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SURVEY: Lockdowns--effective or not?


SURVEY: Lockdowns--effective or not?  

179 members have voted

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There are only 2 ways this virus will be brought under control in any country. 


1. Contact control

2. Vaccination


The virus cannot spread if people don't contact each other - problematic because enough people have to follow the rules, which they don't. Adherence seems to vary from country to country but it seems that Thai people, in common with many Asian nations, are more prepared to accept lockdowns than their Western neighbours.


However, any form of lockdown has an unavoidable impact on the economy so a lockdown should only be used as a temporary measure.


Fortunately things are now looking very different to what they did a few months ago - we seem to have an effective vaccine now. Hopefully the powers that be in all countries will be working away to increase vaccine production through licencing agreements etc.  A vaccine is the only way that the virus will be brought under control long term and hopefully, eradicated.  Until then, it is vital that a country's healthcare system can cope with cases needing hospitalisation - lockdown may be necessary to achieve that.


I hope that reports that Thailand is only planning to vaccinate 50% of the population are wrong.  Surely they are not hoping to vaccinate 'on the cheap' - not at the same time as they are planning moon missions?

Edited by KhaoYai
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2 hours ago, bodga said:

Who  have just sentenced a  reporter to 4  years  jail for spreading the news about Wuhan Flu, shes  now  on hunger strike and very  ill, yes  we  all  love the Chinese  govt

Why did you shorten my quote to a single word? Was it to spread your own agenda?

Wuhan Flu? What’s that? Is it another new one? If you want people to know what you’re talking about you should probably refer to it’s proper name: COVID-19. We are all aware it originated in Wuhan, and trying to call it something else is very Donald Trumpian of you - yes... His name is now an eponymous adjective for racist bigoted comments. 


Here’s what I actually said:


China should probably never be looked to as an example of anything other than what not to do, but in this case, they did very well.

China is an example of what a lockdown can achieve - total virus eradication. Combined with complete compliance from the public (we all know what happens to those who disobey the CCP) lockdown is an effective method to control a viral outbreak.



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Excellent poll. Let the experts 

20 hours ago, Trentham said:

Why do you even start this survey. You just give the conspiracy theorists an opportunity to spread <deleted>?


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Lockdowns will work for a moment. Then the cases start rising again and it is a never ending cycle that will slowly collapse the society as we know it by unemployment and mountains of debt, unless you do it the truly hard way à la China.

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The current line of thought from Europe,  for the heard mentality control you would need 70 to 90 Percent of the population to get the virus, so at the end there would be no business as the owners would either be sick in quarantine or dead. The lockdown method has its draw backs but if people don't stop coughing,  spitting and jack asssing around, and gathering in groups then the only way to stop that is lockdown. However lockdown takes the pressure off hospitals , first responders  police military also the hidden essential services like power, gas and water are not effected, with the herd system everything would be effected. Stay Safe everyone.

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The virus was in Thailand in January 2019 and the lockdown in end of March. How effective was it really? 


Evaluating whether a lockdown works surely involves an assessment of the collateral damage it causes.

Of course images of people being intubated or dying with COVID are compelling, but the more silent long term killers of poverty, depression, undiagnosed cancer and heart disease should not be ignored as a part of the equation. If a lockdown causes more harm than the lives it saves then it may "work" but not be an effective solution. This is a very important debate to be had not only in relation to COVID but the next disease we are confronted with. 

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Lockdowns only for provinces where many cases pop up.


   I can see how lockdowns people in other countries hit. My brother can't continue with his driving school, but the bank wants the money for his newly built house.


   I've met two Thai people asking me if I couldn't give them a little money to buy food. And these were not the usual alcoholics. 


   Even without COVID, the suicide rate was already high. 


Our son just lost good money, around 50 K, because of most people in Bkk. Area canceled the appointments to take photographs for special occasions.


A total lockdown would in no way be helpful. I think it's great that the governors can decide it. 



Atomic Clown Bomb.jpg

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It's difficult to know what is best thing to do, Im ok with a lockdown and a curfew, I can see where I live people are getting too relaxed I was about to go for a drink the other day and the bar was full no social distancing at all no mask even the staff, needless to say I drove bye, 

If they bring back the alcohol ban then these bars are finished, cool it guys!

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