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Does marriage change Thai GF 'income status' ?


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GF is 50, a tailor who (pre-Covid) made a decent living, now about 30% of what she was making a year ago. 

Her government health insurance is 432 baht a month, and we wondered whether my income and assets would affect that if we got legally married.

I have minimal US Social Security, $625 month, plus about $120K in savings. 

I'm on the non-O retirement visa.




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as for the visa. once married you are confined to the B2 tourist visa and the CR1 spouse visa.   B2 depends on if they think she qualifies as a tourist and if you and her wont just stay in US.   The CR1 is a long process.  all the timelines of 18 months you will read are outdated. 1 year ago for example K1 fiancee visa were taking 250 for USA TH  but I'm at 331 days and maybe 4-10 months more due to Covid and prior admin delays... is it telling that the week after the resignation of the Trump appointed Bangkok ambassador that 5 months of cases shipped to BKK from Virginia?  some had sat there 9-10 months long that 1 year ago.   I should add that the BKK embassy controls the flow.. they request work when  they need more cases to work on.   

Edited by Elkski
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On 1/30/2021 at 9:34 PM, Elkski said:

B2 depends on if they think she qualifies as a tourist and if you and her wont just stay in US.  

Hey Elkski - sounds like you've been looking into this for quite a while - and the game has changed radically. 
Wondering if  there are some threads or sites you know of that are current and relevant you could point me at? I found a couple decent articles like this one at SiamLegal: https://www.siam-legal.com/us-visa/us-tourist-visas-for-thai-citizens

I've spent about 5 years in Thailand altogether, first visit 20+ years ago and this time is approaching 15 months - intended to stay my usual 5 to 6 months and then came covid. Now I'm on a non-O retirement visa and at this point not at all sure I want to return to the US for more than a few months - home is Montana and I've had it with winter. I've been coming here for winter for several years already. 

This trip would be all about getting my property sorted out and able to rent it and come right back here - I'm not clear on who needs to be sure she'll be returning - any clues what might constitute proof of intent? Pretty easy to prove my minimal Social Security is inadequate for two of us to live there - is that something that would be considered in her application?  


Thanks for any clues ????


Edited by MrKFC
fix a little problem - detail.
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Visa journey website is the best place to ask your question. I'm a little confused on the B2 tourist visa.  I've read the person applying has to qualify on their own.  Meaning enough money in the bank ( the word on the street is 250 I baht.  I think they ask for 6 months bank statements, and maybe a good job, children, house or some reason they will return.   But I've also read that a person can sponsor them for a reason like yours.   I personally know 3 ladies who got a B2 prior to 2018.  And one who didn't get 1 in late 2018.  But I was stupid and paid for the visa at the bank in BKK nit knowing they would make me sign the receipt she must being to the interview.  So she says she doesn't know anyone in USA but a foreigner signed in English.  Not my brighter moments.  She also only had 90 K baht no, children, but a 18 year career at same employer.  They don't have to say why they deny so no one really knows.   Maybe to good looking? 

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8 hours ago, Elkski said:

Visa journey website is the best place to ask your question. 

Thanks, I'll check there. 
No problem with the bank statements and some of the other stuff. 
And I've heard stories going either way - sometimes they're inexplicably declined and sometimes they slide right through. Not surprising that when Trump's guy left things started to move.

And is your GF's  app still in the works? Not officially declined, just on hold? And you're back in Utah? Wotta frikkin headache. 

Good luck, thanks for the tip.


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On 2/2/2021 at 12:12 PM, MrKFC said:

And I've heard stories going either way - sometimes they're inexplicably declined and sometimes they slide right through. Not surprising that when Trump's guy left things started to move.

She has to provide evidence of enough community ties to return to Thailand at the end of the Visa.

Property ownership, employment all help.

You can sponsor the trip and if you can prove a long term relationship with your g/f, plus you will travel together to the US and return to Thailand together, your chances improve.



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4 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

"at the end of the Visa"




Am I understanding correctly that the standard B2 visa is for 10 years? 
We're thinking 3-4 months, basically summer in Montana.

No property ownership but we both can show 12 month leases here in CM.

Her business is well established, 10 years in the same location.

Her son is at University in Phitsanulok, parents in Fang.

My Non-O is through Dec 2021, requires 400K baht in the bank and I'll have a bit more than that, her account will have in the range of 200K. 


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1 hour ago, MrKFC said:

Am I understanding correctly that the standard B2 visa is for 10 years? 

It's from 1 month to 10 years.

They can allow one, two, three or multiple entries.

Period of stay is a maximum 6 months.


You start at the bottom end and after a good history of compliance work your way upwards towards the 10 year validity. Ideal for regular family visits for those married to a US citizen.


1 hour ago, MrKFC said:

No property ownership but we both can show 12 month leases here in CM.

In joint names hopefully.


1 hour ago, MrKFC said:

Her business is well established, 10 years in the same location.

Detailed accounts.

Inland revenue receipts.

Business bank account.

1 hour ago, MrKFC said:

Her son is at University in Phitsanulok, parents in Fang.

Not considered a dependant over 18.


1 hour ago, MrKFC said:

My Non-O is through Dec 2021, requires 400K baht in the bank and I'll have a bit more than that, her account will have in the range of 200K. 

You can explain all the details/financials in an Invitation/support letter.

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