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I flew out of Thailand to get a new visa – one person’s experience with the “new normal” - Report


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13 hours ago, darrenr said:

How can you get health insurance that covers COVID 19? In Australia as far as I am aware there is no such insurance ! They also exclude pandemics , does anyone know of any companies that offer the required insurance ?

many thanks 


May i suggest one of the Thai Government's approved Insurance Companies ...

 Accepted by immigration ....



Edited by elliss
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I don't know if Theo's approach was intentional or thoughtless, and if he had really been aware of this big expense, but, whatever, let's see the bright side of things.
Thanks to his generosity, he has helped maintain jobs, both in car rental, telephone services, hotel staff, immigration, the embassy, doctors, and finally, many trades.
It is an experience for him, he knew how to overcome it, he will have others, but he will know how to manage them.
Good continuation, Théo, but, but, I would put a damper on your future activity.

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20 hours ago, nemo38 said:

Wow, that is expensive. Travel will be beyond the means of most people in the new Covid world. Think of what air fares will cost when very few people travel. 

Mass tourism hasn't exactly been an unalloyed good for many places or the environment. 

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Very good account of what actually to expect, right Theo?

Anyway.......could you send me your idea of a rehab in Thailand.......to my PM box?

Not as a future patient but business related.

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12 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

Why does the gov require More than 2 weeks of health insurance if all the other ex pats living have zero HC insurance for Cv 29 specially?


it’s a discriminatory practice that they should be called on....

are there farangs that got a 3.300.000 baht bill from a hospital is my question


if you go and get a 1 baht tylenol for your fever


what is the treatment, anybody knows ?


ventilator = pretty much dead


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Thank you, very informative. I am stuck out of Kingdom due to my work and was wondering how the process would play out in reality when I try to get back to my wife. But I will only have 4 weeks holiday so it is not really worth it. (Especially if you get a positive result in ASQ (false or genuine)

The country I work in is a lot more bureaucratic than Holland and I can see things going horribly wrong.  I will wait and see if things settle down.

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On 8/16/2020 at 7:47 PM, darrenr said:

How can you get health insurance that covers COVID 19? In Australia as far as I am aware there is no such insurance ! They also exclude pandemics , does anyone know of any companies that offer the required insurance ?

many thanks 

There is an insurance company in Thailand called Luma, they have it and the rates are reasonable

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Good report, but think you should have sat tight there or in Holland unless you don't mind the hassle / cost. They will have to open eventually without all this silly fuss. This thing's not going anywhere and unless they want to completely decimate the tourist industry will have no option but to re-engage. The problem is, if Thailand truly is as light on numbers as they say, they will be a long way behind the rest of the world which is busying itself getting 'immune'.

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On 8/17/2020 at 7:17 PM, richard_smith237 said:


Where do you get your information from on Covid-19 if its not ‘authority’ by one source or another ????



'After embracing a new healthy lifestyle, which involved cycling rigorously and eating 1,800 calories a day, Norman [84 yo] has no age-related diseases, is medication free and has written a book'




Sorry to be dogmatic. I know you will shoot the messenger again because weak people 'look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye'...   .)

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On 8/17/2020 at 7:34 AM, Dr Rodrigues Pereira said:

I'm with you ! I've read some comments of people talking about money !!! For once in your lifetime, would uou please recognize that money isn't teh mso important of things ??? Hope you're fine ????


I agree with you about money not being so important, but a spell-checker could be!    LOL

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On 8/17/2020 at 6:21 AM, bodga said:

 Good  if painful report  to say the least and the cost is excessive imo. Why any hotel costs 5500baht a  night when good  rooms  can be had for way less anywhere in Thailand  reeks  of scamming and cashing in.

I happen to know that the OPs chosen ASQ hotel was  quite an upmarket and expensive riverside, albeit "wrong side" option in the times of old normal so I'd guess he wanted s bit of luxury. There are cheaper options.

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Wow! Good on you mate. Thanks for your detailed posting of your challenging experience. You did it, though I think you are the eternal optimist and your glass is always half full never half empty as we English say..but the cost, not just in ???? but time, effort, stress. Felt exhausted just reading about it! From how I am seeing things I don't think you jumped the gun. I have to leave too before 26 September and rather than wait any longer I'm booked to Paris direct with AirFrance on Sunday. At the risk of another expiring stay permit but in France rather than Thailand I'm taking my wife who is Thai with me on a family  Schengen short stay visa which we hope to extend in to a French residency permit rather than one or both of us go through what you have just done before her 90 days is up. Then ride it all out in not so Covid free Europe where we have a home too.  See what next year brings us all. Hope you get your rehab centre up and running

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1 hour ago, Kalasin Jo said:

I happen to know that the OPs chosen ASQ hotel was  quite an upmarket and expensive riverside, albeit "wrong side" option in the times of old normal so I'd guess he wanted s bit of luxury. There are cheaper options.

Actually he said he had no choice but to pick this one


"I emailed all 26 ASQ-qualified (at that time, now there are more) Hotels immediately and 24 of them were already full, only 2 of them had 1 room left. By the time I was ready to book my first option was already sold, so I quickly called the second option – Anantara Riverside Bangkok – and paid the 77.000 baht fee to make sure I had that room confirmed."

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Very exhausting - exhausting to read!  The different rules in each country is truly staggering.  


Maybe this will shut people up who think that travel will be normal anytime soon.  Let's hope this virus goes away or we get a vaccine.  Until then, nothing will probably change.  

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On 8/17/2020 at 2:09 PM, pookondee said:

Aye, we are fighting idiot decision makers who are pandering to snowflake 

voters cowering in fear,

all of whom would prefer to have absolutely "no life" rather than risk the 0.001% chance of falling gravely ill.


In the start we were told these measures were ONLY so hospital systems wouldn't get "overwhelmed".


Thats how far the spiel has changed.

Now countries like Australia & NZ are going into absolute mass panic and locking everything down, over a handful of infections 


Hospitals in many locations have been empty throughout, turning away any elective patients,

laying off workers, and naturally letting things go to ruin.

So, if hospitals were ever under any threat of "overwhelming", the actual underwhelming that has occured has the same result!...ruin. 


What an absolute farce this whole thing has been.

Someone should be made to pay for all this and NO, not the Chinese.

They havent made us grossly mismanage this flu.



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