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Protesters defy Thammasat ban and surge into football field for mega pro-democracy rally


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Great to see a peaceful protest conducted in this "democracy" despite potentially inflammatory stances taken by the government - supposedly the servant of The People if I'm not mistaken. Funnily enough much like the army...

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1 hour ago, Airbagwill said:

Only someone who doesn't understand democracy could say that in Thailand


Only someone who's got nothing of value in reply resorts to personal comments.


So, do you actually believe all these protestors and future voters are thoroughly, or even adequately familiar with what democracy applies? Any evidence of this in the daily life here? While driving? Commenting on social media? Or dealing with difference of opinions?


I listen to and read of the demands made. Some make sense. Some I support. But then you get some stuff which broadcasts populism or little understanding things come with a price tag, accountability and the like.

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1 hour ago, Golden Triangle said:

I sincerely hope that the ranks of this movement swell rapidly, the greater the numbers the more there voices & actions will be taken notice of, almost every one these days has access to the internet and foreign news reports of uprisings, rebellions against dictators is now commonplace, look at Belarus or Hong Kong as recent examples, these intelligent individuals want & need a better future than that being offered them at the moment by today's ruling classes, aka The Dinosaurs.


As for the new plaque, if it's still there this time next week I would be very surprised, this may prove to be the catalyst that escalates this whole episode to what could be a very dark period indeed, I hope not, but that depends on the actions/ reactions of the current government and above.


Good luck Thailand, you're going to need it.


I don't know that HK is a good example....

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5 hours ago, Snig27 said:

 Clearly you were not there. The crowd was wide ranging and there was a ton of adult participation. There were live stages with music for hours, politicians and thousands of what might be called “housewives”. You seem to have made your mind up flicking through TV channels. 

Wandaslone, you're a Coconut. 

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7 minutes ago, Card said:

They are fighting for democracy. Covid is a minor issue.


I do not think that the current level of risk associated with the protests and Covid-19 does not merit 'shutting them down' on these grounds.


That said, and the protests being about 'democracy' - do they get to make the choice above for everyone else?

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2 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

I never said it was did I ? 


What I was implying was the youth, students and generally intelligent people of Hong Kong could see what China was up to, they protested bravely about it for many many months, the same is beginning to happen here, people have had enough of the Dinosaurs jackboot, you say that the people of Thailand aren't ready for democracy, explain that.


At some point the people will succeed, I hope that Thannathorn (spl) & his party get back to a legal level and are once again allowed to canvas for votes and seats in a free and Democratically run election, and lead this country try to the happy prosperous future it deserves, it has changed for the very worst over the last 16 years that I have been associated and living with.


Well, giving the example of HK ought to include a word of caution as to consequences. Playing the hero is fine, but at the end of the day, the result was even harsher oppression than was present prior to events.


I think I have addressed and explained my view regarding Thai people not being ready to fully embrace Western-style democracy. Most of what's heard on the demands section is to do with rights and perks. There is relatively little of substance regarding acceptance of other views (not something the protestors are big on), acknowledging consequences/causality of decisions/policies (higher life standard comes with higher taxes), elections not necessarily going your way, or who guards the guardians (when applied to the envisaged democratic regime). There are plenty of everyday instances demonstrating aspects of this - one of the more obvious being driving. Lack of knowledge of or respect for the law, no consideration of others, forward planning not being a thing, and aggression being expressed without much inhibition.


This is not offered as endorsement of dictators, oppression or the like. It's an observation based on living here, and knowing the difference between labels and the thing that they are meant to represent.


16 years? Alright. So how did Thailand's attempts at democratic governance fare during this time span? And please, do not reference solely the military coups, but the governments and parliaments themselves as well. Don't know about you, I didn't feel it was encouraging or impressive.


And sorry, I don't see the current guy as some sort of a magic answer. Or even an answer, at that. Far as I can tell, he's essentially a rich boy Hi-So, not very genuine and a bit of whiner. Shudder to imagine how things would have been handled had he been in power while the Covid-19 thing came about. Thailand deserves better than this.

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Their focus should be on the government and 112, remove the latter and all the other criminalising libel laws will have to be abolished too. The more voices that are allowed to criticise and high light wrong doings, the less there are likely to be. 

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4 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

RT com are giving them plenty of coverage ,but few otheres are..

I guess RT have nothing better to do.  Others won't broadcast nonsense ..... this is nothing more than the usual thai phase and it'll all blow over soon .... nothing to get excited about.

Khun Prayut Chan O Cha has it all under control 


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11 hours ago, sungod said:

Hey Yinn, what do you think about the large numbers of people packed in very close to each other, not wearing masks?

Same as the protests in the USA.. coronavirus cases will go up.

Now the government has an excuse to test participants, find cases and shut down freedom again. 2 birds with one stone.. no need to pretend there is no virus in the country and you can blame demonstrators and get the population scared of pro-democracy events. Perfect 

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7 minutes ago, steven100 said:

I guess RT have nothing better to do.  Others won't broadcast nonsense ..... this is nothing more than the usual thai phase and it'll all blow over soon .... nothing to get excited about.

Khun Prayut Chan O Cha has it all under control 


Being extensively covered on most global news networks.

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8 minutes ago, realfunster said:

I used to think you were just someone with a different viewpoint on things. 


Stating this in the context of ZERO cases in country marks you out as, quite frankly, a fascist that will support the ‘party line’  of the military dictatorship over any reasonable, balanced and logical position.


Your view lacks any rational basis and you are clearly brainwashed and without any critical faculties.



You believe the ZERO cases nonsense? With borders open to Chinese in January and February.. and very little testing of asymptomatic people. 

There are cases which are not known as untested. Now they can test a few demonstrators and find covid.. then blame demonstrations. How will the general population feel about these protests? 

Does anyone really believe that infections in the USA did not increase in June after large protests at the beginning of the month? 


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6 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

You believe the ZERO cases nonsense? With borders open to Chinese in January and February.. and very little testing of asymptomatic people. 

There are cases which are not known as untested. Now they can test a few demonstrators and find covid.. then blame demonstrations. How will the general population feel about these protests? 

Does anyone really believe that infections in the USA did not increase in June after large protests at the beginning of the month? 


Thank you for a sensible post.

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