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Thailand No Longer Top Overseas Destination for Chinese Tourists


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16 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Oh this will just crush the poor Thais when they read about this or hear about it.  So much for the all you can eat prawn buffets.  Looks like it will be a rough ride for tourism. 

Thais DO NOT care! Period!

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Well this will make a lot of people here on Thai visa happy

Must admit myself included

When we went for the morning buffet in the hotel we were staying they were queuing up at 0630hrs  

Once in it was everyone for themselves and the noise 

In the end we went for breakfast at about 0900hrs when they had All departed on their bus tours 

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Lets hope this government a Plan B.

Soon Thailand will no longer be a favor destination to fly to for any country.

How is to be blamed for this? Perhaps the incompetent Thai government!!!!!

9 months with closed borders and no Relief package for small business owners. 

What a bunch of clowns.

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55 minutes ago, mike787 said:

Thais DO NOT care! Period!

Really, maybe the Thai government could care less, if by the way they have putting roadblocks to arrive i. Place is any indication, but the Thai people thrive on the tourist Areas as it feeds them and takes care of their families.  You better guess again. If the Chinese have turned to other locals, even though they can not travel because if their own government, then just who will come to Thailand in mass numbers.

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18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Thailand has lost its spot as the most popular cross-border destination for tourists from mainland China, according to a survey by HSBC Holdings Plc, as neighboring Japan and South Korea moved up the list.


The survey, conducted from Oct. 28 to Nov. 2


What idiot conducts a survey on flight bookings in the middle of a pandemic then predicts the future?


The missing details


"Of  the 5 flights that were booked during these 4 days, 1 was Chinese, 2 were Korean and the remaining 2 were Japanese.....


This shows that we can expect to see 20% of our tourism from China, with 40% each from Japan and Korea respectively.


Note: This could change if someone else books a flight. "


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7 minutes ago, Muzzique said:


What idiot conducts a survey on flight bookings in the middle of a pandemic then predicts the future?


The missing details


"Of  the 5 flights that were booked during these 4 days, 1 was Chinese, 2 were Korean and the remaining 2 were Japanese.....


This shows that we can expect to see 20% of our tourism from China, with 40% each from Japan and Korea respectively.


Note: This could change if someone else books a flight. "


Bloomberg do.

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19 hours ago, ukrules said:

They need to quarantine when they return to China.


That essentially ended Chinese foreign tourism to everywhere.


It's the same situation in Thailand, how many Thais are going away on foreign holidays right now?

Well how many can and where to?Just seen the reports out of Indonesia for example..abosolute explosion on Covid there(that's only what we know)South Korea..a third spike due to yet another 'religious church gathering'.What countries are actually allowing tourists in is what I want to know..apart from SAS Thailand that is?

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I think what is paramount is that China are asking ANYBODY flying into China (including nationals ) get PCR Tests conducted in EVERY transit airport. This is currently on all Chinese embassy websites .. most Chinese that fly to Thailand do so because they are not rich Chinese. 

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Of course. You keep your nation sealed off from the world, and the world will sooner of later forget about you. Thailand is NOT the center of the universe, nor is it the most desirable nation on earth.


Right now, if you wanted to venture to an island destination, they are all devastated by this shutdown. Was recently in Samui. 85% of the hotels were closed. Most restaurants, alot of bars, shops and other businesses were closed many permanently. Granted, there are some great hotel bargains right now. But, that environment is fairly depressing, seeing so much hardship. So, the lame authorities here need to wrap their minds around that. Tourists would be coming to a hugely diminished destination. Free quarantine? Might be a good place to start. Make some sacrifices, you incompetents. It is great that the Thais are stepping up, taking advantage of great deals, and supporting the tourism industry. It helps, no doubt. But, it is only a portion of what the hotels, restaurants, and other businesses need. The industry is hurting, big time. 


Thailand needs courageous leadership. They don't have it. The army are major cowards. ANY person from ANY nation should be welcome starting tomorrow, if they are willing to subject themselves to a 14 day quarantine and pay excessive fees for that two week sentence. There is no downside or risk, and only upside for the nation. No groveling from a local consulate should be required. That is utter nonsense. A covid free letter and a booking at an approved hotel. Period. No more Inane "Phuket or Thailand models". And no special health insurance either. Quarantine is enough of a penalty already. Stop being silly and stop the nonsense. But, the reality is, that if Thailand had a qualified health minister, and a slightly intelligent tourism minister, they would stop this nonsense, and realize no tourism program requiring quarantine will ever work. Period. Any such program will never attract more than a few thousand tourists a year. Testing is the answer. Plain and simple. 



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5 minutes ago, Traubert said:

They make it up for the poor saps on here

Local outbreak resurfaces in several Chinese cities as winter comes (globalsecurity.org)

Not a mass of positive tests, but they are experiencing new positives in several cities.  They are doing more testing and ensuring the population is safe by conducting in Manzhouli, China's largest land port bordering Russia and Mongolia, a quasi-lockdown mode as of this past Sunday, with 300,000 local residents receiving nucleic acid tests after two local COVID-19 infections were reported on Saturday whose sources of infection remain unclear.

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