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UK PM Johnson appeals to party for support over controversial bill


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2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 The fact is that over two thirds of Northern Irish voted for parties who do not support this reneging on an agreement Johnson previously hailed as a personal triumph.


That is not twisting figures; it's a fact.


Never said that, never will. 


Indeed, like many of your fellows, answering questions and providing evidence to support the fantasies you claim to be facts is beyond you. For the simple reason that the answers and the evidence do not exist.


Before he prorogued Parliament, before he called the election, during the election campaign, after the election and when he signed the agreement he constantly and triumphantly proclaimed that this agreement would get Brexit done.


Either he was lying then, or he's lying now.


That you freely admit to not caring that he either lied to you then or is lying to you now proves that you are so used to desperately trying to defend his every utterance, regardless of the content, that you are now self programmed into giving automatic, unthinking, Pavlovian responses to his every word.


Remove the Northern Ireland Protocol and what's left is the rest of his deal. The bit identical to May's deal. The deal you all labelled as unacceptable BRINO!


It seems that you all now support BRINO!


Fun for all except those who have to try and convince our possible future trading partners that this government wont repeat this action and renege on the deal after it's been signed!



You are wrong again. You cannot see the fact for your twisting. Only three NI MPs voted against Boris's IMB. You cannot make false claims about the others who didn't vote.

I do not care if Boris lies when dealing with the EU. They and the Remainers are a bunch of liars and cheats, so he can do whatever he likes with them. We are now out of the EU and he's pulled a flanker on you all. Firstly the Remainers with his proroguing the Remainer parliament and the GE, now a flanker on the EU with overriding their BRINO. Top man Boris, or Dominic if you prefer. We can dismantle the WA as much as we like. Parts of it regarding NI came first to counter EU threats made under extended provisions from the WA. Which part will be next? Bring on the big red bus!


Our future trading partners will be exactly that - trading partners, not the grasping controlling EU. They won't even care and will understand that they are not dealing with more walkover wet Remainer negotiators. Bring on the trade deals!


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Just now, 7by7 said:



You are simply repeating your Pavlovian, sheeple adoration of Boris and all that falls out of his backside.


I have answered every single point you have repeated above more than once.


If you are capable of thinking up something new to say, I will respond. If not, farewell.




I know, I know. It really get up you type of people doesn't it. Beaten at the referendum. Beaten at the elections. Beaten in a rigged parliament. Beaten in legally exiting the EU. Beaten right up to the winning post of No Deal.


You can continue repeating yourself, and no doubt will until you are EU blue and yellow in the face. It counts for naught.


I wish this was a farewell old chap, but I suspect it's only au revoir.

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On 9/12/2020 at 8:23 PM, tebee said:

The day after we vote to leave, we hold all the cards and we can choose the path we want


Michael Gove
9 April 2016

taking a closer look at him.....he does look like a dreamer 555

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