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Biden leads Trump by 12 points nationally among likely voters - Reuters/Ipsos poll

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12 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

We really need to keep on topic 

They’re just desperate and grasping for air. Joe Biden has more energy and resolve to heal the race wars caused by Trump. When Biden is elected we’ll finally be able to free our black brothers and sisters from over 400 years of enslavement and oppression. We’ll be able to uplift our brothers and sisters in the LatinX community to finally be fully fledged American citizens !  This is what at stake and Joe Biden can achieve all. We need to Better Build Back




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18 hours ago, Damual Travesty said:

I have no idea what you are talking about. The American citizen is going to vote on policy. Look at violence in the streets, look at the Democrat response, remember the Mueller report and the outcome, the failed impeachment and outcome, they will listen to the speeches of Trump and Biden, realize that a policy of shutting down the US oil and gas industry is not prudent, that opening and decriminalizing the US border is not prudent, they understand that the best economic remedy for the American worker is to bring back manufacturing jobs to the USA. Surely, Americans understand the danger that Chinese threats are posing to ourselves and to our allies. Americans understand the Biden family and Hunter as a reflection of his Father perfectly well. Americans see that police forces are quitting over democrat lack of leadership, they recognize insanity when they see it and one contrived Democrat fake news story after another. The Democrat party has imploded and the last straw is an attempt to create violence and mayhem all the way to election day and most surely after. This election will go to Trump all the way. The African American vote will come out for him, the hispanic vote will come out for him, feeble attempts to cut into his base are just that - feeble.  It's Trump all the way and GOP sweep in both houses. You read it here!


There are numerous aired interviews, segments and whatnot documenting Trump supporters either having little idea what his actual policies are, or when confronted by Trump policies that differ from their views, deny it or shrug it away. You may claim this is untrue, or that you've no idea about it, or whatever - such were linked many times on this forum alone. 


Further, considering many of Trump supporters on this forum routinely either falsely believe or actively promote incorrect, misleading, made up version of Democrat policies (see your own post), the notion that people are familiar with what they are supposedly voting on is doubtful.


Not sure you want to go on about Biden's family, really. At least not when pitted against Trump's. It would take quite a biased imagination being impressed by either. As for China being a threat, sure - now, where are the fashion/accessories making Trump's daughter's business produced? Oh...


Banging on each and every story putting Trump in a negative light is neither reasonable, nor conform to facts and truth. Shouting "fake news" at each criticism, each revelation regarding the President's actions, style, words, conflict of interest, policies doesn't make them such. It's all the more disingenuous if one acknowledged Trump issues false statements, cites false facts, lies and makes up stuff on a regular basis. Denying his troubled relations with Truth is, by now, sheer denial.


Leadership? You've got a President who refuses to take ownership and responsibility for anything that goes wrong, can hardly admit mistakes, engages in public petty interactions, often lacking decorum and openly doing his best to make the case he's not the President of all Americans.


Your wishful thinking, presented as facts, is dully noted. Hopefully for us all, you're wrong.

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13 hours ago, RoadWarrior371 said:

Lock 'em all up.  No Hypocrites allowed.



Would that include the President who managed to politicize mask wearing during a pandemic which cost thousands upon thousands of American lives? The very same pandemic which he played down? Hypocrisy would be whining about a hair cut while cheer-leading such a President.  

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22 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

including 390 who identified as Democrats and 351 who identified as Republicans. The poll has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of about 4 percentage points.

So , a Poll where the majority of people asked were Biden supporters found out that the majority of people would vote for Biden in an election .

  They need to conduct another poll where the majority of polled people are Trump supporters and then see what those results would be 

  • Confused 2
13 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

Biden leads Trump by 12 points nationally among likely voters - Reuters/Ipsos poll


The headline, and thus the story, is mostly irrelevant because the United States of America does not elect presidents using a national popular vote. And we haven't even gotten into how the polls were worse than this for Trump in 2016. So obviously, credibility is an issue as well.


Yes, the popular vote is not, ultimately, what decides elections in the USA. I think most people on here are aware of this by now, regardless of how they feel about it.


That said, such a lead may imply Trump supporters' often made allusions and claims regarding a "silent majority", or any kind of popular majority are not a reality. Also, even acknowledging the USA's brand of election system, such a lead implies it unlikely any kind of "landslide" victory for Trump in the cards, even if it is "just" electors referred to.


As for the polls in 2016 being worse for Trump, I kinda doubt that as a universal comment. Regardless, it ought to be remembered that in 2016 Trump's rival was the more established candidate, while he was a newcomer. This time around, he's the incumbent POTUS - supposedly, this traditionally translates as an electoral advantage as far as polling goes.


I'm not saying Trump won't win. Think it will be rather close either way.

5 hours ago, polpott said:

Actually he's not very much at all. Can't wait for the vice presidential debates - if Pence dares to turn up!


Actually, I would have preferred the Democrat ticket to be reversed. Harris would have been one of the great presidents.

Baby steps....

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10 hours ago, Damual Travesty said:

This is yet another comment that obviously is just an insult that serves no other purpose other then to insult. - a childish "Oh yeah and you are poo poo" comment. We are grown adults here are we not? If you really are making a claim that the inauguration speech of Trump marked a failed Presidency it would take further elaboration but that isn't really the topic here is it? Regarding the topic, a strong case can be made that the polls were quite wrong leading up to the 2016 election of Donald Trump and therefore perhaps the same thing can be said for polls today - regardless of who they say is leading. As has been said before, polls do not capture correctly if people are simply lying when they say who they are going to vote for. In fact in an era when pollsters are no longer seen as independent honest organizations above the political fray as they once were, it could be argued that they are no longer useful at all. The polling companies won't say that of course because that would put there livelihood into jeopardy, but the reality is that Americans no longer put any trust or respect into polling companies, and treat them as such. Once a substantial portion of Americans begin to lie, regarding their candidate of choice, or party affiliation - well - the poll is meaningless. One way or the other. But as for National sentiment - we all can call it as we see it perhaps based upon perceived enthusiasm. Does that sound reasonable?


Allow me to take your expressed dismay and outrage at the one liner post replied to in the context of you or other Trump supporters rarely having any issues with similar comments directed at Trump's rivals or posters opposing him. Guess that's totally different.


Saying that the 2016 polls were "quite wrong" is wrong. The problem was less with the polls, and more to do with analyzing them, HRC's campaign's reaction and the media's presentation. What the polls actually showed was that it was a tight race - which it was.


I've no idea that polling companies actually hide, deny or cover the issues involved with polling certain segments and certain issues, but regardless, there's quite a lot of research on such matters, not hard to be informed if one's into it. The issues involved are not a secret to anyone attached to the polling industry, be it pollsters, analysts or customers (and should probably include people surveyed as well).

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21 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

You misunderstood what Trump meant by that .

I cannot be bothered to explain again 

well i think we all appreciate that you can not be bothered because I assure you I have misunderstood nothing of what he said

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5 hours ago, Neeranam said:

He won me some nice money the last time. 4/1 odds. He will win again unless they take Biden away.

Sounds like you have a bit of a resentment there like all anti-Trump supremacists.

By chance are you willing to bet on a reelection?

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7 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

Lest we forget: CCP, Antifa and BLM all support Biden.


Lest we forget, you're making up stuff.

I do get the personality cult thing, even if reject its object or the imperative to emulate his ways.

3 minutes ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

well i think we all appreciate that you can not be bothered because I assure you I have misunderstood nothing of what he said

OK, once again , just for you : Trump meant that they weren't all bad people (Bad people being the Nazis) there were also some good people among them as well 

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6 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

"Four years ago, Democrat Hillary Clinton got almost 3 million more votes than Trump, only to see her Republican rival narrowly win the Electoral College and the presidency."


According to Google, Clinton received 2.868686 million more votes; 2.09% of the votes more than Trump.


Trump won 304 Electoral College votes and Clinton 227. That's 33.9% more, which Reuters claim is "narrowly win"!


Great example of words deliberately intended to mislead. Reuters no longer report impartially or factually. Sadly, neither do many former prestigious media organizations. BBC can be caught out regularly too.


Just one example but nowadays you have to check the veracity of "the news" more than ever.


I understand your point about words and language used. There's that, even if we may disagree as to how far it goes.


That said, I think that simply comparing the percentages is incorrect. Rather, figures ought to be compared to previous elections. As in, what's a significant popular vote gap? What's a large elector gap? It ought to be easier to get a higher percentage difference on the elector vote anyway, given how it works and the number of people casting votes.

6 hours ago, FlyingThai said:

We've heard all of this before. There is no enthusiasm for Biden, let alone Harris. Nobody, NOBODY wants to see this witch an 80 year olds heartbeat away from the presidency.


It's done folks!


Nobody, except the people who responded to the poll. And many posters on here. And Democrat voters. And people who's lesser-of-two-evils choice is anyone-but-Trump. The list goes on. Can't see how rational folks even arrive at posting such drivel.

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Pence is a lot of things but he is not a witch.


He turned me into a newt....But I got better...

7 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

OK, once again , just for you : Trump meant that they weren't all bad people (Bad people being the Nazis) there were also some good people among them as well 

Oh....gee...maybe I should remove #5 from my list...no. He never should have put a blanket on that one side when their core was made up of white power racists and if he came out and did what point #5 said he should....then lets just say that alot of white sheet wearing Trump worshipers would not be at the polls Nov 3rd...hence losing some of his 40% (notice I said some, not all...I am not painting all of the 40% with that brush)


Go ahead...get your last word, I am done with you on this point. 

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6 hours ago, Caldera said:

Oh look, another poll.


I'll wait for the results as they will come in after Nov 3. It will be a long time before I'll trust any poll again!


After Labor Day take polls seriously. Trump lead actually on the day of the election

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

You may be right. Or wrong. I think most of his supporters do not like a loser. And many see him fading before their eyes. His command of speech, his ability to transport that 300 lb. mass around, and his passion all seem to be on the wane. He is aging fast. I think he will become irrelevant, and control of the GOP will be wrestled away from him. And if he is unwilling to leave the very White House, he will be unceremoniously ushered out by Federal Marshalls. Now, that would be a sight to see. Don in tears!

MSNBC went to a trump event and asked the supporters what they will do if he loses the election. One said they will just go away and another said he will get his gun

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Gotta wonder of the Biden supporters here on TV: how many of you live in Thailand, but hail from the west coast states?  And how many simply post from the west coast states?  And while I’m at it, how many live in, or hail from Nancy Pelosi’s district?

  • Confused 2
23 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

What else does he have to do before those 40% won't back him anymore? [Deleted] Amazing USA.

All logic says that Trump should lose by a vast majority.  Hard to see how anyone could vote for him at all.  I do understand that last time most of the vote was against Clinton and that is what got Trump in to the Whitehouse.  I also understand that with a proper President in power,  Biden wouldn't stand any chance of winning.


But with Trump in the chair, even  a one legged lesbian donkey should walk (OK hop!) away with a win.  The American people continue to baffle and amaze the rest of us!

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What a joke of a poll!
"It gathered responses from 823 likely voters of which 390 identified as Democrats and 351 as Republicans."

I'm surprised Reuters published this and gobsmacked anyone takes it seriously.

Come back with at least 80,000 respondents spread across the country. 

  • Haha 1
5 minutes ago, Donga said:

What a joke of a poll!
"It gathered responses from 823 likely voters of which 390 identified as Democrats and 351 as Republicans."

I'm surprised Reuters published this and gobsmacked anyone takes it seriously.

Come back with at least 80,000 respondents spread across the country. 

It is true that polls don't mean much at any time.  It all depends on where they do their polling.  Canvass people outside a Nascar track and you will get a plus for Trump.  Canvas people outside of Harvard University and it would massively favour his opponent.


Let's just see where we are after the actual event.

8 minutes ago, Donga said:

What a joke of a poll!
"It gathered responses from 823 likely voters of which 390 identified as Democrats and 351 as Republicans."

I'm surprised Reuters published this and gobsmacked anyone takes it seriously.

Come back with at least 80,000 respondents spread across the country. 

Something makes me think that if the poll had shown Trump leading by 12 points, you wouldn't have shown as much disdain for the poll.

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