there is outrage at the injustice,


But for the veterans, we all know there really isn't really a justice system like you would expect in a Western country. It's corrupt to the core, and it's very much determined on how much you can pay, and are you in favor with the regime du jour.


So this little lakorn will play out. A few underlings will do some time, for lying or whatever, but ultimately the central character in this soap opera will be free and clear.

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Again????? This is the second one Nate has missed. Looks extremely suspicious. I wonder if my next door neighbour simply didn't;t turn up when authorities wanted to questions him. There are certainly different rules for Boss and Nate with regard to summonses. Sickening.

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