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Brexit talks still stuck because EU is asking too much, UK says


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3 minutes ago, polpott said:

Not one word on how Germany exerts a greater influence on EU decision making than any other member.



Germans hold more key positions in the European Commission than any other European country.

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4 minutes ago, polpott said:

Not one word on how Germany exerts a greater influence on EU decision making than any other member.


Nice try but completely off topic.

Ha ha. Obviously you cant read. Even the most challenged people admit that Germany exert influence on the EU. Bless. You are so much like the picture below.


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Just now, Laughing Gravy said:

Ha ha. Obviously you cant read. Even the most challenged people admit that Germany exert influence on the EU. Bless. You are so much like the picture below.


Perhaps you would like to quote a paragraph or 2 from your links that give lie to the fact that Germany has more say in EU decision making than any other country.

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6 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Ha ha. Obviously you cant read. Even the most challenged people admit that Germany exert influence on the EU. Bless. You are so much like the picture below.



6 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Sadly the poster can't read. :cheesy: Asking for a link.


Just now, Laughing Gravy said:

You will have to read the words out for him.????

Sadly, but unsurprisingly for a Brexiteer, you resort to attacking the poster not the post when you have no answers.

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1 hour ago, david555 said:

And such decision making calls are sure not made in U.K. we must believe ?....influencers you could call them ...E.R.G . Mister Mog .....one of them as example ......or forgot already mister Cummings .....? ????

Short said.. POLITICS.....a common practise on all sides 



Oh I think that deciding what can and can not be on the agenda for a summit meeting in a union of 27 states, by means of a phone discussion by the leaders of the two biggest states, prior to the meeting, is a very different matter to any lobbying which Messrs Rees-Mogg or Cummings may have engaged in!

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2 minutes ago, polpott said:



Sadly, but unsurprisingly for a Brexiteer, you resort to attacking the poster not the post when you have no answers.

If you can't be bothered to read the links I sent, after YOU asked for them/evidence. What is the point!

You have already dug a whole for yourself. Maybe time to take a tactical retreat and admit you were wrong.


Germany has a huge influence on the EU.

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3 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

Oh I think that deciding what can and can not be on the agenda for a summit meeting in a union of 27 states, by means of a phone discussion by the leaders of the two biggest states, prior to the meeting, is a very different matter to any lobbying which Messrs Rees-Mogg or Cummings may have engaged in!

I wouldnt expect another answer from brexiteers side as this one  ...????....

Summit was not meant about brexit anyway ...but they expected a  "Certain desperate  blond summit  highjacker " on the way ...????

Edited by david555
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Just now, polpott said:

None of your links suggest this. have an influence on the Eurozone due to their financial clout, which is unrelated to EU decision making.

If you have read all the links in the time I sent them until your reply, then I know that you are talking rollocks. That statement above is hilarious.


Toddle on and let the grown ups debate.

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5 minutes ago, polpott said:

Grown ups? Only children result to personal attacks when they have nothing to say.


Or the ultimate tool of Brexiteers, the laughing emoticon to deride a post that they have no real repost to.


Sill haven't seen any quotes that give lie to the fact that Germany has no greater say in EU decision making than any other member. Probably because there aren't any.

And that sums it up. You haven't read it with saying probably. You asked I thought

a genuine question and provided the evidence, which turns out you are not interested in any evidence at all. You would have to read it first to make an intelligent and adult judgement.


So Yes, I find it childish and by your posts if someone slapped you in a face with a list of facts regarding the influence Germany have over the EU, you would deny it.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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54 minutes ago, RayC said:

If you look at the attached link the EU has quite a large impact on our everyday lives https://amp.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/cw94ct/so_what_has_the_eu_ever_done_for_us/


Forgive me for saying it but, as a Belgian, you have probably become a bit blasé about the benefits of the EU. (Some of) us in the UK are all too aware of what we are about to lose.


Can not open it, but I can read the first item : " clean beach and rivers "


When I was in Belgium this was done by city staff.


I don't know for the rest.


Not so long ago, it was decided that every Belgian will at least receive a monthly pension of 1500 Euro.


Energy bill will be less for the common household starting next year.


These are 2 factors which will influence directly the daily life of the man in the street in Belgium.


These have been decided by the new Belgium government.


I would be very surprised if it is proven that these 2 decisions were taken under the influence of the E.U..

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30 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

Oh I think that deciding what can and can not be on the agenda for a summit meeting in a union of 27 states, by means of a phone discussion by the leaders of the two biggest states, prior to the meeting, is a very different matter to any lobbying which Messrs Rees-Mogg or Cummings may have engaged in!

Like i said before ....not expecting no other reply from brexiteers side as this kind ....

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39 minutes ago, polpott said:

Who really holds the power in Europe? The fact is, no country can make decisions in the EU alone." 

You didn't read the link fully.



 In fact, the larger countries – Germany as well as France – have a de facto veto in the European Union and, therefore, rarely is anything decided against the will of their governments.


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11 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

I read where the EU ,don't want the UK to be in competition

with them,and expect us to still follow some of their rules,

that's not leaving....

regards worgeordie



that's not leaving....


Only so when you accept that .....Boris could wake away ....????


Mr Gove is making the same mistake all over again.    The EU has set the conditions that must be met for access to market and Institutions ... the same ones the 27 follow.

Its as simple as that.    


  Enjoy the Dinner  Boris ????


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8 minutes ago, david555 said:


that's not leaving....


Only so when you accept that .....Boris could wake away ....????


Mr Gove is making the same mistake all over again.    The EU has set the conditions that must be met for access to market and Institutions ... the same ones the 27 follow.

Its as simple as that.    


  Enjoy the Dinner  Boris ????



   Why should the UK have to follow the rules of a Club that we are not a member of ?

Your Club , your rules, we are not a member of your Club 

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3 minutes ago, david555 said:

Exactly.you are not a member ....but still the club makes the rules for all who wish to use the club .....


Before you were in with 1 foot in 1 out ..had privileges as no Euro accepting as currancy and big rebate ....it was not enough ...and left .

And now it seems you are out with BOTH foot and like to be same as IN  the club...


Same as your water your rules .....

So single market OUR  market ...OUR RULES .....difficult to understand ..??


  Dont you have  separate rules for non members ?

Rules that are negotiable ?

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Just now, CorpusChristie said:


  Dont you have  separate rules for non members ?

Rules that are negotiable ?

They gave them already 4 years .....but your U.K. dont like them ...

so   up to you  U.K. same as your U.K decide whit what is their sovereignty ????

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