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Leaders to push Brexit trade talks beyond Sunday deadline


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On 12/13/2020 at 9:56 PM, CorpusChristie said:


  We have been having four years  of talks , there needs to come a point where you realise both sides will not come to an agreement , sticking points with no solution .

  Need to just accept that and move on , or will there be endless talks that will go on forever ? 

Tell that to Boris:

Brexit trade deal possible within days after Johnson concession, says EU


A post-Brexit trade and security deal could be sealed as early as this week after Boris Johnson made a key concession at the weekend but the pathway to agreement remained “very narrow”, Michel Barnier told ambassadors and MEPs in Brussels.

The EU’s chief negotiator said the prime minister’s acceptance of the need to ensure that there was fair competition for British and European businesses as regulatory standards diverged over time had unlocked the talks despite difficult issues remaining.

“For the first time,” Barnier said, the UK government had “accepted a mechanism of unilateral measures”, such as tariffs, where there were “systemic divergences which distort trade and investment”.

Brexit trade deal possible within days after Johnson concession, says EU | Politics | The Guardian

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8 hours ago, Loiner said:

We've always known the EU only likes aid to go to it's own pet projects. It really doesn't like the UK doing it though, right on the EU doorstep.

Look on the bright side, you didn’t like Slovenians coming to the UK to work.


The EU is helping you out by moving the jobs to Slovenia.


Brexit ‘you’re either with us, or against us’.

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10 hours ago, NeoDinosaw said:

Please stop banging on about the 14 million voters.  They are only 37.44 of the electorate.  Their majority was less than 4% of those who voted.

In any normal organisation, to change the rules and regulation so drastically would demand a majority of over 66 %

The UK sticks to the slavishly first-past-the-post  system which is why it is always in a mess.  PR is desperately needed.


  Reasonable idea , and I agree .

If theres any other referendum in the future about the UK re joining the E.U . For rejoin/Remain to win, they would have to get 66 % of the vote to rejoin the E.U . 

   Yes, that sounds fair enough 

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Just now, Kwasaki said:

The news sources here on TV are just speculative fudge, I still say there will be no deal and the EU doesn't want one because if UK is given what they want others will want to leave.


Macron will not give in over fishing so the UK Navy is getting ready already.


Belgium demands are too controlling over businesses employment. 


The UK businesses in UK are in a state of Brexit-haustion and just want to get on with the future and adjust to come what may.


All the garbage talking of terrible times to come is exaggerated, deals have already been put in place by UK small businesses outside EU in case of a no deal.


The Politics behind all of it and the Large Corporations well that's another book.

There will be a fudge deal, it has probably been long sorted but the face saving theatrics have to be played out for the fickle voter. It's all about money, a lot of money, if there was to be a no deal Bojo would have walked Monday, he's lost and he knows it, now it's all about making it look like a draw, it won't work because Farage and his ilk will dissect it sentence for sentence, the only way to satisfy the baying mob is to throw them Bojo's carcass, he is political dead meat come January.

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4 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


  Reasonable idea , and I agree .

If theres any other referendum in the future about the UK re joining the E.U . For rejoin/Remain to win, they would have to get 66 % of the vote to rejoin the E.U . 

   Yes, that sounds fair enough 

That could happen once the demographics changes, the young and the bright have a right to a better future.

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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

There will be a fudge deal, it has probably been long sorted but the face saving theatrics have to be played out for the fickle voter. It's all about money, a lot of money, if there was to be a no deal Bojo would have walked Monday, he's lost and he knows it, now it's all about making it look like a draw, it won't work because Farage and his ilk will dissect it sentence for sentence, the only way to satisfy the baying mob is to throw them Bojo's carcass, he is political dead meat come January.

If that's what you believe, fair call.

I'll stick my belief and as I've said before it will be interesting to see the outcome.

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3 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

I am really astonished, my country dare to issue demands!


Googled, but didn't find anything.

Detect sarcasm but there's no link as such only reports on news channels by financial people looking at the negotiations so far.

Belgium wants UK employees still to keep minimum workers hours and terms of what EU members agree to.

When UK is out they are worried about the UK becoming unfair competition.

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1 minute ago, Kwasaki said:

Belgium wants UK employees still to keep minimum workers hours and terms of what EU members agree to.

Belgium wants...

Fair enough, that's something, I can accept as true.

And no there was no sarcasm, just disbelief, and it seems that the word "demand" was indeed not really the correct one to use.

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30 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Detect sarcasm but there's no link as such only reports on news channels by financial people looking at the negotiations so far.

Belgium wants UK employees still to keep minimum workers hours and terms of what EU members agree to.

When UK is out they are worried about the UK becoming unfair competition.

The logical conclusion being the UK intends to reduce worker conditions to below those of the EU.


And ordinary working people voted for it.

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2 hours ago, luckyluke said:

Belgium wants...

Fair enough, that's something, I can accept as true.

And no there was no sarcasm, just disbelief, and it seems that the word "demand" was indeed not really the correct one to use.

Well it is a demand or whatever you wish to call it that UK will not except. 

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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The logical conclusion being the UK intends to reduce worker conditions to below those of the EU.


And ordinary working people voted for it.

Twisting again the logic is UK businesses want to cut out the red tape imposed by the EU .

People will still be free to do the job or not. 

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45 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Well it is a demand or whatever you wish to call it that UK will not except. 

 Belgium never demand, we are not in a position to do so. 

We ask, we suggest, we oppose sometimes for a while, but that's it. 


The U.K. as the E.U. has of course the right to accept or refuse whatever. 


The very proof of that is, that negotiations are still going on after more than  4 years. 

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