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Every thread now goes to page one, not the page of last post read.

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True, but previously it would put you to the last page you saw. Now it either sends you to first or last page of the whole thread. The >> at the pages also sends you to last page of the thread... Then from there I back peddled... Really only annoying on Thai Visa's lightest thread - "Worst Joke Ever" that's adding pages daily. RIP Warfie and thank you @Crossy for bringing it back to life.

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If i am interested in a topic I now "follow" it. When I click on the topic from notifications it takes me to the newest post since I last visited the topic.  

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Can't find blue dots on the trending list (right side of page). Can't find blue dots if I click through from the trending list to a thread I've been reading. Can't find blue dots when I do a Search.

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18 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

If you click the time the last post was done it will take you to it.


On an ordinary discussion page, I see a wide left hand column with people's responses, and a narrow right hand column with ads, and pointers to apparently the currently most active items (not the newest items: for example, "90 day reporting now available online" has hundreds or thousands of responses and pops up and down in spurts -- immigration makes a stupid change that breaks something, it gets discussed for a while, then the item goes quiet until immigration's next stupid mistake). The right hand column, e.g.

    Every thread now goes to page one, not the page of last post read.

    By steelepulse
    Started 50 minutes ago

does not have a "time the last post was done", only a time the first post was done. You used to be able to right click on the article title, whose URL ended in the GET request "?do=getNewComment", and select "open in new window, which would let you pick up reading where you left off, moving down the page to that, and a nice horizontal line appeared between the last response you read and the first unread response  (now as you scroll down through an item, "popular responses" enclosed in a box initially look like the horizontal line, which is confusing). With the change, you could right click, select "copy link address", open a new browser window, paste the address into the URL box, add the GET request, and hit ENTER. It is a massive pain to do this over and over and over again. Or you could open the link which fetches the very first page, go to the very last page with e.g. ">>>",  and start backtracking until you recognize responses you have already seen, still a pain to do. There is a page "https://forum.thaivisa.com/" that appears to show the currently most active item in each general area of the site on the left hand side, e.g.

   Visas and migration to other countries
    Visas for Thailand Nationals, Visas for Foreign Nationals and migration to countries other than Thailand. For example postings about Thais going abroad or how farangs or Thais can enter other Asian or western countries.
    183.7k posts    theoldgit     UK Visit Visa extension
    By theoldgit, 42 minutes ago
 and also the narrower right hand column. Perhaps "time the last post was done" refers to the "42 minutes ago" in this entry.

14 minutes ago, metisdead said:

If you click on the blue dot to the left of the topic title, that should take you to where you left off:




To clarify, when viewing the View New Content page:



4 minutes ago, metisdead said:


To clarify, when viewing the View New Content page:


Thanks. There is a "View New Content" link at the bottom of web pages with the URL "https://forum.thaivisa.com/discover/24/"; I assume 24 is the count of how many items have new content.


35 minutes ago, ripstanley said:

If i am interested in a topic I now "follow" it.

There is a pale blue box at the top of a discussion web page with the word "Follow", and a count of how many others are also following the item. How does one un-follow a discussion, to stop being notified about it?

23 minutes ago, dave s said:

There is a pale blue box at the top of a discussion web page with the word "Follow", and a count of how many others are also following the item. How does one un-follow a discussion, to stop being notified about it?

Reclick on the same blue box now writed ''Following''

it's open a new window. click on ''unfollow'' at the left end

it's done

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Long ago when I was in the RAF we used to have this well known saying.


If it works, leave it alone.


From the last few updates it seems as though TVF gets an upgrade which introduces new items for us all. At the same time that it brings us new goodies, some of the older but very useful items fall by the wayside.


Nw if I want to read from my last post on perhaps page 19 of a 30 page the thread opens on page #1 leaving me some 30 pages to find where I last posted.


The same thing applies to the "top of the page" arrow. It was harmless but very useful. Where is it now?

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On the home page of each forum, there is a blue dot beside each of the thread titles.  Clicking on it will take you to the last post that you read. 

(I still don't like that clicking on the threads that come up to the right of the screen takes you to the first post, and not the last read one as it used to do, though). 




Would appreciate if the 'return to the top of the page' arrow can be restored in the bottom right hand corner of every screen.


Also, would appreciate if the progressive 'Post number' in each thread could be restored, Quite useful to direct others to a specific past post. 

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I tried my luck clicking on the blue dot for a thread from the "view new content" page and I was taken to page 1, not a later page in the thread where I had last read the latest post.  I am not quite sure why the cookies in this updated version can't correctly identify the last read post.  On the upside, page views must be up.

20 minutes ago, steelepulse said:

I tried my luck clicking on the blue dot for a thread from the "view new content" page and I was taken to page 1, not a later page in the thread where I had last read the latest post.  I am not quite sure why the cookies in this updated version can't correctly identify the last read post.  On the upside, page views must be up.

I blame the Cookie monster!I can't find my activities list, bloody cookie monster ate that as well.Maybe a little explanation list of improvement changes for dummies would be an idea.

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