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New police chief lays down the law: No more checkpoints nationwide


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11 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Speaking to 496 senior officers at an event in Bangkok yesterday, Gen Suwat spoke of his five year plan to bring greater transparency to the RTP and inspire confidence among the public, especially the young. 


He ordered his men to do their jobs in a proper and dignified manner and promised new faces in command positions, greater use of technology and improved efficiency in a drive to improve the help given to the public.

As said any new officer gives a "new broom sweeps clean" speech so one has to see what will happen.


Unfortunately the comments as reported don't give one much hope as it only partially addresses the problem.

Police inconsistency, incompetence and corruption have long been a problem.

However it really doesn't matter how many chiefs you replace, if the Indians are not properly trained it will be imp[ossible to enforce any of this.


Furthermore even if (and that's a big if) the police managed to clamp down on offending motorists there is no proper judicial or court system in place to deal with it.

Unfortunately one gets the impression that the officer has not considered this.


It's not just down to bad drivers - they exist everywhere...

Thailand's road safety record has not improved one iota in 2 decades - and it must be clear to ,any that the approaches of successive governments have been fundamentally flawed - the sooner they stop playing the blame game and address the mortaring environment holistically the sooner they will commence to see improvement.

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I guess that means the rip off police teams will need to take their orange cones and plastic money bags somewhere else and find another cash cow, instead extorting drivers at the end of the month when their house rent and car payments are due. 

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4 minutes ago, smylee52 said:

The checkpoints are fine it is the shakedowns that need to disappear . Set up a few of these crooked cops with undercovers who catch them in the act and strip them of their jobs . Soon the shakedowns will reduce .

Checkpoint are ineffective and often pose a traffic hazard.....

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I for one, will be happy to see the daytime checkpoints disappear.  On multiple occasions driving through Pattaya in the middle of the day, I was pulled over at checkpoints,(3 to 5 times every trip!), and though I was legal in every way, I was approached to see if I would "spread the wealth".  I ignored them and finally they realized I wasn't going to given in to their suggestions, let me go on my way.  Totally uncalled for and certainly something that a tourist will not put up with for very long; they will look for another country that is a little easier to deal with.  They are there to relax not be hassled for a shake down at every checkpoint.  

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14 hours ago, colinneil said:

You cannot be serious checkpoints to enforce the law, not extortion.????????????????????????

What planet you on?

Been pulled over many times in Pattaya and not once have I been extorted, sure have received fines (illegal bike mods/no licence/obscured number plate etc etc etc) but all was above board.


How many times have police in Pattaya attempted to extort you ?

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21 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Misleading headline, its a temporary stop to the alcohol checkpoints


21 hours ago, rooster59 said:

He promised an end to big casinos operating with apparent impunity. 


He also called for greater transparency in the process whereby police get new positions and an end to the buying of positions. 

It would appear to be a bit broader than you suggest, Scuba! But I'm sure (Big Pat) is urinating into the wind!



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I find it rather strange that some people supposedly get hit up for money at every checkpoint they go through, while others, like myself, have never been hit up or had it "suggested" that they should show "a little gratitude".

I too have been stopped numerous times at various places over the years. Once I got a ticket because I'd forgotten my IDP on my other bike. Once I got a ticket because I'd given the girl on the back of the bike a helmet to wear, but didn't look to see if she actually put it on. (She didn't and was still holding it in her lap when we got flagged to pull over.)
My bad in both cases and I paid the ticket (at the police station). There wasn't even a suggestion that I could settle the matter on the spot (I didn't ask and they didn't offer).

In fact, in all the checkpoints I've been stopped at, on the Harley or the Honda, I have NEVER been hit up to "give a donation" or in ANY way had a cop make me feel like I should cough up some cash for some imagined reason.

I've gone through checkpoints all over the city and the most I've had to do was produce my license and let them look under the seat. I just went through 2 checkpoints on a couple days ago on my Harley and they just waved me through.

I've had more gas station attendants (2) hit me up for a "tip" after filling the Harley than I have had cops (0) try to scam money out of me.


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1 hour ago, Kerryd said:

I find it rather strange that some people supposedly get hit up for money at every checkpoint they go through, while others, like myself, have never been hit up or had it "suggested" that they should show "a little gratitude".

Yeah, usual lying, paranoia, and bigotry here. I've driven a bike for decades around Pattaya and never been extorted. In fact I'm usually just waved on through checkpoints where everyone doesn't have to stop.


I suspect they tend to stop farang (but they also stop Thais) who are either flouting the law in some way (no helmet, most obviously) or who look so stupid that their paperwork is more likely not to be in order. I don't look like a tourist, bigger bike, pants & jacket, serious helmet.

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2 hours ago, Kerryd said:

I find it rather strange that some people supposedly get hit up for money at every checkpoint they go through, while others, like myself, have never been hit up or had it "suggested" that they should show "a little gratitude".

I think some of those people are just not 100% in compliance with the law. But they don't perceive it this way, because they think it's their god given right to ride without a helmet, or whatever else. If they are then stopped, they feel that they are being extorted, and this is the way they tell it to their friends or to us here on Thaivisa.

Then there is another group of people who just appear like easy victims, due to their look, or behaviour, and thus are targeted by cops who are looking for money. These are the same people who are asked for extra fees at the immigration office, or for 2k THB "fuel money" when immigration is doing the home visit.

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18 hours ago, smudger1951 said:

I have no idea whether Thailand has numer plate recognition technology with it's cctv. I do know they need to be maintained. 

Unfortunately Thailand does indeed have NPR.  I receive about a half dozen violations a year on a vehicle registered in my name and lent out to various family members.  When my wife pays the yearly registration fee, they add on any fines...usually about 500 baht each offence.


Anyone here I can lend out certain members of my Thai family too?

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2 hours ago, BigStar said:

Why not? It's damned if they do, damned if they don't, innit?

Not really, the point is drink driving, speeding and dangerous driving is endemic on Thai roads and nothing serious is being done about it.


The solution seems to be utterly beyond the people in charge here but they can enforce draconian lockdowns for COVID-19 where most people obey without question so the problem appears to be either a complete lack of will to solve the problem which indicates criminal negligence on behalf of the government or incompetence and an inability to do it.


I am betting it is the latter.

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1 hour ago, DaLa said:

Unfortunately Thailand does indeed have NPR.  I receive about a half dozen violations a year on a vehicle registered in my name and lent out to various family members.  When my wife pays the yearly registration fee, they add on any fines...usually about 500 baht each offence.


Anyone here I can lend out certain members of my Thai family too?

This is exactly why my Thai son won't lend his very nice Hyundai family van to his several in-laws.


His in-laws are all maniacs on the road, they have caused numerous accidents (1 death, 2 children seriously injured), they refuse to wear seat-belts, 3 of the men have been fined several times for DUI, they refuse to follow any driving rules, they run red lights often (I don't like the red light laws, it's up to me to decide how I drive). 

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In Pattaya it seems most of the drivers stopped at roadside checks are foreigners, so it seems maybe the new chief is trying to cutdown on corruption and post pay day roadside checks wherein foreigners pay on site or are sent in mass to the station to pay tickets alongside 100 other foreigners cited for any infraction the officer could find during the roadside checkpoint.

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