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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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17 hours ago, Loiner said:

It’s No Deal and no extension which is most important.


It is half a deal so far, the WA, and after a series of mini deals the trade talks can go on indefinitely.

Some EU FTAs have been in the pipeline for years on end.

We are well aware that some hardliners are not interested in any agreements such as police, transport, etc, just want their fish and chips.

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Reported post and other petty bickering removed.


Once again, dont make personal remarks as to ones nationality or anything else. This ix becoming repetative and tiresome. Any more and the poster will be sent on a posting holiday.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Now the UK (of course not how about Russia and maybe China). A unified Europe is the best thing ever. It prevents wars. Though I think its unlikely for Western Europe to war among itself.


  Being part of NATO prevents any wars and its highly unlikely European Countries would wage war on each other 

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15 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


..............Apart from that isnt the speech where he claimed he had an "oven ready deal" , he made the oven ready deal speech the previous week and in that speech , he was talking about leaving the E.U 

Quite, he says one thing one minute and another the next.

Bottom line, did he say he had an oven ready deal in respect of the trade talks or not. If so then you were wrong to say that it only applied to the WA.

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 (Express  story ????.... but anyway very likely to happen..... not in U.K. waters & out of reach R.Navy....  )



French fishermen PROMISE Channel blockades as no deal Brexit could spark 'warlike' scenes
FRENCH fishermen have threatened to blockade Dover and Calais if there is a no deal Brexit - warning it could spark "warlike" scenes in the English Channel.


PUBLISHED: 00:01, Tue, Dec 15, 2020 | UPDATED: 00:11, Tue, Dec 15, 2020


Trawlermen warned they would disrupt the flow of ferries carrying vital goods in response to being shut out of Britain’s fishing grounds. A union baron said Britain’s threat to send gunboats to police the UK’s coastal waters “would mean that we are negotiating things that relate to war”. Downing Street is still claiming a no deal Brexit is the “most likely” outcome for the trade talks.

Dimitri Rogoff, president of Normandy's regional fisheries committee, claimed the move would see Dutch, Belgian and German ships flocking into French waters. He said: “If we are deprived of our fishing grounds, we will not watch the British supply the French market. "There will therefore be blockages to ferries, since this mainly happens by ferries. And on that, we are quite clear and determined."


The influential fishing chief said it was “inappropriate” for the UK to “flex its muscles” in the post-Brexit trade talks by threatening to use the Navy to deter foreign boats from entering its fishing grounds.

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

It certainly is not a quality beer, but for some reason its available world wide. Must be the superior Dutch manipulation of the market ????

It actually tastes alright in Holland. Thailand like pisshhh and the same in China.


Maybe it doesn't travel well like Guinness .????

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4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I don't why people are still going on about the referendum vote. it has been done and dusted and will not and can't be changed. Time to move on.

Quite, the UK has left so that is over, although some keep referring to 2 choices.

The current talks are about how things will move on, and as there was no detailed paper on how that would be, there will be continual references to what was said by the leave campaign. Anything said by the remain campaign is now redundant, the UK has left and how that appears in the future is now the focus.

Will it be as described during the referendum or not? 

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9 hours ago, oldhippy said:

OK I will answer your question.


Europe should be united against tax heavens, countries that use slave labour, countries that allow pollution, counties that manipulate currencies, and so on.

And who knows? A united Europe could be a step to a united world, without racism and nationalism - as envisaged by a UK 18th century philosopher, William Godwin.


  Europe has been united for many years now , beginning 70 odd years ago .

Just because the UK left the EU , that doesnt now mean the UK will favour tax havens , use slave labour , pollute the environment more  , manipulate currency .

   The UK ISNT going to turn into a Rogue nation where we disregards rules and laws

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12 minutes ago, david555 said:

 (Express  story ????.... but anyway very likely to happen..... not in U.K. waters & out of reach R.Navy....  )



French fishermen PROMISE Channel blockades as no deal Brexit could spark 'warlike' scenes
FRENCH fishermen have threatened to blockade Dover and Calais if there is a no deal Brexit - warning it could spark "warlike" scenes in the English Channel.


PUBLISHED: 00:01, Tue, Dec 15, 2020 | UPDATED: 00:11, Tue, Dec 15, 2020


Trawlermen warned they would disrupt the flow of ferries carrying vital goods in response to being shut out of Britain’s fishing grounds. A union baron said Britain’s threat to send gunboats to police the UK’s coastal waters “would mean that we are negotiating things that relate to war”. Downing Street is still claiming a no deal Brexit is the “most likely” outcome for the trade talks.

Dimitri Rogoff, president of Normandy's regional fisheries committee, claimed the move would see Dutch, Belgian and German ships flocking into French waters. He said: “If we are deprived of our fishing grounds, we will not watch the British supply the French market. "There will therefore be blockages to ferries, since this mainly happens by ferries. And on that, we are quite clear and determined."


The influential fishing chief said it was “inappropriate” for the UK to “flex its muscles” in the post-Brexit trade talks by threatening to use the Navy to deter foreign boats from entering its fishing grounds.

The French don't need a 'no deal Brexit' to blockade anything, they are quite capable of such action without.

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6 minutes ago, robblok said:

If this happens i hope the Brit navy gets rough with those French guys. Sorry just cant support something like that.  The French are a militant lot, i can still remember their farmers protesting. Stuff like that is ok but not when your inconveniencing others. The right to protests is great as long as you don't blockade things. 

I guess if they do that, they shall be clever enough to do that NOT in U.K. waters but in their own territorial waters ....where R.Navy has no jurisdiction  so a case for the French authority's to settle with ...... tension go run high in case 

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2 minutes ago, david555 said:

I guess if they do that, they shall be clever enough to do that NOT in U.K. waters but in their own territorial waters ....where R.Navy has no jurisdiction  so a case for the French authority's to settle with ...... tension go run high in case 

I really hate it when people are militant like that. Its unfair to the rest of the population. Just like in Thailand i feel the right to protest is great but not at the cost of others.


I don't like that in my country anymore then in other country. If they want to protest then don't catch fish or whatever but keep it in their sector. Don't cause harm to others. 



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11 minutes ago, vogie said:

The French don't need a 'no deal Brexit' to blockade anything, they are quite capable of such action without.

very rare  but i must agree this time with your post ????...... remembering "  French sans-culottes "storming the Bastille and after decimated 3/4 of their blue blooded rulers ...  

"enough was enough they found " ....Called the  French Revolution 

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5 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Quite, the UK has left so that is over, although some keep referring to 2 choices.

The current talks are about how things will move on, and as there was no detailed paper on how that would be, there will be continual references to what was said by the leave campaign. Anything said by the remain campaign is now redundant, the UK has left and how that appears in the future is now the focus.

Will it be as described during the referendum or not? 


  The Referendum was solely about either staying in the E.U or leaving .

We voted leave, we left the E.U .

Time to accept that and move on 

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

I really hate it when people are militant like that. Its unfair to the rest of the population. Just like in Thailand i feel the right to protest is great but not at the cost of others.


I don't like that in my country anymore then in other country. If they want to protest then don't catch fish or whatever but keep it in their sector. Don't cause harm to others. 



that is why they will do that blockade not in U.K. waters , as they know their own gov. will try to handle that " hot potato " different ..... as even now Macron is more or less on their side 

 (for electoral reasons ....same as Boris is on his side between a rock and a hammer ) 

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1 minute ago, david555 said:

that is why they will do that blockade not in U.K. waters , as they know their own gov. will try to handle that " hot potato " different ..... as even now Macron is more or less on their side 

 (for electoral reasons ....same as Boris is on his side between a rock and a hammer ) 

Yes he is needs to act tough to keep his voters. Its tough maneuvering at times for countries leaders. They have to think what is good for everyone and the EU and still act like they are on the side of the public.


I can still remember the last time the Dutch goverment was against some stuff in the EU and how it was reported in the Dutch press. Its important for leaders to handle that well so resentment does not grow.

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5 minutes ago, david555 said:

very rare  but i must agree this time with your post ????...... remembering  storming the Bastille and after decimated 3/4 of their blue blooded rulers ...  

"enough was enough they found " ....

And folk are telling me not to post historical stuff...Hmmmmm..????




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2 minutes ago, transam said:

And folk are telling me not to post historical stuff...Hmmmmm..????




The French revolution is not categorized as a war but a very special event in history that a people  took power on despot King ,......tired to suffer for their royals .... should read about it once you find time ....

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4 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

“Johnson is … the most accomplished liar in public life – perhaps the best liar ever to serve as prime minister”.

“He has mastered the use of error, omission, exaggeration, diminution, equivocation and flat denial. He has perfected casuistry, circumlocution, false equivalence and false analogy. He is equally adept at the ironic jest, the fib and the grand lie; the weasel word and the half-truth; the hyperbolic lie, the obvious lie, and the <deleted> lie – which may inadvertently be true.”



....and that from a prominent Tory MP.




a British diplomat, author, explorer, academic, and politician. Since August 2020, he has been a senior fellow at Yale University's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs where he teaches politics and international relations.[1] He served as the UK's Secretary of State for International Development, Minister of State for International Development, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Minister of State for Prisons, Minister for the Environment and Chairman of the Defence Select Committee


   That was said by Rory Stewart .

Both Boris Johnson and Rory Stewart contested the Conservative party leadership .

Boris came first , Steward came second .

Stewart was kicked out from the Conservative party for his stance on Brexit .

You can understand Steward having a grudge against Boris 

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