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Covid-19 vaccine 'will be out in 6 months'


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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I fully expect the announcement of the vaccine on January 8th.


Stuck in the UK with retirement extension due 7th Jan

RichardColeman, I know how you feel, if I got a vaccine jab to enter Thailand no doubt I could'nt afford the prohibitive Insurance. I'm not getting any younger. Many oap's will call it a day.

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Hmm, let's base a policy of lock-down on the supposition that a vaccine 'will' be available in the near future..  A government lock-down policy based on 'hope'.  I don't know everything about economic prudence, but to cause the most severe shutdowns of economies in modern history based on hoping a vaccine will become available, seems rather irresponsible and extremely risky. 


It is a bit like using a casino to determine the outcome for an economy.  Using an analogy, let's improve the odds at least and use something like 'Black Jack' where at least there is some probabilities that can be computed to determine a possible outcome (card counting).  However, there is still a real possibility the house (virus) wins and you walk away broke.  Is fiscal economic responsibility based on hedging bets on a successful vaccine?  I believe not.  


Yes, there are promising phase 3 trials.  But we also need to look at the past results for vaccine trials - in particular SARS viruses.  We need to realise that there has never been a vaccine for previous SARS viruses (but yes, there was nowhere near the level of investment and research to find a cure).  One vaccine that comes to mind caused narcolepsy in patients.  Not a good thing to suddenly lose consciousness at random times.  No more driver's licence for you.   

Not saying this will occur again.  Some people do get very defensive at the thought that there won't be a successful vaccine.  A bit like the toilet paper panic brigade.  They become extremely aggressive and defensive.  Maybe I will be called a 'Nazi' for suggesting there may not be a cure!  


I know Russia has reportedly rolled out in advance a phase 3 vaccine and started administering it, but this is perhaps a risky move.  Long term health complications could well occur.  But, I am not a scientist.  I am sure Russia 'knows' what they are doing? Hmm, ... Chernobyl and Dubrovka theatre in Moscow comes to mind.  


The other very real issues is that depending on who 'may' discover a vaccine first will determine how fast that vaccine is rolled out.  Some countries may be hesitant to roll out the vaccine without using it as a monopoly.  Others will be more humane and do everything in their power to distribute it ASAP.  I don't have to mention which countries would be using the vaccine as an 'ace card'.  


In any case, it is estimated that it would reportedly take an estimated 18 months for a global roll out without 'roadblocks' in the way.  I would consider that a realistic time frame.  


In the 'new norm', I dare say that visa applications would need to have an accompanying 'vaccine certificate' and a negative COVID19 result.  And there are still unknowns as to whether the potential vaccine/s will need to be re-administered, due to mutation of the virus (such as the usual mutation of seasonal influenza), as currently there are several different mutated strains of COVID19 already.  


Furthermore, since we have had SARS, MERS and now COVID19, there is a very real possibility that there will be further SARS viruses that will spread via zoonotic transfer due to the continual poor hygiene, wet markets and illegal trade and consumption of wildlife species.  COVID19 is just one of potentially many other pathogens existing in animals that will be inevitably spread by irresponsible populations.  This will result in further pandemics causing mass deaths.  


The Spanish flu was contained 'somewhat' due to a less frenetic form of globalisation.  These-days as so blatantly evident from what stemmed from 'ground zero' (Wuhan), a virus can spread extremely fast.  




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3 hours ago, farang63 said:

The vaccine start doing it when you want to those in the government doctors and virologists and all the crazy people who want to do it, I do not want to do any vaccine now or ever, I have lived so far without a vaccine, I do not need this <deleted> vaccine.

And if you refuse the vaccine and then get Covid, I hope you won't expect any help. Those who don't help themselves don't deserve receiving help from others.

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2 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

You must consider consider two additional factors.

  • If vaccine will 100 percent be required for ai Farang to remain in or enter Thailand 
  • The vaccine will be required for international travel, in general



Good point, fully expect to see up and coming covid vaccine documentation for visa renewals one day

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

and one is being used on the Chinese army even though it has not yet undergone the third phase of testing,

This is the bit I noticed which might mean the Chinese army might be the first to be allowed into Thailand in large numbers.It might also be the first vaccine that Thailand choses to import. 

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That's provided those whom they intend to COPY it from... (Probably Oxford UK), have created a successful vaccine that has been tried and tested through the correct regulatory procedure.


One assumes Thailand's world-renowned/dependable  strict Health and safety executive , Will adhere to the same standards.

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5 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I fully expect the announcement of the vaccine on January 8th.


Stuck in the UK with retirement extension due 7th Jan

Don't we have to go at immigration few weeks before the current extension expires ?

Let's hope there will be an automatic extension for those who may not come back before there extension expires !

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49 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

And if you refuse the vaccine and then get Covid, I hope you won't expect any help. Those who don't help themselves don't deserve receiving help from others.

And those refusing vaccine will endanger others too !

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one is being used on the Chinese army even though it has not yet undergone the third phase of testing," he said.

I suppose the CCP is thinking if they take the concoction and fall on their wallets...they have replacements. Full speed ahead>>>>>

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5 hours ago, mike1967 said:

I just wonder how many people will be queuing up for an unproven vaccine? You can hear the news in 5 years time about the possible side effects.

I will happily take an annual shot if it's expediting my return to the family home. 

Can remove the ASQ and mandatory insurance too.

Once the vaccine is available. 

More money to spend on the family. 

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How is Thailand going to test this?


They give some people the vaccine and some a placebo.

Then they let them loose in a country that doesn't have Covid in the general population.


So, nobody gets the virus, the vaccine works!  Or does it?


The only way that I can see is to let the testers mingle with people who have it, like those in quarantine and accept that some may die.  I'm certainly not volunteering for that.  ????


They could of course accept the testing done in countries where the virus is loose, but somehow I can't see the Thai government doing that, "face" again.


Perhaps someone medical can enlighten me on this.


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4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I can see a 4,000 baht vaccine booth at the airport in arrivals

I will take that willingly. 

Scrap the covid19 insurance coverage and ASQ and testing. 

All will become redundant 

I can just drive off into the sunset and back to my partner and home.


Works for me..

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Hence, we expect a Covid-19 vaccine to be ready in the next six months."

And it will be FREE for the Thai elite 5000 baht for the Thai public and 20,000 baht for dirty foreigners . foreigners must stay in quarantine for 1 month to make sure it works in a government owned hotel .


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It will be out soon, but the next thing to get your head around is that, worldwide, these doses getting out is going to take a tremendous effort and a tremendous amount of time to get people inoculated.  So any notion that in six months, IF there is a vaccine, IF it works, IF it's safe, it will still be a long time till anything turns back to a semblance of normalcy.

In order to improve your chances of getting the shot, you should be in a position that you require the shot for safety, such as myself.  (not high risk, but health care personnel, etc. who can transmit it are first in line as an example).  If you just want a shot to have a mai-tai in Thailand you will be going to the back of the line, I can assure you of that.  

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13 minutes ago, Expat Brad said:

100% Guaranteed folks, it will be made mandatory for us farang. OR, NO VISA!!!

You gonna say. I'm outta here. Well, where you gonna go?

Every country will be the same. You can count on that!!!

Of course! Why wouldn't it be?

It will be "go home" alright.  Who the hell wants an anti-vaxer prison planet douchebag in their country anyways?  They can go home to northern Germany and be miserable.  

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5 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

I need any potentially new vaccine to be endorsed by Mr Trump before I would consider having the jab....

If  Trump had it and it was 100% succesful the liberal left and media would deny it works and claim it causes your tackle to fall off.

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7 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I fully expect the announcement of the vaccine on January 8th.


Stuck in the UK with retirement extension due 7th Jan

And I thought I was the only one that was always out of luck. Was supposed to fly to Thailand on 29th March, still waiting 4+months later. There might be more of us catching all the bad so others can breeze through life. Let's hope the wheels turns soon. 

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