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New police chief lays down the law: No more checkpoints nationwide


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Yes, we'll see. Which traffic stops, ie I live in a border area, there are lots of military checkpoints, and quite a few combined military/police ones. I'll bet they remain. And the casual stop on the highway where they have a highway patrol car pulling people over and randomly extorting drivers for alleged speeding will remain. Perhaps the fixed extortion points on Highway 304 might go, the ones where everyone has to slow down, drive through the cones, and the truck drivers at certain times automatically pay 20 baht (well at least it was a couple of years ago).

Edited by Bluetongue
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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

Regarding gambling, he has promised severe action against any police involved in turning the other cheek. 

I think that should read 'turning a blind eye". However, it is likely that police will be turning both cheeks toward him.

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So no more gangs of uniformed crooks, ooops, police, on the roads indiscriminately stopping motorbikes and extorting money for arbitrary offences like exhaust too noisy or lights too bright. 


I'll settle for that.



Edited by OneeyedJohn
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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

Roadside checkpoints on main roads were ordered to stop several years ago in the capital after a new police chief came in. 


And that is exactly what happened.

I have to assume you are being sarcastic... I went through a roadside checkpoint and breathalyser only a month or so ago in Bang Na.

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1 hour ago, cyril sneer said:

so normal checkpoints will still exist checking if I have tax and a licence? ????

..and helmetless bike riders.


1 hour ago, Don Mega said:

Awesome, I won't bother getting my bike licence then !!

...and them without licenses.


Edited by NanLaew
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