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UK job losses hit decade-high, worse seen ahead


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14 hours ago, 7by7 said:


Of course you have more knowledge of what is happening on the streets here in the UK than I; after all, unlike you and your cohorts, I only live here!


I stand by my comments, and have nothing further to say to people like you on this subject.

I spent 50 years on the London streets, was a mini cab driver for 7 years, so think I know a lot more than you regarding those London streets. 

Crime in London is now worse than when I was last there, my friends and a London Policeman tell me so. In fact when I was last there my house had to be alarmed day and night, leave something in the front garden, it was gone.

Anyhoooo, a rare link from me, now this coloured lady thinks exactly the same as me, and she requests something that will make you happy, but for different reasons.



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12 hours ago, 7by7 said:

More ranting; more ignoring the facts by you. Hardly surprising.


If racial profiling of drivers is reducing drug and knife crime, explain why the figures from the police themselves show that for every 100 White drivers stopped, 760 Black drivers are stopped but, for every 100 white drivers stopped, 50 were arrested; for every 100 Black drivers stopped 19 were arrested. So every two stops of White drivers resulted in an arrest, but the police had to stop just over 5 Black drivers before making an arrest!


You can't; unless you are saying that Whites are nearly three times as likely to be involved in knife and/or drug crime than Blacks. Are you saying that?

Don't try to put your apologist words into my mouth. You know how you like to twist them. I'd tell you if I thought whites were more likely to be involved in knife and/or drug crime. Just not 'appenin bruv innit?


The facts are that Black drivers are more likely to be involved in some sort of criminal activity. That may be either before, during or after their driving. That the arrest rate for these is less than for whites only implies that they are now hiding their activities better, or simply not being arrested for their illegal activities whilst out on the roads. So long as that profile are being hampered in those activities, the police are doing their job.


It could also be that police have for some time being 'bending the knee' for them and not making arrests where they should. Do the police appease black motorists if they are subjected to a barrage of abuse and potential allegations of racial profiling?  It would appear that is now a frequent outcome, so a Police Caution is issued and no arrest recorded. 

Hardly surprising, as it happens all the time.

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