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Hotel operators beg govt to consider reopening Thailand soon


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On 11/18/2020 at 1:26 PM, seajae said:

It is a hard time for businesses but putting money before peoples lives is not the answer, until covid is totally under control around the world travel bans need to be enforced and the govt needs to help effected businesses/people more than they are, buying subs etc when the country is desperate is not  good govt policy.

My friend, That wont happen. The virus will always be there. And you can not expect from any govt to support perpetual. The only way is to learn to deal with it. Maybe with some help from a vaccine. But even then, it wont disappear completely. 

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15 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

So you know that lives are being destroyed in Thailand but deflect the question with a rant , very mature girl !


My point was the UK opened up - and is now back in lockdown with horrendous covid figures. At least Thailand's domestic economy is open, and the population is safe. 

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On 11/20/2020 at 1:19 AM, AmySeeker said:


You clearly have little idea how this works. 


So you take a test 72 hours before flying. You are negative. 


However, the virus can take up to 5 days before it shows up in your system and on the test. So even though you took a test 3 days before your entry into Thailand you could still have the virus. 


Secondly, you then have 3 days after the test when you aren't monitored. Unless you are driving isolated in your car to Thailand and no contact with the human race, you are risking catching the virus - be it when you went to get your test, airport, flight, other passengers etc. 


You then arrive at Bangkok airport with passengers who may be positive. Many do indeed test positive. 


There is no guarentee you won't pick up anything in a quarantine hotel. Many have tested positive at the final 14 day test. 


It's all about keeping Thailand safe. 


Thailand aren't on some lone path - they join New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, India etc in banning foreigners coming to their country. Even the USA have banned most of Europe and the world from entering.


Thailand has gone further than most to let in tourists. 



Tell me then why any country should let anyone in at all? They could catch it after quarantine. Honestly you need to wake up, and dont tell me I have little idea how it works, I understand it perfectly. I simply dont fall for all the BS im fed. You're part of this problem. All you panickers make me sick. The only people that should be dealt with like this are the elderly and those with UI's. The rest of us should be allowed to get on with living. Remember this - quarantine of sick people is necessary, quarantine of healthy people is tyranny. 


Can you really not see what is happening? Bless you

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On 11/19/2020 at 11:38 PM, brucec64 said:

Are you ok with your parents/siblings dying? idiot...

Is it not up to everyone to isolate themselves if they are in the 'at risk' group? Or are you 1 of those who need your life living for you? Honestly can you not think or do for yourself? 


My 25 year old healthy son should not have to be locked down

My 77 year old father should know all by himself he is in the 'at risk' group


We dont need governments telling us this. If you do, maybe you're the idiot. Start thinking for yourself and questioning things otherwise you will just remain a conformist to anything

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On 11/20/2020 at 4:05 AM, AmySeeker said:


How is the opening up in the Uk going? Oh wait, shocking horror health figures, hospitals filling up, and ANOTHER LOCKDOWN. 


Oh and the pandemic out of control. 



Can you try and get more irritating? Why are you comparing Thailand with the UK? Thailand has had zero cases for months. Were you one of those babbing yourself when the exodus from Mochit bus station happened that weekend yonks ago? I remember loads on here saying its a disaster and the provinces are about to be riddled with covid and there will be people dropping like flies hahaha - never happened did it? Do you know why? Because you have to have covid to be able to pass it on. Everyone (who babs themselves) took it for granted that all those returning from BKK must have the virus!! Wasnt the case though was it


Stick to Thailand and SE Asia petal, not Europe. No-one is suggesting opening the borders to any country with a high infection rate. Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Taiwan could all quite easily start opening up. 

Also you have choices . . . . If they did open up and you found it too risky to fly, dont fly, its not rocket science. Stay under your bed until Bill and his evil Mrs knock on your door

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On 11/20/2020 at 9:28 AM, Bluedan said:

No they didn't lockdown. Show us a source that says they did. I just did a search and couldn't find any information showing they closed their borders. So no internal lockdown and no external border closure. Please feel free too show a source proving me wrong or alternatively feel free to apologise for misleading.


Its common to compare with neighboring Nordic countries but just geographic nearness doesn't make the comparison a good one. My understanding is that Sweden has much greater population density in the disproportionately affected areas and large poorer migrant groups who were affected there. When compared to other European countries it isn't a high death rate at all. They also have much larger care homes for the elderly. They admitted like many countries they got it wrong in failing to protect the elderly early on.  They certainly weren't alone there regardless of lockdown or no lockdown it happened in a number of countries. 


Respiratory virus always increase in the winter, and testing is far greater so no surprise that there are more cases, but he death rate in Sweden has been very  low since the early stages. 


As far as their economy goes they have been the victims of other European countries locking down they don't live in an economic bubble, but hey allowed their businesses and schools to continue running and trusted their population to be sensible rather than mandating strict lockdown rules and crushing local busineses.


The fact that your friends are appalled isn't evidence of anything. 


The WHO has warned against the consequences of locking down. It seems that some find death from undiagnosed cancer and heart disease, domestic violence, drug abuse, suicide, years lost from loss of education, many millions being thrown into extreme poverty (again WHO estimates) all to be far more acceptable than COVID deaths.

Excellent post

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On 11/18/2020 at 8:27 PM, greenhornfarang said:


Yes but more people will die of poverty/starvation/depression/suicide from these measures than from covid. 

do you have any data to support this statement, this has been the cry from many right wing agitators but never any proof to back up their claims

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9 minutes ago, moe666 said:

do you have any data to support this statement, this has been the cry from many right wing agitators but never any proof to back up their claims

What is a right wing agitator? And what has politics got to do with covid? You either believe its the worst thing since the black death, or you're not fooled by it. Or somewhere in between. 

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One important question is when Thailand TRULY opens up, will the requirement of having at least the equivalent of  500,000 baht in your account for at least 6 months stay in place? Also, the tough insurance requirement. Both of them are prohibitive for MANY people including me. 


When will we go back (Or will we ever) to the times when, in order to get the tourist visa, one needed to show only basic documents like confirmed air ticket reservation, confirmed accommodation booking and a bank savings requirement which was a very reasonable amount? 


If the current requirements stay in place, I guess it will be 'Farewell. It was good while it lasted' for many folks including me ????


Maybe, they will still have the 30-day visa exemption thing without any major requirements as before. That can be extended for 30 more days at the Immigration inside Thailand, as far as I know. 


But, I have never used that. I have always gotten the tourist visa, which of course gives one a lot more guarantee for longer stay. I sometimes got the single-entry one, sometimes the multiple-entry one. I usually like to spend the whole (European) winter there. 

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On 11/20/2020 at 4:53 PM, Bluedan said:

I have been listening to Professor Karol Sikora, one of the worlds leading Oncologists. He is saying there will be tens of thousands of deaths in UK alone from failure to diagnose and treat cancer BECAUSE of lockdown.  Add to that heart attacks and other non diagnosed or untreated illnesses. Also stats are always used in different ways and often unreliable. Given that more than 90% of those 250,000 deaths in the USA were with serious co morbidities there is a question mark about who died from COVID and who died with COVID. The infection fatality rate according to professor Ioannodis is 0.23% overall and 0.05% for under 70s. For Flu its 0.1%. The average age of death in the UK is 81 and the average COVID death age is slightly higher than that and their excess deaths for 2020 is looking fairly normal. Statistics need to be taken in context. 

Excess deaths are not 'normal'. Since late March, excess deaths were well above normal every week until the middle of June, peaking at 110% in the middle of April. Although slightly negative in July, they rose again in August, and have been above normal every week since then bar one. Now at 14% above normal for last available week.




Although Cancer deaths have increased (a Lancet study suggests about 5-6% in a modelling study) there is still the question as to how much they would have suffered anyway due to the lack of NHS resources during the Pandemic. We will not really know the full impact until much later, currently it is just administrators trying to decide what to prioritise - how many covid patients equal one cancer patient? An impossible dilemma, especially when you have little data to help you. 

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9 hours ago, moe666 said:

do you have any data to support this statement, this has been the cry from many right wing agitators but never any proof to back up their claims

Since most of the deaths resulting from Lockdown policies will occur over time they are difficult to quantify. But lets just start with Cancer. Professor Karol Sikura one of the worlds top oncologists says in the UK between 20,000 and 50,000 will die of cancer through failure to diagnose and treat cancer directly because of lockdown policies. So from cancer alone that could equal the number of COVID deaths. Add to the The WHO estimate of more than 100 million (worldwide) being thrown into extreme poverty...who knows how many deaths that will translate to. Also bare in mind its not just sudden deaths we are talking about, but years of life lost and its reasonable to assume many of the lives lost from lockdown will be younger than the 80 odd average age of COVID deaths, and therefor translate to greater average years lost per person. 

Oh and I'm a "left winger"

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As I predicted a month ago 'peak Covid' - the greatest number of new cases, worldwide, in a day, is probably behind us now.


And there is really encouraging news on two fronts:


One is the confirmation that exposure to SARS two decades ago is resulting in immunity to Covid today. With such enduring and broad immunity, it follows that a minor mutation of this bug is very unlikely to spark a second pandemic, and that this really does look like a bug people will only ever get once.


The second is the confirmation that memory B cells, once stimulated by exposure to the bug, continue to multiply after the bug has been defeated. This confirms the theory that nano level exposure to the bug - levels too low to trigger an infection, can nevertheless result in the body building defences against it.


It might sound a bit too optimistic, but there really is a good chance that increasing developed resistance as well as immunity gained from past infection, will see the numbers of cases tumble and the bug start to burn itself out - something that could happen quite quickly.


Much of the world could be effectively post-Covid as soon as next March.


But Thailand.. hmm..


There is an intrigue however - just being down wind of a SARS outbreak - even hundreds of miles down wind - is clearly resulting in very low numbers of Covid cases. The US states and Canadian provinces that were down wind of the Toronto SARS outbreak are the states and provinces with the lowest count of Covid cases (as a population %) - and by some margin. On the face of it, it seems unlikely, but the stats are compelling.


But which way did the wind blow in Asia during the SARS outbreak in 2002/3? - are the low levels of Covid in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam the result of lingering resistance borne of SARS on the wind?


Whatever happens, when Covid is seen to be fizzling out, the pressure to get Thai tourism back to normal will grow stronger by the day..

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On 11/22/2020 at 9:55 PM, JemJem said:

One important question is when Thailand TRULY opens up, will the requirement of having at least the equivalent of  500,000 baht in your account for at least 6 months stay in place?


Not an important question at all given that requirement had already been scrapped days prior to your post.

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