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EU-bound trucks from UK could face two-day delays after Brexit, Britain says


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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

Norway is in the EEA and it has to pay. What has that got to do with what we were voting for?

I was also wondering about that.


(Hope it wasn't Norway's handling of satang re EU that caused the leave vote.)


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(So tomorrow is 30 September .....what go happen with the E.U. deadline for Boris his Bill ….?  ???? )




Boris Johnson news – live: Michael Gove in Brussels for showdown Brexit talks
Adam Forrest @adamtomforrest
Conrad Duncan @theconradduncan
54 minutes ago


Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove is holding talks with the EU counterparts in Brussels in a bid to smooth over the acrimonious dispute over UK plans to rip up part of the Withdrawal Agreement.

Ahead of formal trade talks, Irish premier Micheal Martin said he is “not optimistic” Boris Johnson’s government will strike a post-Brexit deal with the EU. He said his government was preparing for the “terrible reality” of a no-deal scenario at the end of 2020.


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9 minutes ago, tebee said:

It's not for a trade deal, it's for mutual recognition of standards and is the cost of establishing and policing those standards.


Without it every shipment to the EU needs individual certification that it matches their standards. This ends up more expensive for the exporter.

I was responding to the claim that the UK would need to make regular payments to the EU in order to get a trade deal. I don't think your comment relates to that -does it? 

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20 minutes ago, david555 said:

(So tomorrow is 30 September .....what go happen with the E.U. deadline for Boris his Bill ….?  ???? )




Boris Johnson news – live: Michael Gove in Brussels for showdown Brexit talks
Adam Forrest @adamtomforrest
Conrad Duncan @theconradduncan
54 minutes ago


Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove is holding talks with the EU counterparts in Brussels in a bid to smooth over the acrimonious dispute over UK plans to rip up part of the Withdrawal Agreement.

Ahead of formal trade talks, Irish premier Micheal Martin said he is “not optimistic” Boris Johnson’s government will strike a post-Brexit deal with the EU. He said his government was preparing for the “terrible reality” of a no-deal scenario at the end of 2020.


There is only one solution to this. Either Johnson and the Brexiteers face reality and capitulate or its a no deal Brexit.

The question is CAN they actually face reality and admit they are the smaller party in these trade talks and hence all the nonsense spouted about "we will hold all the cards" was nothing but bluster. 

I dont think they can. They will keep on denying what is obvious and simply wrap that union flag around themselves ever tighter. Of course when the shock of what they have caused finally hits they will lash out and blame anyone but themselves for the economic disaster they voted for.

Should be a laugh a minute on these boards when that happens. 

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30 minutes ago, tebee said:

Brexit "projections which have failed to materialize


Any benefit at to British Exporters

£350 mill a week to the NHS 


  PF predictions coming into focus now


Much more paperwork for our exports 


Food getting more expensive

Car manufacturing closing down.

Q's at Dover 

Food and medicine shortages 

No solution to the problems Brexit causes to NI 

British pensioners being unable to retire to Europe because of lack of health insurance.

Most British truckers being unable to work in Europe

Loss of accountability in government

UK becoming "Billy no mates" 

Possible break up of UK.


Coming into focus? Great work.

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1 minute ago, tebee said:

This is what will happen if we get no deal - I think that is almost inevitable now unless we have a regime change at Westminster. 


But if you prefer to wait until the bus has run you over, feel free to ignore it.

I've been ignoring project fear for more than 4 years.

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2 minutes ago, nauseus said:

High drama! So your definition of facing reality is just rolling over. Even Boris knows that is his surest way into the No.10. ejector seat. 


No point in "capitulating" now anyway, we're already out. This is the sequencing that the EU wanted for the "negotiations". Remember? 

My definition of reality is facing the cold hard truth. 

The UK is not and never will be a global power ever again. The stark truth is you British nationalist assumed everyone would bend over backwards to accommodate your demands because of your belief in English exceptionalism. 

Welcome to the real world. Small fish in a big pond full of sharks. 

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Just now, Rookiescot said:

My definition of reality is facing the cold hard truth. 

The UK is not and never will be a global power ever again. The stark truth is you British nationalist assumed everyone would bend over backwards to accommodate your demands because of your belief in English exceptionalism. 

Welcome to the real world. Small fish in a big pond full of sharks. 

What a load of slop. Looks like it's not me who needs the reality check. 

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5 minutes ago, nauseus said:

High drama! So your definition of facing reality is just rolling over. Even Boris knows that is his surest way into the No.10. ejector seat. 


No point in "capitulating" now anyway, we're already out. This is the sequencing that the EU wanted for the "negotiations". Remember? 

Can't do the trade deal until the WA and RD are done. Nag nag nag.

So Boris has the choice of capitulating to the EU and being thrown out or waiting until after the chaos of nodeal hits the public and being thrown out then with an even worse reputation.


EU wanted sequencing precisely because it put the UK in an inferior position. 

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Just now, tebee said:

So Boris has the choice of capitulating to the EU and being thrown out or waiting until after the chaos of nodeal hits the public and being thrown out then with an even worse reputation.


EU wanted sequencing precisely because it put the UK in an inferior position. 

Boris has only one route to political survival now.


So much for the EU's good faith then! 

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2 minutes ago, nauseus said:

What a load of slop. Looks like it's not me who needs the reality check. 


So you still believe the UK holds all the cards? It will be the easiest trade deal in history? German car manufacturers will not allow no deal? They need us more than we need them? No-one is threatening our place in the single market? We will be just like Norway and Switzerland? There will be no downside to voting for Brexit?

I really love quoting all those Brexiter slogans back to you guys. All that bluster. All that bravado.

Where are we now?

Yeah reality sucks dont it? Still you knew what you were voting for and this is it.

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7 minutes ago, nauseus said:

I have been enjoying it, apart from the weakness of the exit negotiations, that were mismanaged by remainers for so long. 

Evidently thats no longer an issue is it? Not since Johnson and his oven ready deal were swept into power with an eighty seat majority.

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We can expect snakes-and-ladders from this lot right the way through til January; and if a Ferry is so much as an hour late on say 2nd, 3rd or 4th of January (as is usual due to weather at that time of year) we can expect a unilateral 'I TOLD YOU SO' as their final throw of the dice in what is always a 'no news' time of year.

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