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Nigel Farage set to relaunch Brexit Party as anti-lockdown party


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5 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

You can put your cases away Loiner.

Between corona, Brexit and all the other stupidity going on in the UK it will be a long time before you are ever going abroad ????

You have no idea of my travels, previous current or planned.

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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

You know what I do know?

HP sauce is made in Holland ????

All those truck loads of HP sauce stuck in customs and your going to be looking at your spider crab and chips thinking this could really do with some HP sauce.

Do you think HP sauce will be on your ration card?

Still I imagine people like Farage and Johnson will still have no problems getting their HP sauce.

But its a price worth paying just for that blue passport aye?

The colour of which the UK could have changed any time it wanted because there is no EU rule on the colour of passports ????

Unlikely to be anywhere in Holland. 
I wouldn't be worried if another bottle of HP sauce ever made it into the UK again. As a classic example of EU industrial espionage and jobs theft, it's been on my boycott list for a long time.

Blue United Kingdom passports as opposed to EU puse were another bonus from our EU exit. Have you got your yet?

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7 hours ago, Scot123 said:

So many hate filled posts. Nigel Farage has his finger truly on the pulse of the British people.  He was bang on the money about the eu and has and still is fighting hard for it, he highlighted the lies being told about illegal immigration, coast guards picking them up and then the taking of them to 4* hotels that the government were quietly booking for 6 month to a year in advance and now the farce of Covid.  He is a voice that will hold the governments feet to the fire with their lies and smudged figures their twisting all. Thank god we have Nigel and others speaking up.

British sarcasm is always the best. 

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