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Mystery as Brit man found dead in Thai forest next to handbag strap after ‘fearing someone was trying to kill him’


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19 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

I never said it was not possible. Not overestimating anything. My meaning with my post was that the woman seem to lay the disease as a foundation for her claims. I can not see why he would like to run away at a place like that, suddenly for any reason as they also had lived in UK before.

The woman also called the rescue and police, why would she do that if she had killed him. Could be still that she killed him but i dont think that this case is as clear cut as saying the woman did it.


We have no idea about the mental state of the guy. 

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

The woman also called the rescue and police, why would she do that if she had killed him. Could be still that she killed him but i dont think that this case is as clear cut as saying the woman did it.


We have no idea about the mental state of the guy. 

Exactly! Let´s see if he had PD at all first.

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4 hours ago, Yinn said:

63 year old.

girlfriend 42 year old



The English newspaper story “based on a true story”.

Is the writer in Thailand ? Or just translate thai story and make sound it the wife? 


The guy in the forest since 6 pm. The rescue guys find him 9.30 am next day.


IMO sound like he crazy guy (maybe yaba) 


If wife kill him why she call rescue ream 40 people with drone help find him?


Do these people have absolutely no shame? Over a dozen people gathered around a dead body for a photo op. Would be funny to see there reaction if he suddenly moved.

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4 hours ago, faraday said:

Perhaps in the very early stages of Parkinson's one can.

But certainly not as the disease progresses.

It really depends on the day, I had an elderly friend doing fine for a while then becoming almost like frozen then mobile again for a time.

Edited by orchis
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57 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


Hang himself with what? A handbag strap? If so, from what did he die? He is on the ground, not asphyxiated in a tree. Did you look at the tree? No branch there would support his weight; he would find a different kind of tree.

Hey, I don't know, but I'm also not so quick to believe her story.

They are very thin eucalyptus trees indeed. too thin to even climb for a 63 year old. Unless it's a freak accident i'm not buying that preliminary reason either.

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2 hours ago, Susco said:


This is not about overestimating, it is the usual bunch wanting to discredit Yinn.


When the negative emoji's get too obvious, then start an argument without any basis.



i know somebody close freind have Parkinsons. Real experience.

Edited by Yinn
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1 hour ago, Eindhoven said:


Hang himself with what? A handbag strap? If so, from what did he die? He is on the ground, not asphyxiated in a tree. Did you look at the tree? No branch there would support his weight; he would find a different kind of tree.

Hey, I don't know, but I'm also not so quick to believe her story.

Read the link I post. Explain more detail than Sun. 

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7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:



Yinn, you might benefit from a little research on Parkinson's.  Depression at best is a complication that occurs because of the symptoms as they grow over time.  Tremors, walking problems and many other primary symptoms, of which depression is not.

You ever heard about medication.??? 

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7 hours ago, Yinn said:


Read the sun link

Officers said they believe he may have climbed a tree and tried to hang himself.






Robert Cook


As always, many thanks to Yinn, who also looks after us ThaiVisa readers with her links.


The thairath (or should that be Thai Wrath?!) article is in Thai, so I ran it through google translate and it is copied below. You will see at the end of the article that now is not good time for 63 year old men (Thai and farang). If you are 63 years you should be very careful!



ลุงฝรั่งอังกฤษวัย 63 สามีสาวไทยที่ชัยภูมิ หลอนกลัวคนทำร้าย วิ่งหนีเข้าป่า พบแล้วเป็นศพปริศนาในป่ายูคาลิปตัส .โนนค่าง .วังน้ำเขียว คาดหลอน คิดสั้นใช้เถาวัลย์ผูกคอตาย หรือไม่ก็ตกต้นไม้ลงมาตาย


Uncle Farang, England, age 63, Thai wife husband at Chaiyaphum  Fear of hurting people  Ran away into the forest  Found a mysterious corpse in the Eucalyptus forest, Non-Khang Co., Ltd., Wang Nam Khiao District, suspiciously thinking about using a vines to tie the neck to death.  Or fell down trees and died


กรณี นายเทอร์เรนซ์ โรเบิร์ต ค็อค อายุ 63 ปี ชาวอังกฤษ สามี ..นันทกานต์ แก้วศิริ อายุ 42 ปี ชาวบ้าน .3 .ลากใหญ่ .เมือง .ชัยภูมิ มีอาการป่วยก่อนเกิดหลอนหวั่นมีคนทำร้าย วิ่งหนีเข้าไปในป่าหลังปั๊มน้ำมันบางจาก .โนนค่าง .อุดมทรัพย์ .วังน้ำเขียว .นครราชสีมา .ราชสีมา-กบินทร์บุรี ขาเข้านครราชสีมาระหว่างจอดรถเข้าห้องน้ำในปั้มดังกล่าว ตั้งแต่เวลาประมาณ 18.00 . วันที่ 29 ..63 เจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ พร้อมด้วยเจ้าหน้าที่กู้ภัยฮุก 31 อุดทรัพย์ เจ้าหน้าที่ฝ่ายปกครอง ผู้ใหญ่บ้าน และชาวบ้านโนนค่าง กว่า 40 คน ช่วยกันค้นหาข้ามวันข้ามคืนแต่ยังไม่พบร่าง 


In the case of Mr. Terrence Robert Kock, 63 years old, British husband, Miss Nanthakan Kaewsiri, 42 years old, Village of Moo 3, Lak Yai Sub-district, Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province, has a sick condition  Before the scare, someone hurt  Run away into the forest after Bang Chak gas station, Non Kangeng Co., Ltd., Udomsap Subdistrict, Wang Nam Khiao District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Ratchasima-Kabinburi Road  Inbound Nakhon Ratchasima  While parking the car into the bathroom in the said pump  From about 6:00 pm on 29 Sep 20 police officers  Along with rescuers, Hook 31, Uudsap, administrative staff, village headman and more than 40 villagers in Non-Langkeng, searched overnight, but no draft was found.


ล่าสุดเวลาประมาณ 09.30 . วันที่ 1 ..63 ...วิฒิสันต์ ภคพรมงคล รอง สว.(สอบสวน) สภ.อุดมทรัพย์.วังน้ำเขียว .นครราชสีมา พร้อมเจ้าหน้าที่กู้ภัย ช่วยกันหาข้ามวันข้ามคืนจนพบร่าง นายเทอร์เรนซ์ โรเบิร์ตค็อค นอนเสียชีวิตอยู่ในป่ายูคาลิปตัส ห่างจากจุดเกิดเหตุประมาณ 1 กิโลเมตร สภาพสวมกางเกงขาสั้นที่เขียวเสื้อยืดสีน้ำเงิน ที่คอมีเถาวัลย์มัดติดอยู่ด้วย นอกจากนี้ ยังพบเสื้อผู้เสียชีวิตอยู่บนยอดไม้จุดที่พบศพ สูงหลายเมตร


Last time around 9:30 am. On October 1, 2020, Police Lieutenant Colonel Witisan Phakaphon Mongkon, Deputy Sor.  Wang Nam Khiao District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province with rescuers  Help each other to find the body over day and night  Terrence Robert Cocon died in the eucalyptus forest.  About 1 kilometer away from the scene, the condition is wearing green shorts  Blue t-shirt  The vines were tied to the neck, and the shirt of the deceased was also found on the treetop, where the body was several meters tall.


รอง สว.(สอบสวน) สภ.อุดมทรัพย์ กล่าวด้วยว่า ส่วนสาเหตุคาดว่าผู้ตายน่าจะมีอาการหลอนอย่างหนัก จนคิดสั้นปีนขึ้นต้นไม้เพื่อฆ่าตัวตาย โดยใช้เถาวัลย์ผูกคอตัวเองกับต้นไม้เพื่อฆ่าตัวตาย โดยเจ้าหน้าที่คาดว่าอาจจะเสียชีวิตก่อนที่เถาวัลย์จะขาดตกลงมา หรืออาจจะเถาวัลย์ขาดตกลงมาก่อนที่จะเสียชีวิต จากนั้นจึงมีคนมาพบศพดังกล่าว เบื้องต้น ประสานเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจพิสูจน์หลักฐานเดินทางมาตรวจพิสูจน์หาสาเหตุที่แน่ชัด.


Deputy Sen. (investigation) Udomsap Police Station said that the cause was expected that the death was severely hallucinating.  Until thinking shortly climbing up a tree to kill himself  By using a vine to tie his neck to a tree to kill himself  The authorities expected death before the vines were torn down.  Or maybe the torn vines fell before their death.  After that, someone found the body, initially coordinated with the police to prove the evidence, and came to investigate for the exact cause.




Looks like 63 year old Robert Cook was not the only 63 year old man to die ????



ลุงวัย 63 ถูกฆ่าโหดโดนจอบฟาดหน้า ตายคาไร่มันสำปะหลังที่กาญจนบุรี

รวบลุงวัย 63 ลอบล่าหมูป่าและชะมดเช็ด ในเขตรักษาพันธุ์สัตว์ป่าถ้ำเจ้าราม

ลุง 63 กลับจากส่งลูกไปโรงเรียน หลับในกระบะอัดเสาไฟฟ้าสาหัสที่บุรีรัมย์

ตร.ชัยภูมิ ฟันข้อหาหนักลุงกระบะเมากร่าง ขับชน จยย.นศ.พยาบาลตาย 1 เจ็บ 2

ลุงวัย 63 ขับรถตู้โรคกำเริบ จอดส่งผู้โดยสารข้างทาง ก่อนสิ้นลมริมถนน


Read related news

 Uncle, 63, was brutally murdered and hit by a hoe.  Dead on a cassava plantation in Kanchanaburi

 Uncle, 63, poaching wild boars and wiping civet  In the Tham Chao Ram Wildlife Sanctuary

 Uncle 63 returns from sending his children to school.  Fall asleep in a pickup truck, compressing a terrible electric pole at Buriram

 Chaiyaphum police fights on heavy charges of drunk uncle, collides in nurse, 1 dead, 2 injured

 Uncle, 63, drives a van.  Park to send passengers on the side of the road  Before the end of the roadside

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6 hours ago, robblok said:

The woman also called the rescue and police, why would she do that if she had killed him. Could be still that she killed him but i dont think that this case is as clear cut as saying the woman did it.


We have no idea about the mental state of the guy. 

Crime scenes can always have the suspect in the wings or making a statement. Very common in the US for killers to hang outside the evidence zone afterwards.  Family is always a potential suspect until ruled out.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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13 minutes ago, seancbk said:


If they have hotties like that there how do I get in?

Ah..I think you will be disappointed..


Anyway..the early stages of Parkinson's may not be disabling and I have known many patients who carried on for years.


Nor may it have a crippling psychological effect-at least not in the early or medium stages.


However if you are high functioning and know that the progress of the disease is irreversible then you may become depressed.


In this case the British chap may have become paranoid and left the car...


As I am no Hercule Poirot..it seems that his Thai lady reported him missing immediately and I doubt that a strap from her handbag would do for nefarious purposes...


Ever thought what you would do if you were diagnosed with a degenerative and irreversible illness in Thailand?


I did (and was) and returned home.



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7 hours ago, Eindhoven said:


Hang himself with what? A handbag strap? If so, from what did he die? He is on the ground, not asphyxiated in a tree. Did you look at the tree? No branch there would support his weight; he would find a different kind of tree.

Hey, I don't know, but I'm also not so quick to believe her story.

But maybe you forget that Thai trees, like Thai girlfriends, are different.

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12 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Maybe He did the money in the bank x2 with a joint account. People have killed security gourds for 20 baht in Thailand. 1,6 million would be very tempting. 


I can not see how a guy with Parkinsons would run away. However, time will tell but a do think her story is same solid like a Swiss cheese.

Security gourds...


12 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

The bigger question here is where dies the handbag strap fit in.  Was the missing bag full of money, drugs or ?.  Was he killed over the contents of said missing bag?

The Brit guy died, not the handbag strap.


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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

Crime scenes can always have the suspect in the wings or making a statement. Very common in the US for killers to hang outside the evidence zone afterwards.  Family is always a potential suspect until ruled out.

Crime scene preservation

Evidence zones


Apparently, these are not mentioned in the RTP training manuals, judging by this well-trampled area ...


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whether somebody can walk or run with Parkinson's depends on how far the disease has progressed and the medication being taken. Initial manifestation may be just tremors of the hands. However Parkinson's affects coordination so it is often difficult to run.


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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Crime scenes can always have the suspect in the wings or making a statement. Very common in the US for killers to hang outside the evidence zone afterwards.  Family is always a potential suspect until ruled out.

You're so right. Perhaps her real husband, legally married? 

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7 minutes ago, RobU said:

whether somebody can walk or run with Parkinson's depends on how far the disease has progressed and the medication being taken. Initial manifestation may be just tremors of the hands. However Parkinson's affects coordination so it is often difficult to run.


It's obvious that the poor guy had the disease for a while. 


It's even a problem to move in bed when somebody with Parkinson wants to have sex.


   So how could he run? That was just made up by a new self proclaimed doctor on this forum. 



Edited by teacherclaire
Rest in Peace poor bloke.
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14 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Crime scenes can always have the suspect in the wings or making a statement. Very common in the US for killers to hang outside the evidence zone afterwards.  Family is always a potential suspect until ruled out.

Of course that is standard, however it still does not mean the wife is guilty. 

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12 hours ago, teacherclaire said:

It's obvious that the poor guy had the disease for a while. 


It's even a problem to move in bed when somebody with Parkinson wants to have sex.


   So how could he run? That was just made up by a new self proclaimed doctor on this forum. 



Not sure why everyone is so hung up about running away. It does not always mean really running. It  is common term to describe people leaving somewhere. Kids running away from home really don't run out of the home. Its a term. Get over it.

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23 hours ago, faraday said:

You didn't mention the Substantia Nigra.


"Go to the bottom of the class young man" ????


Jokes aside, that was a good post. What's your experience with Neurology? 

But I did mention substantia nigra lol.  Without capitalization though.  No mention of indirect or direct pathways or striatum, caudate putamen though.  Almost 20 years in CNS indications that include PD, depression, schiz, pain and obesity (including reward pathways).  The last 8 years have been cancer however.  Sadly, developing therapeutics for CNS indications is just too risky from a business perspective.  Too much opportunity for on-target tox (intelligent design my-left-buttock lol).

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