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"The Stranded": Highlighting the plight of expats unable to return to Thailand; #2 Retirees


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I entirely agree with the last part, only I realized this back when Prayut lied his way to a coup, the rest is horses for courses , its always a risk going off to another country, especially one that isn't similar to your country of origin. At the Moment plenty of people around the world are having trouble getting back to their home country, I understand what you say , join the que. 

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3 hours ago, Derek B said:

What is the proper name for K-Bank?

Kasikorn Bank.

When you have an account there you can subscribe for free to their K-Cyber service which allows you to do your banking on-line. 

From what I read on the Forum Kasikorn Bank is one of the best Thai banks for electronic banking.

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18 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

It is time that our embassies en governments impose the same restriction on all Thai people. If they don't meet the same requirements, kick them out and send them back to Thailand.

During Covid, has ANY foreigner been kicked out of Thailand?

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18 hours ago, crazykopite said:

I’ve started taking my 800 k out even though I am living here I’ve always been against using an agent but next year I will gladly pay up for them to sort out my retirement and sod leaving to much money in my account Thailand is on a cliff edge my scb moved my account from one branch to another two years ago and didn’t notify me until 3 weeks after it happened they didn’t even give me a choice they just did it.

Better they transfer your account to a nearby branch than leave your money on the ground when they close a branch.

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14 hours ago, Neeranam said:

As all good immigrants should! 

Some long-term visitors don't realize how lucky they are being able to stay here permanently with easy requirements compared to other countries. 

I asked for more than 17 years for PR. Married, have a company, WP, family etc etc. No you can not, until one of them told me (after 17 years) that I would not make a chance if my salary was below 80.000 baht. Please show me where I can find that rule?

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On 10/17/2020 at 10:31 AM, 19DL86 said:

A slight nuance to the earlier post #1 teachers.  Whilst I see that TVF and Rooster are doing so in good faith and with compassion, to try and make those of us who might be living under a large rock,(therefore unaware) of these scenarios.  But pressuring the current administration and Immigration, not a good move.

Ref Richard Barrow and the TM30 climb down. Just my opinion.

I've lived here a long while and the writing has been on the wall for a large part of the last 10 years, the letters growing larger year after year.  But some people choose to ignore this.  I feel, as do many Expats we are not so much welcomed, nor tolerated as we once might have felt.  Too much shifting sands for my like,ing to warrant investment here.  There's a growing Nationalism right the way across the World from US to UK an increasing hostility to foreigners, and immigrants.  Thailand is no different.

I see a new "flag" being waved how many of those here will ignore this "writing in the wall" - it's started with the "Elite Visa" investments, then the enforcement of funds seasoning in Thai banks for Non O visa applicants.  Then the STV and more recently the starkly frightening requirement of 3MilBt deposit in Govt Bonds or bank, to return to your own Condo.  So on and so.

Only a few days have passed since I read in these very pages that the banks aren't guaranteeing deposits in excess of 1MilBt, after next year, and so too other alarming stories coming out of the financial institutions.

To me it's evident Thailand is financially over stressed and on their way to hell in a hand cart.

Many of these foreigners unable to return or access their accounts might be eyed as easy prey.  Those nominee shareholder "shelf" Companies owning land and houses to circumvent property ownership laws, might be low hanging fruit.

Be very cautious don't ever think what happened in Zimbabwe 40 years ago can't be repeated.  We re living in perilous times and Chinas current attitude and influence must not be taken too lightly.  

Just my thoughts and not in any way professional.


For me, you have summed up the situation perfectly, what with a huge shift about to take place around the world, mainly because of the 'Chinese influence' and  probably some time next year, things are going to get very bumpy for all.

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2 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

During Covid, has ANY foreigner been kicked out of Thailand?

Not that I know of but you know very well what I mean, but you prefer to ignore it.

Arrived 30 years ago and visited the first time 40 years ago. And all my paperwork is ok.

But none of the Thai people have to go through all the rules and restrictions that the Thai are imposing on me in my country. I would be happy if  I could enjoy only 5 % of the rights that they have in my home country.  I just blame my home country for not doing the same. They can learn from Thailand. Like mentioned before the UK, USA and Australia are doing their job.

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20 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

So what should they have done, not attended his wife's father's funeral, do you hear what you are saying, I am dreading the day my mother passes away if it's in this current climate, I cannot go and visit her because I will have to do 14 days quarantine in my home country and then if lucky to get back in here, I will have to quarantine for 14 days here.


These governments around the world have taken control over all of our lives over a mere coronavirus flu, we have had 4 previous coronaviruses that we have handed well under herd immunity, the tests they are conducting are not accurate, even the WHO has recently stated that, even one of their head doctors has said lockdowns are not the way to go if there is no spreading of the virus.


Have you asked yourself what is really going on, maybe you enjoy listening to the BS you are fed, ask the protesters in BKK why the government has declared a 'state of emergency' for a month, to shut them up and to make them go away or face arrest, nothing to do with Covid-19, is this democracy or another form of lockdown abuse.


I have all the sympathy in the world for this couple who made Thailand their home but now can't get back in because these governments are playing with our lives under their controlled regime. 

Yes they shouldn't of went home for the funeral.. I have already told my family i won't be returning for Deaths in my family that includes my mother.

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Just now, 4MyEgo said:

Personally, I find that sad, however each to their own, even though I didn't have a typical family upbringing, e.g. it was quite a dysfunctional one, I would still pay my respects to my mother who is the only living parent in our family, otherwise I couldn't live with myself, that said, each to their own.

If you don't love her enough to be with her now, not much point in turning up after she's dead.

Just my opinion.

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19 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Not true with the K-Bank app. 


You put in the amount, currency, recipient details and account number and hit send. 


Cheap, easy and fast (for a bank). 

What is the charge for an int'l. xfer?

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15 hours ago, Dexxter said:

Nothing is permanent in Thailand, not even a "loving" wife. I am sorry that she is leaving you because of being apart for 10 months. A loyal wife would wait years for a husband to return.

I would never commit to anything in Thailand that I am not prepared to abandon. I managed to get out on March 26th on the last commercial flight out and have not been able to return since. I am not too concerned about that because all I left behind was a rented condo with a few items of clothing and an old computer. I can just stop paying rent when I no longer care to return. However, my Thai wife is living there for now and it is also her home so I keep paying. All the furniture belongs to the condo and my wife owns the rest of the stuff there.

All my assets and income remain in Australia. Once things settle down a little, I will try bringing my wife back to Australia but as far as I am concerned Thailand is off my list of places to visit again. Over the years, my wife has suggested buying a condo so we don't waste money on rent but my answer was always a firm NO. I refuse to invest anything valuable in a country from which I can be kicked out at a moment's notice.

Ha, ha, ha, I quote somebody....it is not me, I'm still lucky in LOS, the only problems I have are the medicines I need.

The one I can get in Thailand are complete different, and causes a lot of inconvenience.

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33 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

If you don't love her enough to be with her now, not much point in turning up after she's dead.

Just my opinion.

Rock and a hard place, she is in a nursing home and requires special care with her condition otherwise she would be here, visitations are limited, that said I have 4 kids here to provide for, drive to school and back etc etc and have been visiting here annually with the family, however now with the controls in place over a flu, well what can I say, I call her once a month as she is quite deaf and it is hard for her to hear me, albeit the she does try and bluff me with yes, yes, yes, no problem love, all good here and I don't need anything, replies to questions I didn't ask ????


Edited by 4MyEgo
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23 hours ago, crazykopite said:

I’ve started taking my 800 k out even though I am living here I’ve always been against using an agent but next year I will gladly pay up for them to sort out my retirement and sod leaving to much money in my account Thailand is on a cliff edge


Happily spending my 800k and even happier paying an agent from here on. 
Good luck to those locking away over 800k in a Thai bank

account in these crazy times. 

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8 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

What is the charge for an int'l. xfer?

Google "K PLUS enables expats to transfer funds overseas with ease" 


It's a link to the forbidden paper so I can't post it here.


There's a table of fees in that article. 250thb to transfer up to 20,000thb.

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2 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

I asked for more than 17 years for PR. Married, have a company, WP, family etc etc. No you can not, until one of them told me (after 17 years) that I would not make a chance if my salary was below 80.000 baht. Please show me where I can find that rule?

They are very selective. 


I am a director of a fairly large Thai company earning well in excess of that figure and had letters from government officials at high levels. Throughout the process I had my HR dept. co-ordinate with a logistics firm that does visas and WP for us and other large multinational corporations. It was fairly straightforward. I think using this firm gave the application sufficient gravitas to pass muster. Case in point using a visa agent in Pattaya may be a longer and more convoluted process.


I read, write and speak fluent Thai so that helped also.

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1 hour ago, SomchaiCNX said:

Not that I know of but you know very well what I mean, but you prefer to ignore it.

Arrived 30 years ago and visited the first time 40 years ago. And all my paperwork is ok.

But none of the Thai people have to go through all the rules and restrictions that the Thai are imposing on me in my country. I would be happy if  I could enjoy only 5 % of the rights that they have in my home country.  I just blame my home country for not doing the same. They can learn from Thailand. Like mentioned before the UK, USA and Australia are doing their job.

But don't people who think like you make the argument that it would benefit Thailand if foreigners could do all what Thais can do in some Western countries...so the only people being harmed are the Thais and why should Western countries, who are getting economic benefits from allowing Thais to do what they do, stop it and in effect cut off their noses to spite their faces. And again, we're talking here about an unprecedented situation and a country's steps, whether effective or not, to stop the spread of a suspected deadly virus.

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3 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

Not that I know of but you know very well what I mean, but you prefer to ignore it.

Arrived 30 years ago and visited the first time 40 years ago. And all my paperwork is ok.

But none of the Thai people have to go through all the rules and restrictions that the Thai are imposing on me in my country. I would be happy if  I could enjoy only 5 % of the rights that they have in my home country.  I just blame my home country for not doing the same. They can learn from Thailand. Like mentioned before the UK, USA and Australia are doing their job.

Which rights do Thais have in your country other than comply to your laws and regulations? 

Which rights does a Thai lady eg have if she lives in Newcastle and now wants to go on vacations to Brighton or Cornwall? 

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1 hour ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

But don't people who think like you make the argument that it would benefit Thailand if foreigners could do all what Thais can do in some Western countries...so the only people being harmed are the Thais and why should Western countries, who are getting economic benefits from allowing Thais to do what they do, stop it and in effect cut off their noses to spite their faces. And again, we're talking here about an unprecedented situation and a country's steps, whether effective or not, to stop the spread of a suspected deadly virus.

Of course but Western lawmakers don't care about you once you leave the country. We have a so called embassy but they are more interested in serving tourist or short time expatriates that work for big companies. They don't care about your rights in Thailand even if they go against all rules from the home country. I was so naive to think they would be there to help fellow country men ????

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23 minutes ago, micmichd said:

Which rights do Thais have in your country other than comply to your laws and regulations? 

Which rights does a Thai lady eg have if she lives in Newcastle and now wants to go on vacations to Brighton or Cornwall? 

I don't know the laws in the UK but I could make you a list with more than 100 items of things they are allowed that foreigners are not allowed in Thailand.  Expl. When I married my Thai wife she lost the right to own a house and property. I was not even allowed to own a mobile phone in my name. They refused to give my son my family name etc etc. Laws have changed but still a lot of BS is going on. It bet she does not have to report the fact that she arrived in Brighton and does not have to go immigration every 90 days, she can do whatever job she want and can own a place with the money she earns in the UK. Legally I'm even not allowed to drive my own car if I put my company advertising on it. And probably she has a UK passport after a couple years, right? Newcastle, it would take her at least 10 years to understand what her husband is talking about. ???? And within the next 20 years she has to convert to Islam anyway. 

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

She can buy a house in her own name.

If foreigners were allowed to buy land/houses in Thailand, we would start seeing posts that it was another scam to separate foreigners from their money and get them to buy into an over-heated real estate bubble. People should be happy it's not allowed.

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