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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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3 hours ago, luckyluke said:



The problem being that nearly every Leave voter had/has a different opinion of what that would represent.


There were no really indications/plans,

only sometimes suggestions as : "The money we will spare from the contribution to the E.U., will go to the N.H.S.",

but not a guarantee it would happen.


For the Remainers, the indications/plans were very clear, impossible to misinterpret :


" Nothing will change ".


This is simply not true. I can give you examples that will clearly show this.


Would you like to debate this and show your evidence. I assure you I can.

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4 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


  And from the results show , in the poll  from December 2020 shows 54 % of people thought leaving the E.U was a bad idea , that was during the last election period when an overwhelming majority of people voted for Brexit , by way of election .

  The small poll says one thing , the General election says something different .

Which one to believe ?

A General election when the whole Country is asked or a poll when a few people are asked ?

You and the guys who applaud this post know that opinion polls and elections are not the same thing at all don't you?


A few years ago Trump was elected president of the USA while he had 2.5 millions votes less than Clinton, in britain you have a first pass the post system.


A poll is targeted on a special issue, it's not the same as a limited choice of candidates, not to mention smiling "man-of-the-people" Boris versus Corbyn.



So when you claim elections give you a better view of the opinion of citizens than a poll based on a precise issue it's false.


All you can claim is "last elections put extremist Brexiteers in power, fooled you, too late pal" ! 


That you can do ????

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11 hours ago, Hi from France said:

first what allows you to use the "we"?


besides the obvious fact that a majority of the population is against brexit , 






so who is your "we" ? obviously not the majority of the UK population (even less Northern Ireland or Scotland who ironically are more pro-EU than most EU countries)






now beside not wanting to leave the EU (too late now!) the second question now is "do we want to follow UE rules" ? As you say 


on this question, we have polls too





there, once the UK citizen are obliged to leave, it's a fifty-fifty "follow EU rules" or "not follow"




so, I leave it to you to use bayesian inference and calculate what actual percentage of the population is your "We don't want to follow them"...



in terms of pollution, carbon dioxide emission, workers right, protection of privacy etc.. EU rules can actually be considered pretty cool. Now, the UK could do faster and better on things like animal welfare (but then, forget about chlorinated chicken and a FTA with the USA)




A third question would be 


.. but are you going to follow them anyway. As the previous podcast shows, the UK has paid a huge price for the right to diverge.





The question of future years is "now it can, will the UK diverge or not" ? Given that the present deal will put a price tag on divergence, that remains to be seen.




Every hypothetical divergence would a/ be payed by the british worker/taxpayer and b/ won't even deliver a competitive advantage














   You are trying use that graph to show the UK doesnt agree with leaving the E.U anymore. 

But that wasnt the question asked . 

The question asked was :

"In hindsight, do you think Britain was right or wrong to vote to leave the EU?"

And the people who had no preference , those who didnt vote in the referendum , they would probably have thought that the vote to leave was wrong , because of all the commotion , stagnation and disagreement it has caused  .

  So, the results/Graph doesnt show that the UK thinks it was wrong to leave the EU , some neutral voters may have felt a Remain vote would have been preferably , just for the peace and quiet .

  So, people with no opinion on Brexit would have said the vote for Brexit was wrong because of the turmoil that vote caused . 

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12 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


  Fair enough, I got that wrong . 

Got my terms  muddled up 

No surprise there.

Your words - "   No, I am right, the UK completely left the E.U in January ."


Obviously you believe the transition period was fake news, or "completely" muddled up.

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22 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Sorry, but this nonsense has to stop. There are also countless reasons why people voted remain! Some were valid, some were just ridiculous. I heard people saying they voted remain because they liked going on holiday in Spain, or they like French food! 


Why keep going on about different reasons for voting leave? Both sides' voters had different reasons, but both sides voted for one of two outcomes - Leave or Remain! 

I’ve heard leavers say they voted leave as there were too many Indians and Pakistanis in the U.K. !! ????

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2 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

I’ve heard leavers say they voted leave as there were too many Indians and Pakistanis in the U.K. !! ????

From HMG today:

UK sets out strategy for most effective border in the world by 2025


Government publishes 2025 UK Border Strategy setting out vision for world’s most effective border.


When I read this bit I had my doubts.....


This new strategy sets out how the government will work with industry to harness innovative technology to help UK businesses take full advantage of new trading relationships with the rest of the world. It will provide smoother passenger journeys through ports, strengthen the UK’s ability to target criminal activity, and help tackle illegal migration.


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On 12/17/2020 at 12:30 AM, Loiner said:

Sorry, but Remainer and Euro nonsense is not going to stop any time soon. They've been at it for over 5 years now and still not got over that they lost.  You can still see it in their posts even at this late stage.


"Brexiteers didn't understand...blah blaa were lied to...blah blah are all stupid... blah blah it was only advisory... blah blah it wasn't 50%... blah blah depriving our grandkids... blah blah don't care about EU immigrants... blah blah don't care about our exchange rate...blah blah we can forecast the economic future but you can't...blah blah it's only a few fish... blah blah it's all because of Boris... blah blah it's all because of the big red bus... blah blah we will become international pariahs... blah blah we're nothing without the EU superstate... blah blah we told you the sky will fall in... blah blah waycist fascist xenophobe bigots"


They will go on, and on, and on, regurgitating the same old nonsense ad infinitum. It's just the type of people they are.


Leavers never stop whining about Remainers.

Edited by simple1
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