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In prison, with periods and no pads: life in a Thai jail


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Read a report a day or two ago that wee boney Scotland has become the first country ever to offer "period products" for free to anybody who wants them. Now, I'm reading about periods galore but no products to hand.

Has the world gone mad over the last few days or what? Why is this even in the news? 

What's next? Bog roll? 

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22 minutes ago, RobU said:


Cruel remarks probably made by men who like to dehumanise and dominate women often the reason why European and American men go to Thailand because they can behave in ways that would not be tolerated by women in their own country

I also believe in "do the crime, pay the time", but I assure you, I have never dehumanized any women. I treat everybody equally. Anybody who does the crime and gets caught should shut up and take the punishment; man or woman, hetro or homo; wealthy or poor; Christian or... I think you get the picture. 

It's people like you who categorize people. One rule for men, a different one for women. One for X, a different one for Y. 

How can you babble on about tolerance? You don't know the first meaning of the word. 

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12 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

I wonder how many of them actually broke the law, maybe they didn't pay up for something, possibly chose the wrong gik's wife to mess with, or borrowed money to feed their family and couldn't pay it back


also many inside for drug offences, i expect a lot of these are for just marijuana related offences 

My wife always says, only the poor are in Jail in Thailand!

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15 hours ago, RocketDog said:

Jumping to the other extreme in an argument is seldom persuasive. It usually weakens your stance. 

There was no other argument, it is what it is, women doing time for crimes they committed, and by no means was I suggesting they be provided with TV's, snooker tables and libraries, just asking the other guy if he preferred to give them other options, so I will reiterate, do the crime, do the time, period, pun intended.

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18 hours ago, KhunFred said:

Thais do not even want to FEED inmates. I am ashamed that some farangs support this kind of prison system. Don't give me any foolishness about "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime". Most countries understand humane prison concepts, but not Thailand.


Which farangs are supporting "this kind of prison system" ?


How often do you donate food and toiletries to inmates ?

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22 hours ago, djayz said:

Read a report a day or two ago that wee boney Scotland has become the first country ever to offer "period products" for free to anybody who wants them. Now, I'm reading about periods galore but no products to hand.

Has the world gone mad over the last few days or what? Why is this even in the news? 

What's next? Bog roll? 

Don't worry. wee Burnie (Sturgeon) has the English paying for them along with all her other Communist freebies.

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On 11/27/2020 at 6:11 PM, 4MyEgo said:


Do the crime, pay the time, or would you prefer they have a separate room, with TV, snooker tables, libraries etc etc.


With this comment I would give you Thai citizenship right away and you are perfectly in line with what the people of Thailand think, that's why I consider them humanly underdeveloped


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50 minutes ago, ICELANDMAN said:


With this comment I would give you Thai citizenship right away and you are perfectly in line with what the people of Thailand think, that's why I consider them humanly underdeveloped


How rude !

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10 hours ago, Techno Viking said:


Which farangs are supporting "this kind of prison system" ?


How often do you donate food and toiletries to inmates ?

"How often..................."

You raised the question, therefore you should answer first. 

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On 11/28/2020 at 2:26 PM, 4MyEgo said:

Really, according to a quick Google search, this is what I came up with, copy and pasted below.


"In 2015, the recidivism rate of Thai prisoners was 17 percent. In 2016 that rate rose to 25 percent and 33 percent in 2017. Most were imprisoned more than once for drug-related crimes".


I suppose some reform, others don't, could it be the conditions are too good ?

Maybe they should change some drug laws. Once canabis is legal things will change a bit. But also for the harder stuff. Charges of possession of a users amount should be low or none. For distribution and sale sure put them in jail.


I don't see the crime in people doing drugs (as long as they dont bother others). Too many people in jail for drugs and just testing positive can be enough to land in jail. Not many countries in the world that are that strict. The war against drugs has been lost. Best to make some sensible rules and live with it. 

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4 minutes ago, RobU said:

Of course, people like yourselves think it is part of the punishment ‘Do the Crime do The Time’, that comment was totally irrelevant to the topic. However, you want them to suffer more than men and not have what you think is a privilege rather than a human right.


You prattle about equality and treating women the same as men when it is obvious that they are not treated the same. Men do not menstruate so they can spend their prison wages on little luxuries, women have to pay through the nose for essentials.


The pair of you are precisely the kind of person I described in my post you are misogynists who enjoy the thought of women suffering, some kind of warped perception that women get better treatment than you do.


Wow, lighten up mate, have you ever heard the term, "it is what it is" ?


Instead of getting your knickers in a not over mine and others taking the pi$$ with our comments, write the Thai Authorities a letter of how outraged you are, but as you said, they probably won't listen, so then try other world human organisations:


Human Rights Organizations
  • Amnesty International:
  • Human Rights Action Center:
  • Human Rights Watch:
  • Human Rights Without Frontiers: (HRWF)
  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP):
  • Simon Wiesenthal Center:

The world is not a perfect place we all know that and Thailand is far behind what you or I  perceive as acceptable when it comes to justice, that said, I made my statement and if it offends you, "it is what it is".


For your information, my sister in law years back was stopped with a friend in a car, her friend had an amount of yabba tablets in her bag, the sister in law said she knew nothing of it, they were each going to get 12 years unless they confessed of which they would each get 6 years and out earlier if model prisoners, she got out after 3 and a half years, that said, I got the gist on how the law works here and how women and men suffer in there over crowded cells, there is a reason they call them jails, not hotels and the purpose is as you say for them to reform, and of course not to forget why they were in their in the first place, hopefully never to return, i.e. to think twice before they do the crime, suffice to say, the sister in law when she got out was hanging around with another friend, luckily this time she wasn't with him when he got caught with an amount of yabba pills, he is now doing 10 years, again, do the crime, do the time and if you think for one minute I believed the sister in law about her not knowing about the yabba pills, your wrong, she deserved what she got coming to her as cruel as it sounds, it is what it is. Humility comes in all forms of life, as does humiliation.


Now go get em tiger, you have my blessing. 

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

Maybe they should change some drug laws. Once canabis is legal things will change a bit. But also for the harder stuff. Charges of possession of a users amount should be low or none. For distribution and sale sure put them in jail.


I don't see the crime in people doing drugs (as long as they dont bother others). Too many people in jail for drugs and just testing positive can be enough to land in jail. Not many countries in the world that are that strict. The war against drugs has been lost. Best to make some sensible rules and live with it. 


See my post above.


Edit: I am confident she was dealing with her friend so am of the same view as yours.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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34 minutes ago, RobU said:


This thread is not about whether a woman should be in prison or not


It is about the fact that women in Thai prisons are subjected to humiliation by the authorities withholding sanitary products (which they are legally allowed for free) from them and charging unreasonably high prices in the prison shop for them to purchase those products with the pittance they are paid for working in the prison.


As someone said during this thread, a nice little business opportunity for corrupt officials, withhold the products then charge higher prices than in the outside world to purchase them.


The comments I quoted were totally irrelevant and implied that the women deserved to have those products withheld as part of their punishment.


Effectively women in Thai prisons are subjected to greater punishments than men who are imprisoned for the same offence. The only reason for this is that they are women.

Thai women are humiliated in prison during menstruation by deliberately withholding sanitary towels from them forced to use them for longer than is safe or simply bleed from the vagina onto their clothes if they cannot afford to buy from the corrupt authorities. Re using cloth was something done by poor Victorian women, it is also very dangerous since after being rinsed the cloth should be boiled at 100 degrees Celsius for at least 5 minutes and dried (preferably in strong sunlight) before being re used


If a sanitary towel is used for longer than is safe or a non-sterile piece of cloth, a woman is in danger of being infected by pathogens which settle and breed in the environment of the product.


Such infections can cause sterility, chronic pain and often death and these women are often too poor to seek medical attention when they get out. I seriously doubt the corrupt prison authorities will take notice of chronic pain in the lower abdomen, because medical treatment costs money. They will simply say it is an attempt at malingering


Of course, people like yourselves think it is part of the punishment ‘Do the Crime do The Time’, that comment was totally irrelevant to the topic. However, you want them to suffer more than men and not have what you think is a privilege rather than a human right.


You prattle about equality and treating women the same as men when it is obvious that they are not treated the same. Men do not menstruate so they can spend their prison wages on little luxuries, women have to pay through the nose for essentials.


The pair of you are precisely the kind of person I described in my post you are misogynists who enjoy the thought of women suffering, some kind of warped perception that women get better treatment than you do.

So, let me get this straight: the topic is, as you correctly pointed out in the above quoted post, about corrupt officials withholding and/or overcharging for sanitary products in prisons (surprise, surprise - who would've thought that there are corrupt officials here... yawn...). Before that, in a prior post, you digressed from the topic and blatantly implied that Western men come here purely with the intention of dominating and humiliate Thai/Asian women and treating them inhumanely, to which I tried to point out to you that that stereotype does not apply to all men. Now, even after I tried explaining to you that you can't tar every bloke with the same brush, you come along and claim we're misogynists!? 


You can call me many things RobU, but, a misogynist I am not. 


Me thinks you is way off topic sweetheart. 




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28 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

It would appear to be true, when the missus bought pads for herself and her two daughters I asked why she didn't use tampons, she didn't answer me but gave me a look as if I had invited the devil to dinner.

Tampons can be dangerous they can cause anaphylactic shock in some women and women have died when they used tampons for the first time .  In the UK  we have free emergency services your women are being careful and using a product that is known to be safe Using tampons carries a risk which your ladies are not willing to take

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40 minutes ago, djayz said:

So, let me get this straight: the topic is, as you correctly pointed out in the above quoted post, about corrupt officials withholding and/or overcharging for sanitary products in prisons (surprise, surprise - who would've thought that there are corrupt officials here... yawn...). Before that, in a prior post, you digressed from the topic and blatantly implied that Western men come here purely with the intention of dominating and humiliate Thai/Asian women and treating them inhumanely, to which I tried to point out to you that that stereotype does not apply to all men. Now, even after I tried explaining to you that you can't tar every bloke with the same brush, you come along and claim we're misogynists!? 


You can call me many things RobU, but, a misogynist I am not. 


Me thinks you is way off topic sweetheart. 




I did not say that all men are misogynists who come to Thailand just the 2 who posted irrelevent comments stating that women deserved what they got in prison

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

It would appear to be true, when the missus bought pads for herself and her two daughters I asked why she didn't use tampons, she didn't answer me but gave me a look as if I had invited the devil to dinner.



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4 hours ago, RobU said:

I did not say that all men are misogynists who come to Thailand just the 2 who posted irrelevent comments stating that women deserved what they got in prison

Please show me where I wrote "women deserved what they got in prison". Now I'm starting to think that this is all just a troll post. 


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