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Pattaya: Norwegian aged 87 faces five years in jail for downloading child porn


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1 hour ago, Oldie said:

The main difference is that Pornhub is a commercial site that doesn't want to hide. They are happy if many people know them.The pedophile sites are hiding and changing like other not allowed sites. They are only known to people that look for such things. And if you close a site they simply open a new one. 

So they have to earn their salaries by chasing the hard sites... these are the harmful ones.

majority of pornhub is made from consenting adults, the others are children being abused in the name of entertainment.

Time could be better served going after the hard ones.

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On 11/4/2020 at 9:00 AM, robblok said:

Its simple on bittorent the anti CP agencies have accounts and if an IP comes up a few times downloading from that then they are going to find out where that IP comes from. If no VPN was used its relatively easy. 


So it might just be electronic surveillance. All work done by other foreign agencies and then asked the Thai plod to help.

Thank you.

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I never searched for any of those sites. Are they easy to find and access? As far as I know: no.


BitTorrent is a technology which is used to share lots of files, not only this. It can't easily shut down and even if it would be shut down that wouldn't solve the problem.

I also never searched for those sites, but can't imagine these are easy to access sites. Its illegal almost everywhere. The only place where you might find it is on the TOR network (darkweb). You can find loads of stuff there like drugs and so on. But this is too hard to shut down for a normal government. 


I was just curious about the darkweb so i took a look to see if it was as shady as people say. But even on the darkweb you need to know where to look have contacts site addresses. But because your IP gets routed though several servers its anonymous. That is probably why they had a hard time shutting those illigal drug / weapon sites down on the darkweb.

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On 11/4/2020 at 8:47 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

It seems lots of people here would like to execute him right away.


Obviously what he did was wrong and bad. I think the main question should be: Did he "only" look at those pictures or did he have sex with children, maybe in Pattaya.

If he had sex with children then I join the execute him club. Because that is a lot worse than "just" looking at pictures.

Im sorry but just looking at pictures of childporn is as bad as having sex with children . Childporn in whatever way is a big NO GO and he should be punished . 

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6 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Im sorry but just looking at pictures of childporn is as bad as having sex with children . Childporn in whatever way is a big NO GO and he should be punished . 

I "prefer" 1 guy doing the videos and 100 guys looking at those pictures compared to the alternative. 0 and 0 would obviously be best. But unfortunately it's unrealistic. 

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14 hours ago, shackleton said:

Saying he could face 5 years in jail or a 100,000  baht  fine

I think we know what he will do pay the fine then he should be deported  back  to Norway 

As it should be. Even in a compassionate & human prison system, 'rock spiders' are not well-liked & face retribution from men much younger than 87.

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12 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I also don't want to have any of those guys near me.

But let's for the sake of argument make up another example. You or me have a brother. He is a nice guy, does not hurt anybody. But at some stage we find out by accident that he has a "strange" taste. He never acted on it because he does not want to hurt anybody. But he still has that taste. And now? Should we hurt or kill him? What do you think?


Human nature would suggest that one would help a sibling with "strange" tastes to keep them from enacting their fantasies or hurting anybody. Maybe families aren't as close as they used to be? Siblings can be from broken homes, abusive family relationships or simply different fathers so the compassion or empathy is either challenged or simply doesn't exist.


What do you think?


12 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

What I wrote is that he has no choice about his desire. As far as I know there is no cure for that. The same like there is no cure if anybody is gay or lesbian. The big difference is obviously that if two adult gay or lesbian people do what they want that is ok. But is an adult person desires kids that is bad. Best we can hope is that that person with the "strange" taste does not act on it. As far as I know there is no cure for the desire.


Classifying or comparing pedophilia with being gay or lesbian is an extremely poor for-instance IMHO.


12 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Why am I sick?

I think everybody who produces those pictures or sells them or messes with kids should go to jail or should be executed.

And still that does not make all those existing pictures go away. And if one or thousand people look at an existing picture does not make a difference. If pictures are sold that makes a difference. But in this casem, if the story is correct, he downloaded them per BitTorrent - free.


So this odious online voyeur should somehow qualify for a lesser punishment since he didn't pay for these vile images?

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6 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


Human nature would suggest that one would help a sibling with "strange" tastes to keep them from enacting their fantasies or hurting anybody. Maybe families aren't as close as they used to be? Siblings can be from broken homes, abusive family relationships or simply different fathers so the compassion or empathy is either challenged or simply doesn't exist.


What do you think?



Classifying or comparing pedophilia with being gay or lesbian is an extremely poor for-instance IMHO.



So this odious online voyeur should somehow qualify for a lesser punishment since he didn't pay for these vile images?

Classifying or comparing pedophilia with being gay or lesbians or straight for that matter does not seem poor. Its how someone is made / born. Its not as if they can change who they like. The only difference is that one is between contenting adults and legal and the other is illegal and IMHO sick. But it is still not a choice of that person. You can't really choose what turns you on.  I am in no way saying they are equal, just saying you can't really change what you like you can try not to act on it.


In my country we got some idiots that started a party for pedophiles. You can imagine that did not go down well. 


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Seems the Thai government has suddenly become very interested in people having access to online porn here lately. They recently blocked PornHub.

If they are so intent on preventing anyone from having access to online porn of any type, why don't they simply block all porn sites? And, if they are on a morality crusade, I guess they should shut down all the thai sexual massage parlors, go go bars, beer bars, Thai police brothels, etc.

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On ‎11‎/‎4‎/‎2020 at 8:38 AM, Youlike said:

He didn't upload it but he downloaded it, huge difference..


Maybe he was searching for a specific movie on youporn and because of bad eyesight he clicked on the wrong one?



5 SD cards with child porn, he is a sick basterd. Why are you defending him?

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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:


Human nature would suggest that one would help a sibling with "strange" tastes to keep them from enacting their fantasies or hurting anybody. Maybe families aren't as close as they used to be? Siblings can be from broken homes, abusive family relationships or simply different fathers so the compassion or empathy is either challenged or simply doesn't exist.


What do you think?



Classifying or comparing pedophilia with being gay or lesbian is an extremely poor for-instance IMHO.



So this odious online voyeur should somehow qualify for a lesser punishment since he didn't pay for these vile images?

To answer your questions:

I don't know how people's desire evolves. I guess parents and how they grow up is an important factor. What seems to be clear is that it develops early. And people have little choice in what they desire.


About the comparison: Not too long ago gay people were considered sick and perverts. There are still lots of countries in this world with heavy penalties for gay people. Why? Because those people have a desire which is different from the majority.

But now a good part of the world accepts that gay people are just that, gay. They didn't chose to be gay. They are gay and no priest or doctor will cure them.

And in a similar no priest or doctor will cure anybody who desires children. They are what they are. Hopefully they control themselves and don't touch children. What should the society do? Execute them, even if they didn't touch any children, just because of their sick desire?


About the payment: People who pay for pictures, or anything else, motivate others to do bad things because of money. If people don't pay then they don't motivate others to create more of this material. IMHO watching is bad, paying for it is worse.



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Why is everyone so surprised of this? Your friend, friend, and others friends you sat at the bars, walk, play sports with could be one or is one. This country has so many different freaks in it.


Why? Because here it takes years to catch them when everyone is selling something or someone. It only a matter of time before they are caught.


So don’t be surprised of your friend, friend, and other friends. ???????????????? 

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13 hours ago, Truth Will Set You Free said:

Why is everyone so surprised of this? Your friend, friend, and others friends you sat at the bars, walk, play sports with could be one or is one. This country has so many different freaks in it.


Why? Because here it takes years to catch them when everyone is selling something or someone. It only a matter of time before they are caught.


So don’t be surprised of your friend, friend, and other friends. ???????????????? 

What a strange post.

do you hate all men the same,  LoL

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On 11/4/2020 at 9:17 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

What I wrote is that he has no choice about his desire. As far as I know there is no cure for that. The same like there is no cure if anybody is gay or lesbian. The big difference is obviously that if two adult gay or lesbian people do what they want that is ok. But is an adult person desires kids that is bad. Best we can hope is that that person with the "strange" taste does not act on it. As far as I know there is no cure for the desire.

I know what you wrote, you didnt need to explain it again. I dont accept they have no choice. I believe some are sick and 'uncureable' but I would suggest that the majority are out for their own gratification. Only when they are caught or/and outed do they become all apologetic and the "I didnt mean it" BS comes out

The fact that he downloads it, he helps create a demand for it. 

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On 11/5/2020 at 7:10 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

I never searched for any of those sites. Are they easy to find and access? As far as I know: no.


BitTorrent is a technology which is used to share lots of files, not only this. It can't easily shut down and even if it would be shut down that wouldn't solve the problem.

You are correct, it wouldnt solve the problem. What would solve the problem is a bullet. $2? A price worth paying IMO 

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On 11/5/2020 at 7:07 AM, Oldie said:

The main difference is that Pornhub is a commercial site that doesn't want to hide. They are happy if many people know them.The pedophile sites are hiding and changing like other not allowed sites. They are only known to people that look for such things. And if you close a site they simply open a new one. 

I think he was saying that the police are choosing the wrong platforms to close down, like why attack porn hub yet not bother with online noncing?

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On 11/5/2020 at 9:50 AM, NanLaew said:


Human nature would suggest that one would help a sibling with "strange" tastes to keep them from enacting their fantasies or hurting anybody. Maybe families aren't as close as they used to be? Siblings can be from broken homes, abusive family relationships or simply different fathers so the compassion or empathy is either challenged or simply doesn't exist.


What do you think?



Classifying or comparing pedophilia with being gay or lesbian is an extremely poor for-instance IMHO.



So this odious online voyeur should somehow qualify for a lesser punishment since he didn't pay for these vile images?

Spot on, on all 3 replies

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1 hour ago, Walter Travolta said:

I think he was saying that the police are choosing the wrong platforms to close down, like why attack porn hub yet not bother with online noncing?

Thailand has very strict laws in regard to sex. If they block such sites the people will use more prostitutes. But now it comes. There is no prostitution in Thailand ????????????. So what is left? You can ask a girl in a bar to come with you. You pay a bar fine and give the lady a tip. Everybody will be happy. ????????????????

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2 hours ago, Walter Travolta said:

You are correct, it wouldnt solve the problem. What would solve the problem is a bullet. $2? A price worth paying IMO 

Did you every do anything illegal? Do you have any special taste? Should you be shot because of that?

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