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Brexit brinkmanship: EU orders UK to scrap plan for treaty breach, UK refuses


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1 minute ago, polpott said:

Because they don't want to make it too obvious to their supporters that a hard Brexit is what they've wanted all along. They're trying to make the no deal Brexit all the EU's fault. Not hard with the simple souls that support them.

Back to the insults again? Fine. But as it seems that the EU will not give way on anything substantial and will continue to try to dictate these "negotiations" as if we were still a member, then it is obvious to even a simple soul like me that no deal is the only outcome. So, we might as well go now and wait to see what will happen when everyone wakes up after all this nonsense. 

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17 minutes ago, nauseus said:

then it is obvious to even a simple soul like me that no deal is the only outcome. So, we might as well go now

Sure, except it doesn't happen.

The truth is somewhere out there, it will left everyone perplex.

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58 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Back to the insults again? Fine. But as it seems that the EU will not give way on anything substantial and will continue to try to dictate these "negotiations" as if we were still a member, then it is obvious to even a simple soul like me that no deal is the only outcome. So, we might as well go now and wait to see what will happen when everyone wakes up after all this nonsense. 

"So, we might as well go now and wait to see what will happen when everyone wakes up after all this nonsense. "



So do you only realize that  now .....???? ?  A 3 months after the referendum decision to leave the E.U.  I  realized that already …,that this would not be a friendly divorce …. after reading so many brexiteers mantras …. as " they need us more than we need them "... "I can be a very difficult lady  (PM May...)  etc ,


that is not the best way to start a negotiation ….:whistling:

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1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

Unlike the EU. Who break their own laws as soon as it suits them. Or the EU member states that break EU treaties

Some examples of this, please.


1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

Nobody cares about Johnson clarifying a contradiction in the WA that could have compromised the GFA.

Hardly clarifying a contradiction!


His deal, except for a few cases of using alternative wording such as replacing 'adequate' with 'appropriate,' was identical to May's; apart from this one vital aspect. Replacing May's Irish backstop is removed, and replacing it with a new protocol on Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. A protocol which placed a de facto customs border down the Irish Sea.


This was hailed by most Brexiteers at the time as a triumph, and most of them also criticised Parliament for not accepting it. As Boris needed the support of Ulster Unionist parties to get it through, support they rightly denied him as this deal betrayed the people of Northern Ireland, Johnson called a 'back me or sack me' general election.


Having won that election based upon his promise to implement that agreement, having signed the agreement last January; he's now decided he doesn't want the most controversial part of it any more. Despite the opposition of both Nationalists and Unionists in the province. Even the Ulster Unionist Party, who have never supported the protocol, have said that the government should not be threatening to break international law to "right a terrible wrong". (source)


1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

Japan has FTA's with the likes of Thailand (military D), Philippines (Duterte extra judicial killings), Malaysia (rampant corruption). They're not going to throw away billions in trade because Johnson is clarifying a minor point in an EU treaty. Especially during the current C19 crisis. Governments love to appear virtuous but ultimately it's all about money, much like some TV posters whose only real problem with Brexit is the fall in FX with the Baht.

Johnson is not clarifying a minor point; even the Ulster Unionists, opposed to the protocol from the start, have said that the government should not be threatening to break international law to "right a terrible wrong."


Every trading nation has deals with governments whose record on human rights, corruption etc. is not as one would wish. The UK has been selling arms to Saudi Arabia for decades!


But that is not the point. Will the Japanese parliament see Johnson's actions as a betrayal of trust? Will they decide this means he cannot be trusted? Will this mean they do not ratify the UK/Japan deal?


We will have to wait and see; but this wont have helped them decide Boris can be trusted! No matter how much the deal is worth on paper, and to Japan it's not much more than the £1.9 billion they exported to us last year, it's worthless in reality if one believes the other party is going to break it!

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3 minutes ago, orlov said:

Absolutely it does. At present European law supersedes the national laws of EU members. Regaining our sovereignty is one of the most important reasons we’re leaving.



So which EU law will you be happiest to see the back of now we have our "Sovereignty"?

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Thanks to @candide for the reminder in another topic of what Johnson said about the agreement last January.


Brexit: Boris Johnson signs withdrawal agreement in Downing Street


"The prime minister hailed a "fantastic moment" for the country....

He said he hoped it would "bring to an end far too many years of argument and division".......

"The signing is a fantastic moment, which finally delivers the result of the 2016 referendum......"


No mention anywhere last January by Boris nor any of his supporters of the Northern Irish Protocol being the minor matter requiring clarification some members here are now claiming it to be in their desperate attempts to justify Boris going back on his word!



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10 hours ago, david555 said:

I wonder if little dictator is not yet considering declaring "emergance situation "or "martial law "....seeing his situation envolving.......Oh !! …  I forgot , .....or prorogation of parliament maybe  once more ..?????  ????


   One thing is for sure .

   The opposition if any ,  aka the Labour party  . 

   Will remain as, silent socialists..  Thx,  Tory Blair ..

     Lloyd George . Ah those were the days ..


Edited by elliss
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2 hours ago, david555 said:

Marvellous challenge from Ed Milliband about asking Boris which detailed part of his bill points out to the treath from E.U...... Boris speechless & embarrassed  ???? 1 minute 35 sec. of fun ....

 'He doesn't know his stuff': Ed Miliband challenges Johnson on internal market bill – video 






Careful editing footage from the free press of course!

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25 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Careful editing footage from the free press of course!

Would you expect the whole session from HOC. to be edited ?.... I guess a certain Mod  would intervene i am sure...????


I saw all ....including Boris his  bil introduction .

But honest on Milliband he "Boris "obstained any reply or explaination ....this time he did not prepaired his lie in detail  enough...????


The E. U. blocking food for the starving N.I....????.....( his imagination got carried away when he invented that i guess ...???? ) the only who tried to starve  Irish where those from the" potato war ".....not knowing details about that item ...but heared someting about.????

Edited by david555
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5 minutes ago, david555 said:

Would you expect the whole session from HOC. to be edited ?.... I guess a certain Mod  would intervene i am sure...????


I saw all ....including Boris his  bil introduction .

But honest on Milliband he "Boris "obstained any reply or explaination ....this time he did not prepaired his lie in detail  enough...????


The E. U. blocking food for the starving N.I....????.....( his imagination got carried away when he invented that ....???? the only who tried to starve  Irish where those from the" potato war ".....not knowing details about ...but heared someting about.????

Didn't Ed Milliband break International Law when he voted to invade Iraq?

However what was Milliband doing questioning Boris, I thought that Angela Raynor was Deputy Leader of the Labour Party................... Oh wait I know.

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