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UK, EU leaders to meet face-to-face to try to seal Brexit trade deal


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1 hour ago, transam said:

But I am not, or my family, Gypsies/travellers......????......I am English and proud of it, even though I am a nobody..

Proud of a coincidence? Like being proud of having blue eyes, none of your doing. False identity, we won a gold medal at the olympics, no, the contestant won a gold medal, we won the cup, no, the team won the cup. You are identifying with a nebulous idea. What is a country, just a confined piece of land with artificial borders, it has inhabitants of course but every country has inhabitants and when one considers that the genetic variation in the whole of the human race is less than that of a troop of chimpanzees then they aren't very different so I'm not sure what you are proud of. You aren't any different in your thinking from 90% of the human race, that's what makes wars possible and this thinking is encouraged by your political masters and those who control the economic resources, they have no such blindfolds and will have foreign bank accounts and houses far away from Westminster, even little Farage made sure that two of his children have German passports, he doesn't drink the same wine as you but he will tell you that yours is the best.

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6 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Proud of a coincidence? Like being proud of having blue eyes, none of your doing. False identity, we won a gold medal at the olympics, no, the contestant won a gold medal, we won the cup, no, the team won the cup. You are identifying with a nebulous idea. What is a country, just a confined piece of land with artificial borders, it has inhabitants of course but every country has inhabitants and when one considers that the genetic variation in the whole of the human race is less than that of a troop of chimpanzees then they aren't very different so I'm not sure what you are proud of. You aren't any different in your thinking from 90% of the human race, that's what makes wars possible and this thinking is encouraged by your political masters and those who control the economic resources, they have no such blindfolds and will have foreign bank accounts and houses far away from Westminster, even little Farage made sure that two of his children have German passports, he doesn't drink the same wine as you but he will tell you that yours is the best.

Are you being paid to advertise your Germany...?

The read is about Brexit, not where you deported yourself too.......????

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2 hours ago, transam said:

I've never been to Africa.......????

One of your helical coils will have a black spot. Genetic evidence from the earliest homo sapien found in England showed that the male had black skin and blue eyes, blue eyes have been traced back to an early ancestor who lived in what is now Spain so you may be/probably are, a dago, kraut mixture who has his beginnings in Africa.

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3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

One of your helical coils will have a black spot. Genetic evidence from the earliest homo sapien found in England showed that the male had black skin and blue eyes, blue eyes have been traced back to an early ancestor who lived in what is now Spain so you may be/probably are, a dago, kraut mixture who has his beginnings in Africa.

Aren't we going way off topic now?

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2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

One of your helical coils will have a black spot. Genetic evidence from the earliest homo sapien found in England showed that the male had black skin and blue eyes, blue eyes have been traced back to an early ancestor who lived in what is now Spain so you may be/probably are, a dago, kraut mixture who has his beginnings in Africa.

Really, now can you please get back on topic, I am not interested in you being a black bloke with blue eyes, a late German bloke might be though.....????...

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Just now, transam said:

"We", being my country, plus I have never been in a spaceship, have you...?

Are you calling Captain Tom an alien? Do you think the heroic effort of this elderly gentleman on behalf of a pandemic stricken UK is not possible for a human Englishman? 

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2 minutes ago, transam said:

Are you being paid to advertise your Germany...?

The read is about Brexit, not where you deported yourself too.......????

I mentioned Germany once to state a fact. Germany isn't mine, it was there before me and will be there when I'm gone although I have given it my genetic stamp with a German daughter and German granddaughter (no they don't have British passports and my son in Thailand has only a Thai ID)

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3 hours ago, soalbundy said:

One of your helical coils will have a black spot. Genetic evidence from the earliest homo sapien found in England showed that the male had black skin and blue eyes, blue eyes have been traced back to an early ancestor who lived in what is now Spain so you may be/probably are, a dago, kraut mixture who has his beginnings in Africa.


Oh dear. Can't believe this lasted 3 hours+

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20 minutes ago, Victornoir said:


it is true that they are pleasant, all these small villages, all these boroughs these hamlets these localities, these cities, with their strong castles, their temples and their beaches they have only one weak point, that of be inhabited.

To be inhabited by people who look at others with contempt from the top of ramparts, the race of chauvinists, cockade bearers, happy fools who were born somewhere...

Georges Brassens, French poet



But they don't do the Goose-step, as your avatar indicates you may do.....????

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5 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Should be an interesting day.  Johnson has now dropped his threat to renege on the withdrawal agreement (the footsie responded by rapidly rising) and he will be heading off for dinner with Ursula later this afternoon.  The EU are holding their line as they always have and Boris is clearly between a rock and a hard place.


No longer is he threatening to walk away with no deal, on the contrary, his desperation for a deal is only too obvious.  Let's see if he can get one.


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21 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

How on earth did the UK cope before the EU.

Yes business did cope, but take it from one that did it, it was far from easy for smaller business that had no export department.

Customs declarations, product categories, certificates of origin, all a bit of a minefield. Many will not put up with "coping" the way we had to.

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22 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Incorrect. Even the notoriously Pro EU Sky news have acknowledged how this went down. Previously the EU were threatening to classify everything between the UK and NI as "at risk", this is where all the issues started that led to the IMB to safeguard against such a ludicrous EU position.


Not so now. Well played Boris, well played.





Feel free to see it any way you want, but facts are facts.


A “grace period” to exempt supermarkets supplying food from Britain from £200-per-product export health certificates will last only three months, the Cabinet Office minister also admitted.

And an agreement to allow imports of chilled meat – so “British sausages will continue to make their way to Belfast and Ballymena”, Mr Gove vowed – will run out after six months.

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Times have changed and developed. You can't equally compare the times then to now with technology and logistics.


We will see won't wee what will happen. In te current EU demands i would like us to walk away. I have a feeling a deal will be done.


Then finally all the ranting and speculation form posters can stop. No doubt to a new rant.


I still have not had one poster who is a remainer give me a reason and justification for Ted Heath lying so callously and cheating the public into joining the EEC. Will you justify it or pass it off as its too late.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:


I still have not had one poster who is a remainer give me a reason and justification for Ted Heath lying so callously and cheating the public into joining the EEC. Will you justify it or pass it off as its too late.

I doubt that there are many here who can remember that clearly what was said during that campaign. 


Anyway, isn't it a matter of opinion? This article suggests that Heath didn't lie:



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5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I still have not had one poster who is a remainer give me a reason and justification for Ted Heath lying so callously and cheating the public into joining the EEC.

That is because you are talking garbage.

The UK government tried to first join the EC in 1961, then again in 1967, and it was a decision taken by the Heath government in 1972 that succeeded. The public had nothing to do with it, so how on earth were they cheated into joining the EC. The future path of the EC was documented in Dec 69 by the heads of state so all those that voted in 1972 were well aware of where it was going.


In 1975 the public were asked if they wished to remain in the EEC, and the result was far from borderline. Every MP in the land had the opportunity to say how the EC intended to progress in the future. The public may not have been as well informed as they should have been but they certainly weren't bombarded with fake news. Bear in mind, in 1975 there wasn't the same facilities available to distribute and distort information as was used in 2016.

You are quite entitled to think it was the wrong decision, just as I am entitled to think that leaving the EU was the wrong decision.


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