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U.S. Republicans criticize Pelosi over hair appointment


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Russian-paid 'haricuts' for U.S. troops? Meh.


Nancy Pelosi gets her hair done. End of times.


Honestly, the president spends more time getting his hair done, and make-up spray-painted on, per day, than Ms. Pelosi spends in a month. He is 100X more vain than Nancy P.


Can't believe people think this is a thing?


10 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Republicans crying foul about a haircut, but you wont hear a word from them about trump calling fallen soldiers losers and suckers.


Yeah, this one - will be followed by many, many, many more of course - is hard to defend. Add in the threat to Don Jr. that he will be disowned by dad if he were to join the U.S. military. The military is for saps, suckers, losers trump said at the time.





Edited by mtls2005
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2 hours ago, Morch said:



I have no idea how long you've been a member on here. Talk about 4 years, joined a couple ago. Whatever. If you were around before that, you'd know that it was pretty much the same, especially during elections times, if somewhat less toxic. And, of course, other than in your narrative, it was never a one-way street.


Discussions (and especially on USA politics) turning more and more toxic, is pretty much what's seen on social media in general. You want to lay all that on Democrats, the Left or whatever, that's fine. But I do doubt that you can truly ignore Trump's huge contribution to this state of things. Not necessarily to how things are - but how we talk about them.


Maybe a one word reminder would help - Birther.

I am thinking Crying Dick would not have been happy with the out pouring of love and hope from the "far right" when Obama was in office...go back and have a look just about his birth certificate and the civil rationale discussion and discourse over that subject

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Typical liberal spin article. It's not about Republicans criticizing Nancy Pelosi. It's not about a hair salon owner. It's about an entitled politician dictating rules for us peasants while she thumbs her nose at them. But there's another angle to this that's not discussed much. Nancy is nearly 80 years old. She's in the high risk group for people dying of COVID-19. And she is clearly not worried one bit. What does she know that she hasn't been sharing with us? And if it's safe for her to go get her hair done, why isn't it safe for that and other hair salons to open up?


Whining about Republicans... what a complete dodge of the actual issue. But it's not at all surprising.

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12 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Russian-paid 'haricuts' for U.S. troops? Meh.


Nancy Pelosi gets her hair done. End of times.


Honestly, the president spends more time getting his hair done, and make-up spray-painted on, per day, than Ms. Pelosi spends in a month. He is 100X more vain than Nancy P.


Can't believe people think this is a thing?



Yeah, this one - will be followed by many, many, many more of course - is hard to defend. Add in the threat to Don Jr. that he will be disowned by dad if he were to join the U.S. military. The military is for saps, suckers, losers trump said at the time.





I fail to see how Donald Trump, whether Junior or Senior, has anything to do with the actual topic. Perhaps you can at least document your claim that anyone thinks Nancy Pelosi getting her hair done is the "end of times", yes?

Edited by MajarTheLion
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On 9/2/2020 at 5:54 PM, Chomper Higgot said:

She did the best thing anyone can do for a small business, made an appointment, kept the appointment and paid her bill.


Perhaps to assuage Illiberal faux outrage the ‘poor single mum salon owner’  should be publicly flogged for accepting appointments.


[edit] The hair dresser did a good job, Nancy’s hair looks great, I hope the salon does well out of the free publicity it’s getting.



Your allegation that the salon owner took part in setting up the appointment is false.



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On 9/2/2020 at 5:55 PM, Tug said:

Come to think about this for a minute I’ll bet old Donald spends more time getting pouffed and made up than a whole crew of bar girls lol

The issue is not how long Trump takes getting his hair done. In fact, Trump is not a part of this topic at all. I will assume your complete dodge of the actual topic is in fact a tacit concession you have no defense regarding the actual topic. Fair enough?

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On 9/2/2020 at 10:01 PM, thaibeachlovers said:


The United States House Majority Leader, set up by a local salon owner. Incredible. And even worse, completely avoids the point. While this is no game changer in the long run, rest assured everyday Americans who have lost their jobs and businesses due to hacks like Nancy shutting down the country (very likely out of hate for Trump) while ridiculing those same people by thumbing her nose at her very own policies is not digesting well. And blaming one of the many victims of these silly government shutdowns? Disgusting.

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On 9/3/2020 at 9:21 AM, Sujo said:

Perhaps you should educate yourself before emojis.


Seems the salon was indeed open and she was set up.




Why do you think continually complaining about a set up makes it so? The fact remains Nancy had her assistant make the appointment. Nancy showed up for the appointment. Everything was put into motion by Nancy and her assistant. Simply repeating a claim doesn't make it so. Your link does nothing to support the silly rant about a set up. Nancy Pelosi is an entitled politician who thinks rules are just for us peasants. There is no amount of spin that can change that.

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26 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:


Why do you think continually complaining about a set up makes it so? The fact remains Nancy had her assistant make the appointment. Nancy showed up for the appointment. Everything was put into motion by Nancy and her assistant. Simply repeating a claim doesn't make it so. Your link does nothing to support the silly rant about a set up. Nancy Pelosi is an entitled politician who thinks rules are just for us peasants. There is no amount of spin that can change that.

I am sure glad the Trump trolls have this story to latch onto.   I mean this is just about as outrageous as Obama and the tan suit.   


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4 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

Just curious... why do you think how Nancy looks at her age is in any way a response relevant to the actual topic? Do you think it is reasonable for people to assume you have no defense of a powerful politician who dictates rules that are putting everyday Americans out of business while thumbing her nose at these very rules that are ruining so many lives?

I responded to an insulting comment by a member concerning Pelosi - don't like it - so what! On your other comments - trump's disastrous mismanagement of the Covid pandemic is the major cause of unemployment and current poor economic performance in the US, not Pelosi. trump couldn't fight (negotiate) his way out of wet paper bag.

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20 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


What is "the" point? What is your point?



Epic fail.


Nancy did not shut down the country. And for those cities, towns and states which did shutdown, you're contending that they coordianted this effort out of hate for trump? Seriously? 



I still don't get why republicans are making an issue about this?  Surely there are more important things to focus on?



Texas Republicans get illegal haircuts in protest against coronavirus lockdown


Two Texas state representatives on Tuesday got haircuts as an act of protest against Texas' stay-at-home order that currently requires barbershops to be closed in an effort to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.





Cruz gets his hair cut at salon whose owner was jailed for defying Texas coronavirus restrictions


WASHINGTON – Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, got a haircut Friday at the salon owned by Shelley Luther, who was briefly jailed for refusing to obey stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic.


Luther, who opened Salon à la Mode nearly two weeks ago, was found in contempt for ignoring a court order to close from state Judge Eric Moyé, who sentenced her to seven days in Dallas County jail Tuesday and hit her with a $7,000 fine.



Well yes, people who are opposed to shutdowns getting haircuts is a far cry from people who support shutdowns getting haircuts.

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2 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

Well yes, people who are opposed to shutdowns getting haircuts is a far cry from people who support shutdowns getting haircuts.

In getting a haircut Pelosi is morally guilty of hypocrisy. In urging citizens of states where lockdowns were imposed to liberate themselves,  in denigrating the wearing of masks, in hosting meetings where basic precautions established by his own White House Council weren't observed,  Trump is morally guilty of homicide. And your takeaway from this? Bad Nancy!

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Remember when the wingnuts went crazy(er) because Bill Clinton got an expensive (his own money) haircut on Air Force One?  They claimed it shut down runways at LAX, had planes circling, takeoffs delayed for hours, etc.  


Absolutely none of that was true but it didn't stop the right wing echo chamber from repeating it for a long time.  

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