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Thailand not opening to foreign tourists any time soon


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4 hours ago, Dmitry2222 said:

Covid free now is impossible, may be Covid test free like the Thailand?

People just don't get it, Thailand is covid free, listen to your leader. 

If China announced that it was covid free then Big Selfie will open the gates. 

Apart from that he can allow a few Pacific islanders entry after he orders Thai Airways to fly the 2 passengers in and out every month. 

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2 hours ago, ourmanflint said:



It's infecting the Andamans


Infecting them because they are traveling to the mainland and then back again for work, thus bringing it back with them.  It does not take a brain trust to realize that even if Thailand opened up to those few countries who are Covid free, that when those folks returned home they would be carrying the virus with them as Asymptomatic people are never tested here, and only those in Quarantine are.  If they were testing the public openly and showed the results as truly being negative then this country would be hailed as true hero's instead of looking like a sham of a country.  If they tested openly and they started to find the asymptomatic cases or those with minor cold like symptoms testing positive the sky would definitely fall on the top of there heads.  Just like the US military's issue with the LBGT community of soldiers saying "Don't ask Don't tell", Thailand's statement without saying so is "Don't Test we don't want to know".  In a nutshell I think I have just hit the nail squarely on the head.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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Let them do what they want. Their economy is tanking, especially the tourist industry is nearly dead. Schemes like 'we travel together' are not working, who actually expected something else.


What is good is the fact that prices - we live on Phuket - are dropping 50-70 percent, Villas, vehicle rental, food delivery, hotel accommodation, amusement parks etc. etc., pricing finally getting to a reasonable level.


As I do not have any financial commitment in LOS and still getting paid overseas we will simply take advantage of this situation and stay till they open the borders as than there will be direct flights to our next destination available.


Till than I will continue to watch Thai authorities running in circles and tanking the countries economy further and further. Its quite a nice amusement and a good laugh.


Still regret tat we not left LOS in June last year though.

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On 8/28/2020 at 6:40 PM, oompie69 said:

It probably has come, done its dirty business and hunkered down until the next flu season. Just went unnoticed or unreported because of any number of reasons. 

Yes that scenario is probably more to the point

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22 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

Phi Phi decimated?


"and they what? rebuilt it?!"


go figure ????


Not quite sure what you are trying to say.

The sea swept right over Phi Phi, the people never knew what hit them, large parts of Phuket were flattened. Yes, decimated areas were rebuilt in about a year, the Thais are very resilient.

I was in Pattaya at the time and people were being evacuated from Phuket to Pattaya, quite a few never did return to their rooms in Pattaya. Friends of mine were in two minds to go to Phi Phi or Samui, fortunately they chose the latter. I couldn't get them a room to come back to so they stayed there until the Phuket people had made their way to the airport.

Think around 6000 died making covid pale into insignificance. Tourism in southern Thailand was badly affected for some years later.

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20 hours ago, NB1986 said:

Ofcourse zero cases is more important than 10 million potential unemployed people. Follow Xi Jinping nothing new for a quiet few times, just take the Chinese vaccine when they make. And please Thai government stop making excuses because you if you would really believed that Phuket model would work you would apply it, you realized that nobody is stupid enough to be 2 weeks in quarantine pay 5k euro for return ticket and 30k+ thb for quarantine room. Stop lying to yourself. 

Yes they are mentally unwell 

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3 minutes ago, Wolfram said:

Entry will also only be limited to tourists from Covid-free countries.


Which country is a Covid-free county? Don't know any significant country!!!

Turkmenistan and North Korea which are report themselves the only Covid-free countries of a considerable size, with their governments as honest and honourable as the Thai government. 


So, letting in tourists from these two commendable countries certainly will rescue the tourism industry in Thailand. :thumbsup:


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On 8/29/2020 at 5:55 PM, GAZZPA said:

I desperately want to disagree but I can't because I think you are right. Europe is starting it's second wave, many countries are still on the first, so it looks like we are a year or 2 from getting through this crisis.

But I disagree! It's definitely not the second wave in Europe now. The European governments are only careful and alert and want avoid that a second wave ever will come. Be aware that R0 still is around 1, and not around 3 or 4 as it was 6 months ago. The lockdown at the  beginning of the pandemic was just the "hammer", and what happens now is part of the "dance".


Just today I read an article in the German news magazine Focus, explaining what happens right now: 6 months ago, Germany could handle 500000 tests per week, and they tested only people at risk. Today they test 1 million people per week, but as the risk is so much lower, they find more asymptomatic cases. Today they get 4 times more positive tests per day than 6 weeks ago. But no official here says there is a reason to panic yet. These asymptomatic cases are mainly young people which are at very low risk to develop more serious symptoms . Next point is that the doctors and hospitals today know much better how to treat people. Remdesvir is now used more often. The hospitals are empty. Currently 9000 ICU beds are available. 


I never agreed to others who said that Covid is just a flu. This was definitely not the case in March/April, when 100 per day died in Germany, and 1000 a day in Italy and Spain, and it still is not the case in Brazil, for example. But in Europe, it is quite like that now. Look at the serious daily cases, not at the new infections which are mainly asymptomatic.


So, currently there is no second wave. Only the authorities want to take any risk. No need to panic!

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Well better luck on 2021 then.  I sure am glad that I do not have shares in

any hotel chains, or airlines, or anything tourist related.

  See you all in Thailand in 2022, maybe the corona virus will have an effective 

vaccine and Thailand's government will finally have their stuff together and

  are out of their zombie state.


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Part of the work I do here in Thailand is contacting Chinese suppliers to purchase parts for the company I work for, and I've built up a good relation with a few of our Chinese suppliers. Since Thailand is focusing on the Chinese tourist, I thought it would be interesting to ask how the average Chinese tourist would respond to the "Phuket Model" of tourism.


Here is one of the responses I received, and this is in line with the other responses I received. Accordingly, I feel that this is pretty much the consensus among the typical Chinese tourist. This particular person was actually looking to go to Phuket for her next vacation.


"As for traveling in Thailand, my personal feeling is very complicated. It increases the cost of tourism. I feel that few people will choose to go to Thailand for vacation this winter. They are more willing to go to Sanya in Hainan. The winter sunshine there is also very warm. And they will be more comfortable without too much worry".

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On 8/28/2020 at 1:10 PM, Mavideol said:

so what is it ?  first the 5 S's, then 5 R's and the 5 T's and now the 5 BS weekly update, we do need a good laugh because TGIF.... they can't make up their mind, they just throw words out there without even thinking about what they are saying 555

Thailand is not alone with the confusion. It's pretty chaotic in France where I am now.

Nobody anywhere really knows what to do. Save the economy? Save the health of the people? If the economy fails so will the health of the people. Impossible juggling act as the recent surge in cases higher than in April, admittedly now including many positive but asymptomatic test results, here in France shows after the traditional summer holiday exodus to coast, beach and mountains. But the hospitalisations and the intensive care numbers have not risen in step- yet. Now the French are going back to school, back to work. What will the next weeks and months bring? 

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On 8/30/2020 at 3:25 PM, Prince77 said:

It is just ridiculous - the number of daily traffic fatalities is HIGHER than the total number of so called Covid deaths during the pandemic!


Now they desperately search for an explanation on why they destroyed the Thai economy and so many lives.


Therefore they need more time to explain - and once realized - fast horses to escape.


Open up with pre-arrival and after arrival Covid test, tracking APP, clear instructions on how to keep social distance and hygienic behavior, drastic penalties if not following instructions




keep the boarders closed until too late and suffer.

I agree, there will be some walking back  to do because of the lies fed to the people from WHO and connivance with UN from your Govt destroying small businesses & peoples livelihoods  & imposing social control on people in the name of scaremongering Agenda 21 sustainable development & global warming, this is what is going on

Its all about Power & Business Control, nothing about peoples safety as the virus is LESS dangerous than flu 

Sad & disgraceful

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3 hours ago, John CS said:

I agree, there will be some walking back  to do because of the lies fed to the people from WHO and connivance with UN from your Govt destroying small businesses & peoples livelihoods  & imposing social control on people in the name of scaremongering Agenda 21 sustainable development & global warming, this is what is going on

Its all about Power & Business Control, nothing about peoples safety as the virus is LESS dangerous than flu 

Sad & disgraceful


What would be the benefit to Governments destroying small businesses?


...and why is it all about "Power and Business control"?

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On 8/30/2020 at 8:03 PM, Flying Saucage said:

But I disagree! It's definitely not the second wave in Europe now. The European governments are only careful and alert and want avoid that a second wave ever will come. Be aware that R0 still is around 1, and not around 3 or 4 as it was 6 months ago. The lockdown at the  beginning of the pandemic was just the "hammer", and what happens now is part of the "dance".


Just today I read an article in the German news magazine Focus, explaining what happens right now: 6 months ago, Germany could handle 500000 tests per week, and they tested only people at risk. Today they test 1 million people per week, but as the risk is so much lower, they find more asymptomatic cases. Today they get 4 times more positive tests per day than 6 weeks ago. But no official here says there is a reason to panic yet. These asymptomatic cases are mainly young people which are at very low risk to develop more serious symptoms . Next point is that the doctors and hospitals today know much better how to treat people. Remdesvir is now used more often. The hospitals are empty. Currently 9000 ICU beds are available. 


I never agreed to others who said that Covid is just a flu. This was definitely not the case in March/April, when 100 per day died in Germany, and 1000 a day in Italy and Spain, and it still is not the case in Brazil, for example. But in Europe, it is quite like that now. Look at the serious daily cases, not at the new infections which are mainly asymptomatic.


So, currently there is no second wave. Only the authorities don't want to take any risk. No need to panic!

Today I read about the latest podcast of Professer Drosten of Charité Berlin, who is adviser to the German government and who frequently informs directly the people in the country.


Professor Drosten is internationally widely recognized as one of the absolutely leading specialists on research on Corona viruses. Needless to say that he has the very best and latest knowledge about incubation periods, about testing methods and the probablitiy of false positive and negative results, about how contagious asymptomatic cases are, and all these things which have to be taken into account. But also he is not so blinkered as these Thai so-called specialists, as he is aware about the negative impact of lockdowns and blocked borders on the people and humanity, and has not such a unethical political agenta as these Thais have. 


Taking into account all aspects as much as possible (he is not an economist, of course), today je suggested to reduce the quarantine time for people at risk (!) from 14 days down to 5 days only, has very most cases will be discovered then already, and to test then after 5 days. "At risk" means people who really had contact with an infected person, or who comes back from a country with a real high infection rate. 


He said that for a virologist this was indeed a quite radical suggestion, but he believes that this would be a good compromise to avoid other unnecessary negative impacts on the peoples economical situation and freedom.


A very sensible advise of one of the very best specialists worldwide!


As a side info: Yesterday there were only 3 deaths caused by/with Covid in Germany, among it's population of 82 million. The number of new infections went down again, and is in it's majority caused by asymptomatic people not at risk. There is no second wave here.


Needless to say that I trust his opinion on handling the pandemic way way more than any of these guys at Chulalongkorn university, with their chronic disease of politically caused Thai panic-psychosis and junta-hugging.


Edited by Flying Saucage
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12 hours ago, DLock said:


What would be the benefit to Governments destroying small businesses?


...and why is it all about "Power and Business control"?

This is one possibility.

The U.N. and world governments are controlled by the big corporations (Global Elite). The Global Elite want total control (Agenda 21) of everything, including you and I. So destroying small businesses eliminates a free competitive market. When there is no competition (due to no small businesses), these Global Elites that own the big corporations have full control over the prices, therefore, full control over the people.

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13 hours ago, DLock said:


What would be the benefit to Governments destroying small businesses?


...and why is it all about "Power and Business control"?

If you follow or understand UN Agenda21 the idea is wealth transfer and disenfranchise of people and small business, this is clearly identified and fully supported by WEF ( affiliated top 1000 businesses). 

Also it is noticeable that billionaires are making obscene profits during lookdowns.

Power and business Control is about subjugating people to social control, social distancing, mask wearing , to maintain these anti democratic Govt acts will herald in the possibility of global

governance. Please note that this is clearly defined within 2019 Global Pandemic Monitoring Board Annual Report

This is well organised and clearly documented, the attempt to have a new 'social contract with the people' these are globalist business leaders trying to destroy peoples rights.

Further control will come with contact tracing removing further citizens privacy

This is happening, its why the battle rages in USA and new surge in Conservative Nationalism.The hope is people will hold Govts to account once the mask slips from this whole charade , its started with US refunding WHO , CDC will certainly be reconstructed, This globalism initially a decade of action from this year 

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10 hours ago, TonBrow said:

This is one possibility.

The U.N. and world governments are controlled by the big corporations (Global Elite). The Global Elite want total control (Agenda 21) of everything, including you and I. So destroying small businesses eliminates a free competitive market. When there is no competition (due to no small businesses), these Global Elites that own the big corporations have full control over the prices, therefore, full control over the people.


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