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3rd Army: No Soldiers in Migrant Smuggling


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I'd like the Minister of Defense reaffirm Suriya's pronouncement. But that might put PM Prayut at political risk, ie., trigger a Parliament vote of confidence. On the other hand, his silence could bode complicity of truth.

As such NACC should investigate as a matter of political government responsibility.

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9 minutes ago, digger70 said:

Why? One can't believe a word they say , It's one corrupt  vs an other more corrupt Person and that's from/in Any Level of the community. 

Oh goodness, I am so pleased that is not my lived experience of the community

  • Haha 2
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How about if we turn this around on them. I don't know about you, but I am quite angry right now. They allowed this to happen, after all. This could have been so easily prevented. So, what the ex-pat community, and the Thai people should be asking is:

1. How can you demonstrate to us, that you are up for the task of leadership?
2. What are you doing to prove that you can and will protect us?
3. Instead of contact tracing us, how about we trace you, and make sure you are doing your job? How about you report to us daily, and let us know how you are handling and containing this epidemic that happened on your watch? Stop talking, and start working, and doing your jobs.
4. Why did you not prevent this? How did you allow these corrupt officials to let infected people in? Why is nobody in a position of power being arrested? Why aren't heads rolling?
5. Why are you not making the vaccines more of a priority? Why isn't the army sacrificing some of its huge budget for the people? 
6. What are you planning on offering the people in the way of assistance, so they can survive this disaster you helped create?
7. Can you demonstrate to us why you think Anutin, who has no background whatsoever in the filed of health, is up for the task of tackling this emergency?
8. And why are you shutting down so many businesses, yet you allowed ground zero to remain open to people coming and going since this latest outbreak happened, only closing the province down yesterday? Why such bad decisions, and such extreme incompetence? How do you justify that? How do you explain that? Thousands of cases emanated from Samut province. You knew that would happen. 
9. How about a compulsory level of competence and experience, for all future administration appointments to key positions?
10. Why have you been so hard on foreigners, making it so incredibly difficult to fly in, yet so lax on the borders?
11. Why should we allow you to remain in power? What have you done lately to deserve that power? 

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