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Thailand approves new warrant against Red Bull heir over hit-and-run case


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15 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

What about warrants for those that tried to fix his speeding, letting him escape and trying to fix it that he was free to come back with nothing to answer for.


I'd also like to see Thailand ask to see evidence of all financial transactions from red bull to him and seizing assets to that amount since he has been 'missing' for the family

Exactly go after the enablers and whitewashers :I remember the chief of Bangkok police (who inspected the scene shortly after the event) was a really hideous piece of work, forgot his name but remember his ugly mug. 

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17 hours ago, mr mr said:

close the borders. that way he can't escape. 

psst he is in a gouverment chopper already buzzing off into the sunset, waiting to try to come home again in half a decade

Edited by wazzupnow
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Sorry to tell you this, but the world doesn't care. Also, what good would it do to send him to jail? Seriously, what would that accomplish? Money, that's what it's going to take. Make the family pay a billion or two in fines and spread it out to every family member of the cop he killed. Make them all millionaires and then let it go. They will all be broke in a year or two and living back in the rice paddy. 

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Pretty sure with his money he could get a passport from another country and have been in and out of Thailand as he pleases either on private jet or a first class flight . He’s not likely to look the same as the usual photos you see circulating and as he is rich most immigration officers would be trying to bow down and make his arrival/ departure very easy .

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17 hours ago, sweatalot said:

too little too late.

What about really involving interpol?

They should get him into a court room and show they are willing to do real justice

by an appropriate sentencing and a real prison stay of full length


Why is it that so many observers still see this whole affair as a farce?


You don't really expect an answer to that do you?  I think we all know the reasons why he is still "up and running"!


Let me give you a clue - it begins with the letter "B" (And it's not "Bull***t"!)

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A few years ago I made this bed-time tipple.


One bottle of Red Bull; equal measure of cola; equal measure of Lao Khao and a peeled lime.


When 'The Boss' ran off, I stopped using the Red Bull. Replaced it with M150. Since then I've moved on to Lao Khao fortified, reishi wine; but that's another story.


Now my point is this. If we all stopped drinking Red Bull there could be some serious action. We need a 'big player' in on this who could galvanise the Red Bull drinking people into changing their habits. Someone like Richard Branson, or Bill Gates.

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Well another wonderful turn in the never ending Lakorn that is Thai justice.


The newbies are convulsed in outrage. For for many of us old crusties, you just roll your eyes. We've been here before, done that, got the tee shirt.


So they re-charge him with a few more offenses to appease the peasants. He continues living his life of luxury exactly the same as he has for years.

A few low life's will end up in the monkey house for 'perverting' the course of justice.


Job Done!



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16 hours ago, surangw said:

extradition needed ?


If he is in the UK, and if (as I believe) the "alleged offence" may carry the death penalty ( wearing that really unpleasant DPM bomber jacket in public should be sufficient) then extraditing him will not be an option. He is not daft, or more properly his family lawyers are not!9

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38 minutes ago, Cereal said:

Sorry to tell you this, but the world doesn't care. Also, what good would it do to send him to jail? Seriously, what would that accomplish? Money, that's what it's going to take. Make the family pay a billion or two in fines and spread it out to every family member of the cop he killed. Make them all millionaires and then let it go. They will all be broke in a year or two and living back in the rice paddy. 

"Sorry to tell you this, but the world doesn't care."


Sorry to tell you this, but the only reason that this fresh warrant has been issued is because the world DOES care!


And do you really think that they would have suffered this immense "loss of face" (Ouch!) if "the world didn't care"?


Do you think that the Thai Government would have done that if they were not being harassed by bigger Governments on the world stage than theirs? (It's off topic, but the fact that Thailand is still on the UK's "compulsory quarantine" list in spite of their low numbers of Covid (Voted "The safest place in the World to be" in some quarters) is maybe a subtle way of saying "we don't believe any of your statistics, and we also have a total mistrust of your legal system" (Koh Tao as another example)?) This is all conjecture of course, but it could explain why the sudden "about turn" re this case. 


Incidentally, the family of the dead cop have already been "paid off", that is why the silence from them in the whole affair has been deafening. How long do you think they would have lasted if they had taken their millions (3 I believe!) and then started demanding justice for their dead son? 


No, the world does care, and sending him to jail would for once send out a message that money doesn't always buy you out of trouble, and gain a few kudos for our beleaguered Prime Minister,  

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Yes, same reply as some other forum members: the best thing is to boycott the RED BULL products, anything else will not lead to a penalty of the person in question. I mean in parallel to justice case continues since this case is one of the best opportunities grow into an outcry to the overall corruption practices, top-down, from politicians, high officials, investigators, to simple policemen and experts put under pressure to change facts. It's the the most wide and open case of something we all knew before, we see and encounter everything day on a small scale. In the other words, this Boss case is the best and publicly most well-known example, filled with tons of evidence, that something is severely wrong in the system.  Back to the boycott, don't underestimate the domino effect, little slide will lead to shares plumbing, sponsors (e.g. formula 1) stepping out, one malign member less on the long list. 

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A warrant should also be issued for the police commander, and all the top ranked cops. 


Another warrant means nothing. Even if they appeal to Interpol, no effort will be made by them. Thailand is not held in high regard by the world's law enforcement community. Wonder why. 

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21 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

His family have private jets. They can go where and whenever they want to.

Boycott Red Bull. Their money pays for all of this. 

New advertisement. RED BULL KILLS. with pic of Ferrari dragging cop in the background

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Once again Thai style. A closed case should remain closed, not simply overturned at the likes of someone. Why? A matter of democratic principles and rule of law. Decision is decision and has not to be overturned in a minute just because the media pushes. Instead grab all those who have been taking bribes and get the Red Bull guy for paying bribes.


Thailand needs to learn that they cannot go all the time back and forth. Overturning 2 minutes later what they just decided. That is not how people can have confidence in the rule of law. That is why investments are not being placed. No rule of law. No reliability. Ever changing rules and different rules executed differently at the likes of different gov agencies...Lawless chaos.

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12 hours ago, malt25 said:

I have little doubt your comments are correct. But... If the Thai authorities did put a RED alert on RBB & request international assistance it would go some way to showing they were somewhat serious about getting him back to LOS. What happens if & when they get him back is another story.  Oh...  RBB = Red Bull Boy.

I dont believe and other country takes Thailand authorities seriously. They continuously show their incompetence in all aspects of governance.


Like us, they probably sit back and laugh about the comedy and double talk.

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They really need to stop this, the Thai legal system is already a bad joke, now they are turning into a worldwide laughing stock. Just dragging this along, knowing well enough this guy won't actually see the inside of a court or jail cell until he's in his 90's isn't causing anything but grief. 

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On 8/25/2020 at 10:35 PM, surangw said:

extradition needed ?


Indeed it is; however, firstly he needs to be located, although it is widely believed that he is mostly in either Europe or Japan. To the best of my limited knowledge on the subject, Thailand only has extradition treaties with Belgium and the UK in Europe, and does not have one with Japan. Extradition treaties are also renowned for being a lawyers playground, and the wording of any charges would need to meet the often complex criteria of any treaty. It explains why extraditions often take many years, but we live in hope that this odious reprobate will eventually face justice (*∆*)

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I would think his lawyer has already advised him to leave Thailand and as it has been said they have they own planes. and so the story will go on. No one has said that his passport as be detained by Immigration. (He has more than one anyway.) and another round of brown envelopes will be delivered. 

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47 minutes ago, LNER4472 said:

I would think his lawyer has already advised him to leave Thailand and as it has been said they have they own planes. and so the story will go on. No one has said that his passport as be detained by Immigration. (He has more than one anyway.) and another round of brown envelopes will be delivered. 

probably, as it was likely his double being seen in the UK, Europe over the past few years - would also be interested in knowing just how many passports he does have.

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