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400,000 baht for marriage visa extension

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Which type of bank account can be used for the purpose of immigration to prove minimum 400,000 baht balance 2 months before and 3 months after the date for the annual visa renewal? If locked away at Kasikorn, I am being offered 0.45% interest for a 6 month locked deposit. Is there any other bank offing more in Thailand and will the immigration accept that type of bank account?


Also, which Thai bank has proven to be giving the lowest service charge and exchange rate commission for a wire transfer from the United States? I have Bangkok Bank, Siam Commercial and Kasikorn Bank accounts. Do immigration have a preference for any of these three banks?


3 months after the annual date for the marriage extension, can I remove some of the 400,000 as long as I put the balance back to 400K  two months before the annual visa renewal? 


I don't know if this post should be posted in banking or immigration since it concerns both topics.

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You need an account that allows instant access   and comes with a "bank book"  immigration want to see the book updated with and entry on the day you apply for the visa  along with a letter from the bank stating the balance that day.

In the past I used Krungsri Ayuthaya   but they where a bit unreliable in providing the required letter  so I switched to Kasikorn bank.


After you have been approved the visa extension you can use all the money  but will again need to show at least 400,000 baht  2 months in advance of next renewal.

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If it's any help I use the Kasikorn bank for my visa extension. You will find if you put your monies in a fixed account for a longer period, you will get better interest. Not sure what that is at present. But the best one is a 3 year, their max. I put my 800k in many years ago and just renew it every 3 years. You can work it out but last year the interest amounted to 14k bht. Not great but much better than what I would get in the UK.

Bank's they give 0.01% on average. Bit more if fixed for 2 years but almost next to nothing now.


N/B I think you have to have your 400k in a Thai bank for 3 months for your second visa 2 months for the first one. Best of luck sorting out the paper work for a marriage Visa.

That's why I do the 800k one even though I'm married. Just one page a letter from the bank 100bht to say all's fine deposit wise. One snap and 1.900bht payment and your sorted in less than 30 min:     

Edited by fredob43
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43 minutes ago, johng said:

You need an account that allows instant access   and comes with a "bank book"  immigration want to see the book updated with and entry on the day you apply for the visa  along with a letter from the bank stating the balance that day.

In the past I used Krungsri Ayuthaya   but they where a bit unreliable in providing the required letter  so I switched to Kasikorn bank.


After you have been approved the visa extension you can use all the money  but will again need to show at least 400,000 baht  2 months in advance of next renewal.

How long is the 'under consideration' usually?


And, the bank letter must be dated the same day as you apply correct? Basically the bank needs to date it ahead of time.

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37 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:


It is 2 months for every extension application. 

The 60 days for the first application and then 3 month after that was for retirement and it was changed to 2 months for every application last year.

Thanks for the update.

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19 hours ago, fredob43 said:

If it's any help I use the Kasikorn bank for my visa extension. You will find if you put your monies in a fixed account for a longer period, you will get better interest. Not sure what that is at present. But the best one is a 3 year, their max. I put my 800k in many years ago and just renew it every 3 years.

Kasikorn bank, the three years are renewed automatically, no need to open a new fixed account ? they write an update of fixed deposit  the day we go for extension ( my SCB doesn't do it , I have to deposit and withdraw money )  ?


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1 hour ago, Aforek said:

Kasikorn bank, the three years are renewed automatically, no need to open a new fixed account ? they write an update of fixed deposit  the day we go for extension ( my SCB doesn't do it , I have to deposit and withdraw money )  ?


Correct. They did for me this year. But I still always go in and check. They can change things any day here without informing you.


Like they used to pay the interest twice a year now it's once at the end of the year. Did they inform me well NO. Better to ask as you go along. And don't take things for granted. Or one day you can end up in the Doo Doo's.    

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21 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

It is 30 days from the day you apply for the extension at many offices but some start the 30 days from the day you current permit to stay ends.


Most offices will accept a letter dated the day before you apply. But your bank book has to be updated on the day you apply.

A bank would only date the letter for the day it issued.

Bangkok Bank in Kamphaeng Phet need 3 days notice for anything longer than a 6 month period, (they need authority from Head Office. I usually go in the week before and tell them the day that I want the letter.


I generally withdraw 100 baht using my debit card, then update my bankbook and then get the letter and a statement.


I do my marriage extension using my pensions income only.


To get a 12 month statement from Kasikorn usually takes about 1 1/2 hours.


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9 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Bangkok Bank in Kamphaeng Phet need 3 days notice for anything longer than a 6 month period, (they need authority from Head Office. I usually go in the week before and tell them the day that I want the letter.


I generally withdraw 100 baht using my debit card, then update my bankbook and then get the letter and a statement.


I do my marriage extension using my pensions income only.


To get a 12 month statement from Kasikorn usually takes about 1 1/2 hours.


Bill. That's why I do the monies in bank saves messing about. Last 1 year visa took me 1 hour 15Min: 10 Min in bank to get letter and update account, quick drive to I/O 35 Min: in there sorted.

Yes I do know that not all can do it that way but if you can it's a doddle.


Oh Lads & Ladies meet up at Tony No Mates this Saturday if your interested. Alfresco Christmas at John and Apples place. As you know your always welcome.  

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10 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

Bill. That's why I do the monies in bank saves messing about. Last 1 year visa took me 1 hour 15Min: 10 Min in bank to get letter and update account, quick drive to I/O 35 Min: in there sorted.

Yes I do know that not all can do it that way but if you can it's a doddle.


Oh Lads & Ladies meet up at Tony No Mates this Saturday if your interested. Alfresco Christmas at John and Apples place. As you know your always welcome.  

Thanks Fred.


The usual suspects have been playing on messenger all morning.

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As said you need an account where it is clear how much money can be retrieved instantly. So not an investment fund that fluctuates. I have Citibank, they have no bankbook (neither has SCB by the way). I used to go the day before and on the same day get some money from an ATM and keep the slip. That was accepted. Now you can make an appointment on-line for Chaeng Wattana, so I have time to go to the bank first on the same day.

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5 minutes ago, Dick Z said:

As said you need an account where it is clear how much money can be retrieved instantly. So not an investment fund that fluctuates. I have Citibank, they have no bankbook (neither has SCB by the way). I used to go the day before and on the same day get some money from an ATM and keep the slip. That was accepted. Now you can make an appointment on-line for Chaeng Wattana, so I have time to go to the bank first on the same day.

Good advice re online appointment at CW annual extension. Note this is available for extension based on retirement but not for marriage.

I recently obtained annual extension. Had 10.45 appointment and did banking deposit and letter in the bank  CW.

Please note that SCB has closed it's branch permanently in CW.

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I just applied for another visa extension based on marriage last week in CW office, i got under consideration stamp and i have to go for my extension on 24/12 ( 30 days under consideration) all ok, the only changes as the IO express that i have to leave the 400K in the bank until i get the stamp and "she said do not move the money from the bank during under consideration, the money must be stay there for another month and bring your pass book and copies for the updated pass book again on 24/12 that they can verify that the money still in the account before the extension stamp"" my wife asked again and she repeated the same and she said this is new requirement"" that means from now on the money must be in the account for 3 month , 2 month before the application and another month  during the under consideration period, this is my 9th renewal and this is the first time happened! 

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30 minutes ago, EVAN said:

2 month before the application and another month  during the under consideration period, this is my 9th renewal and this is the first time happened! 

Not really new and CW is not the only office that wants proof it is still in the bank when your return to get your extension stamp. CW has been asking for it about a year now.

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When I went to open my first account last year, I was gonna open a regular savings account at Bangkok Bank.  They said: "Hey, why not a Fixed Account?  You get more interest.  You just need to leave your initial deposit for one year, but the rest you can withdraw."

So I put in 2000 THB "initial deposit", then 398K later on, all is good.  I got my first extension.  This was in Bangkok, but then we moved to Hua Hin.  So I go to the local HH branch to withdraw some cash (the "waiting period" was over) they said: "This is a Bangkok account. You cannot withdraw here!"  So I'm facing a 3 hour drive to the nearest branch that will let me take out my money.

It's ok... I didn't need the cash, but it was a huge pain. Now I'm opening a Savings account in HH for my 1-year renewal of extension, they said they can transfer in my Bangkok money but it will take 2-3 weeks. But they can only transfer it to a HH Fixed Account.  So now I have a HH fixed account so they can transfer the money, a HH Savings account for my daily needs, and a Bangkok Fixed account that I will no longer use.

Lesson learned... screw the "better" interest rate, which will probably earn you 50 baht a year.  Just get a savings account that should work all over the country.  Freakin' Thai banks... how do they get this screwed up?

(BTW, I'm still waiting for that transfer from BKK to HH. It did not happen as promised, HH tried to say I never opened a local account, not in their computer, but they finally found my paperwork stashed in the back room. Now they are calling my Bangkok branch to see why the money never transferred.  You just can't make this sh!t up.)  To make matters worse, I don't have my passport; had to mail it to the US Embassy for renewal and good luck even getting them to talk to you without a passport. It's like pulling teeth. 

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