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EU-bound trucks from UK could face two-day delays after Brexit, Britain says


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14 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Are you talking to Brexiteers or Scots Indys? ????

Damn, you noticed! 


I have decided to sacrifice myself for the common good by uniting opposing both sides in their dislike of me.


I think that the least that I deserve is to be appointed as a UN Peace Envoy????

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2 hours ago, Loiner said:

I'll be having my cake and eating too when we finally exit, and 100% British cake at that. 

The pâtisserie - oops sorry, baker - and other customers are going to love you! They will be spending half an hour confirming that each individual ingredient in their gâteaux - damn there I go again; I mean cakes - is 100% British. 



You can keep counting the trade deals as they roll in,

Well so far it's one, so that wasn't very difficult. The other deals are roll-overs which the 'corrupt' EU negotiated.


read 'em and weep.

Why would I weep? I hope that the UK is able to negotiate good trade deals worldwide. Unlike you, I have no desire to see us suffer to prove a point. 


There is no burden of proof on me as I do not have to prove anything to you,

Of course you don't, but you are quick enough to jump on others with opposing views when you feel that they have posted factually incorrect information.



history will do that for me.

That remains to be seen.


You can carry on with your prognostications and prophesies of doom, while disparaging the UK's good progress.

My definition of 'good progress' must be a lot more demanding than yours.


Good and bad news: I just checked the origin of the words 'cake' and 'baker'. Unfortunately, cake's origin appears to be Norse. 


The good news is that 'Baker' is old English. However, even here there may be a problem. 'Baker' is derived from the verb 'bake', and that appears to be of German origin: We will have to find some 100% English words to use post-transition.

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15 minutes ago, RayC said:


Of course you don't, but you are quick enough to jump on others with opposing views when you feel that they have posted factually incorrect information.


Good and bad news: I just checked the origin of the words 'cake' and 'baker'. Unfortunately, cake's origin appears to be Norse. 

The good news is that 'Baker' is old English. However, even here there may be a problem. 'Baker' is derived from the verb 'bake', and that appears to be of German origin: We will have to find some 100% English words to use post-transition.

Aren't you the one asking for links? If you are like the poster who reproduced a table actually showing the Origins of food consumed in the UK to be 55%, rather than the 80% imported you prefer to believe, well more fool you. You could probably even make up some of your own, but they still wouldn't be worth a light and I will simply tell you so.


How on earth do you think origins of words have any relevance in discussion of UK imports??? Or even more that I would even care and think it should affect my post-Brexit confectionery purchases. You sound one of those idiots who think 'cultural misappropriation' is a real thing, or that a particular race can claim ownership of a word which then becomes unutterable to the rest of the world. Remainer twisted logic is as warped as the Euros import calculations.

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13 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Aren't you the one asking for links? If you are like the poster who reproduced a table actually showing the Origins of food consumed in the UK to be 55%, rather than the 80% imported you prefer to believe, well more fool you. You could probably even make up some of your own, but they still wouldn't be worth a light and I will simply tell you so.


How on earth do you think origins of words have any relevance in discussion of UK imports??? Or even more that I would even care and think it should affect my post-Brexit confectionery purchases. You sound one of those idiots who think 'cultural misappropriation' is a real thing, or that a particular race can claim ownership of a word which then becomes unutterable to the rest of the world. Remainer twisted logic is as warped as the Euros import calculations.

Say goodbye to tea and carrots: 80% of British food is imported so there will be food shortages if there's a no-deal Brexit, HSBC tells clients

  • Most people think Britain only imports about 50% of its food. But the reality is that 80% of food is imported, including basics such as carrots and tea.
  • Under a no-deal Brexit, "any slowdown would lead to shortages of lorries, drivers and food," HSBC is advising its clients.


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7 minutes ago, plentyofnuttin said:

Say goodbye to tea and carrots: 80% of British food is imported so there will be food shortages if there's a no-deal Brexit, HSBC tells clients

  • Most people think Britain only imports about 50% of its food. But the reality is that 80% of food is imported, including basics such as carrots and tea.
  • Under a no-deal Brexit, "any slowdown would lead to shortages of lorries, drivers and food," HSBC is advising its clients.


HSBC - so you rely on those nasty bankers to advise you on food retail? 

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On 9/25/2020 at 11:41 AM, RayC said:

Possibly but then again, any divorce between NI and the rest of the UK will take time to resolve.


If Brexit has taught us only one thing, it's that these types of separations are messy and time-consuming (ok, that's two things????)

There is already a mechanism for it in the Belfast accord.

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29 minutes ago, plentyofnuttin said:

Say goodbye to tea and carrots: 80% of British food is imported so there will be food shortages if there's a no-deal Brexit, HSBC tells clients

  • Most people think Britain only imports about 50% of its food. But the reality is that 80% of food is imported, including basics such as carrots and tea.
  • Under a no-deal Brexit, "any slowdown would lead to shortages of lorries, drivers and food," HSBC is advising its clients.


We want a WTO no deal brexit Project fear bring it on | Make a Meme

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3 hours ago, Loiner said:

Aren't you the one asking for links? If you are like the poster who reproduced a table actually showing the Origins of food consumed in the UK to be 55%, rather than the 80% imported you prefer to believe, well more fool you. You could probably even make up some of your own, but they still wouldn't be worth a light and I will simply tell you so.


How on earth do you think origins of words have any relevance in discussion of UK imports??? Or even more that I would even care and think it should affect my post-Brexit confectionery purchases. You sound one of those idiots who think 'cultural misappropriation' is a real thing, or that a particular race can claim ownership of a word which then becomes unutterable to the rest of the world. Remainer twisted logic is as warped as the Euros import calculations.

I have no idea what you are going on about, which is probably a good sign as I would start to worry if I did.

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35 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Why should you get all the benefits of being a member of a club when you refuse to join it?

Is it the EUs slogan Sunday today, I'm sure I've seen that old chestnut before. So the "benefits are only going to benefit the UK and not the EU. I cannot remember the EU demanding access to Canadas fishing waters and/or Japans for that matter, level playing field my giddy aunt, it looks more like skew wiff pig pen to me. 

Who will be next to leave the Jolly Boys Club?

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3 minutes ago, polpott said:

They're trying to go to America but Mr Orange America is saying, "Let me think of a price then I'll double it". The Art of the Deal. 555

you have to think "bacon first", in the case of a no-deal, and that is the main issue 

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48 minutes ago, vogie said:

Is it the EUs slogan Sunday today, I'm sure I've seen that old chestnut before. So the "benefits are only going to benefit the UK and not the EU. I cannot remember the EU demanding access to Canadas fishing waters and/or Japans for that matter, level playing field my giddy aunt, it looks more like skew wiff pig pen to me. 

Who will be next to leave the Jolly Boys Club?

This is comical

The UK has already agreed a more stringent state aid regime than the EU when it signed the recent UK Japan FTA.

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