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Video: "Farang's" motorcycle accident and rant causes much comment online


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On 12/10/2020 at 10:40 AM, Natai Beach said:

A hot head who hasn’t adjusted to the local driving conditions. He obviously had been in Thailand for a while, so he should have known and been on the lookout. 

I knew an similar hothead Englishman in Pattaya who had the same attitude. He failed to yield to a van while on a motorbike, instead of just moving over because he was “in the right” legally. 
The van got a scratch, the driver didn’t give a toss and the Englishman got a broken leg and a three day Bangkok Pattaya hospital bill. 
If he is reading this now I am sure it will enrage him. 

When in Rome. 
I rarely ride the bike, much safer in my car. 

I live in Bangkok and always take the bus or the train. I have seen several dead Thais laying in the middle of the road with their "brains" (and I use that word loosely) splattered all over the road holding up traffic. Major inconvenience ????

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On 12/10/2020 at 9:20 AM, TSF said:

Sounds like he's new, hasn't been here very long, hasn't yet learned that he's a foreigner, it's not his country, he's just a guest here and has no rights whatsoever, and he must never get angry, or lose his temper and raise his voice to his gracious Thai hosts as it's their country and they can do just what they please and it's none of his business.

How come he speaks Th if not been here for a long time??????

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