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Thai health officials skeptical about vaccine passports


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10 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

How about a stamp into the traveller‘s passport by the passport issuing agency instead? One booklet less and definitely more secure than those booklets - specially in a country of c(o)unterfeits like .....

It could be a sticker with QR code to reference the traveler's digital vaccination record.

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10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


There's also not a lot being said that those who have had Coronaviruses before, flu/cold become asymptomatic and therefore end up with basically nothing, surely they would add to the herd immunity when they shake it off, albeit they also can spread it.

People who have had Covid are still advised to get vaccinated.

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7 hours ago, billd766 said:

For expats would that mean returning to your home country, and then spending an enormous amount of time and money trying to return to Thailand?

No, the country where you get vaccinated could issue the sticker to put in your passport.

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6 hours ago, jomtienisgood said:

Not correct, as they apply the Sicker from each separate vaccine onto it.... 1 vaccine = 1 label.... 

These stickers could be put on a physical QR vaccination card, but that's mainly for local use in remote areas of the Third World. Mostly the individual would have their data recorded to a national database when vaccinated, except if jabbed beyond reach of phone service. In that case, the data could be collected from their card when they visit a clinic. Pet vaccination certificates in Thailand use vaccine stickers.

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57 minutes ago, Autonuaq said:

The big problem is that the people who are Vaccinated still can be super spreaders.

How did we go from "could transmit"  to "supper spreaders"?

The truth of the matter is that a small percentage of those vaccinated can still transmit the disease and the viral load of those vaccinated but still  carriers would be significantly lower since the virus can not replicate at the same level as in unvaccinated people.

  So as more and more people get vaccinated, we await for the data to come in. A vaccine passport and the travel restriction modifications will not be irreversible and will not happen until more data comes in. When sufficient positive data comes in, the quarantine will be eliminated or reduced, if the data is negative then  the issue will be revisited,. No need for anyone to panic over this. 

1 hour ago, Autonuaq said:

And the same as the flue you are only protected against the original and hope fully the mutations.


As seen already with the south african mutations the Oxford vaccine not work well enough.

As with any professionally applied system , there is always an element of monitoring ,and adjusting. If and when mutations arise that change the transmissibility and or the deadlines of the virus , the adjustments will , and are made to the Vaccine , and to regulation  policies . Nothing is written in stone. 

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4 hours ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

Hmmmm. So the USA, UK, EU, Iceland, Israel and others will have their certification. I wonder if there will be any compatability --- or comparability -- with each? Will they all be in the language of their origin? Will, say in the case of Thailand, there be an infrastructure to detect forgeries and the Immigration officers have a knowledge of the different languages? I doubt that the French will want their certificates be in English!


In the first week of the UK demanding covid tests on all arrivals numerous forgeries were detected!


No doubt they will be available on the internet for $50.

This is why the card has to be linked to a database that cannot be forged. Compatibility at the moment looks to be an issue. There are several incompatible digital efforts out there, not to mention all the national projects:



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3 hours ago, allyoops said:

It would probably be best to have the vaccination pass together with a recent negative test. If that's not enough maybe a short quarantine until a test result can be obtained.

Testing will still be needed in some cases, such as antigen testing on airport check in with people coming from countries with dangerous mutations. It's complicated.

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4 hours ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

Hmmmm. So the USA, UK, EU, Iceland, Israel and others will have their certification. I wonder if there will be any compatability --- or comparability -- with each? Will they all be in the language of their origin? Will, say in the case of Thailand, there be an infrastructure to detect forgeries and the Immigration officers have a knowledge of the different languages? I doubt that the French will want their certificates be in English!


In the first week of the UK demanding covid tests on all arrivals numerous forgeries were detected!


No doubt they will be available on the internet for $50.

I understand that it is difficult , to read a whole thread, I don't do it either, but the concern was addressed in an earlier post .I dont know how to redirect you to that earlier post so I will quote it below. 


"The vaccine passport will not be issued by Thailand or be anything like in the picture, The purpose of the picture was as an example only. 

The Vaccine certificate will be issued by the administering country.The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is developing a system where vaccination information will be collected from every participating country ,and  verified, 

" The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced Monday that it's "in the final development phase" of a "digital passport" mobile app that would receive COVID-19 test and vaccination certificates." 


The vaccine might not provide 100% protection against transmision, but provide a significantly high protection to be consider as an alternative to the destruction of the tourism industry. 

By this spring we will have enough people vaccinated around the world  to know the degree of protection and a decision will be made. In the meantime it does not hurt to prepare for the possible option of a vaccine passports to open up that segment of Thailand's economy. "

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1 hour ago, Captain Monday said:

People in developing countries are often actual already ahead in mobile technology as wireless networks/ smartphones leapfrog installation  of backward wired networks. More than a year since I have been to China but they are way ahead the US in mobile payments, hard to pay using cash there in many stores. The digital administrative environment and  health profile could be expanded to include visa information, criminal background checks, even bank data and credit ratings.  

We should keep all personal data not connected with vaccination separate. China is a control society. Now their government wants to co-opt Alipay so they can monitor people even more closely.

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1 hour ago, Autonuaq said:

The big problem is that the people who are Vaccinated still can be super spreaders.

If this turns out to be true, it's why we would want to do antigen testing at the airport before they can infect people on the plane.

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Once again.... Test at the airport just as Malaysia does, 3-5 days quarantine then a weekly check at a hospital for a month would be just enough........ But what if, what if ?????   This can't go on forever as the whole show will fall to bits shortly, and i'm not talking about Thailand i'm talking about the world.....   Mass hysteria......  But what if ?   You've probably more chance of your birds husband turning up with an Uzi and turning you into a Swiss Cheese than contracting C19.....  But what if ?      Anyway fork handles !  I've got my passport...... Just gotta fill it in.....  i wonder if Yellow fever will cover it ?  


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5 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

 This can't go on forever as the whole show will fall to bits shortly, and i'm not talking about Thailand i'm talking about the world...


Remember the term new normal? I'm afraid it's man against nature at the moment. It will go on for as long as it will go on for.. So we just have to learn to live with it..  Anyone who is sitting waiting for things to go back to what it was before, is living in Cuckoo land....  There is no going back.

Pandora's box I'm afraid.. 

Edited by Muzzique
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10 minutes ago, Muzzique said:


Remember the term new normal? I'm afraid it's man against nature at the moment. It will go on for as long as it will go on for.. So we just have to learn to live with it..  Anyone who is sitting waiting for things to go back to what it was before, is living in Cuckoo land....  There is no going back.

Pandora's box I'm afraid.. 

It depends on what you mean by learning to live with it. Continuing with mitigation measures and mass vaccination programs is the right way to learn to live it. Not doing anything isn't. 

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On 2/8/2021 at 12:18 PM, RotBenz8888 said:

If they decide to keep the quaranten during next high season, Phuket and Pattaya will as lively as Hiroshima and Nagasaki after ww2. 

Absolutely so true how can they even think they are not convinced about the vaccine protection other people from getting infected omfg so why the hell are they purchasing any vaccines ???????????????????????????????????????? pure ???? deed 

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On 2/8/2021 at 5:49 AM, Antiparovian said:

Easily forgeable. Need a Bar or QR code linked to the vaccination.



The week it becomes policy, fake ones will be sold on Chinese websites within days. They have been selling fake COVID19 tests for months on TaoBao.

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On 2/8/2021 at 5:14 AM, ThailandRyan said:

So even being chipped wouldn't work, I mean every shop has a bar code scanner, just bar code each and  .  I wouldn't mind adding one to my collection of Tattoos, as long as I get a royalty payment.


Traces of sarcasm and a lack of judgement went into this post and I have not even had a drink yet

You could get a tatt of a QR code!!

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On 2/8/2021 at 8:49 AM, anchadian said:

If this vaccination passport is not adopted, travelers will still need to do the 14 days quarantine.


Again, it's all about money. 



Or loss of such.


I am pleased that Thailand has kept their head in the sand. I look forward to not spending thousands of dollars on a vacation to the LOS.

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21 hours ago, billd766 said:

For expats would that mean returning to your home country, and then spending an enormous amount of time and money trying to return to Thailand?

OK, take it a step further „stamp into passport being affixed by the same agency, which would issue the vaccination certificate“. Just ideas though .........

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5 minutes ago, MuayThaiGuy said:

- Destroy small businesses..

- Create government dependency..

- Provide the justification to create trillions of dollars from nothing, which will in turn eventually create massive inflation and destroy the existing fiat currencies.

- They will then implement a financial reset and shift towards a digital currency where all transactions can be monitored.

- They will attempt to roll out a "vaccine passport" system where your mobility rights will be dependent on your vaccination status. This will be incredibly profitable for the pharmaceutical companies.

They've maxxed out the child vaccination program (you can only inject so many disgusting ingredients into those small bodies before it becomes glaringly obvious that it's harming them).. so now they want to shift their focus to adults.

- Eventually they would like to have everything rolled into one (digital ID, digital currency, vaccination records, social credit score etc.) and those deemed to be a problem to the government can be locked out of society. Can't buy. Can't sell. Complete control.

Most people are still walking around with stupid masks on their face, terrified of a "virus" that has a 99+% survival rate and have no idea what's going on (even though those at the top openly speak of their plans).


Do you have any idea how insane you sound?


Several countries are back open again and life is back to normal. There wasn’t a grand plan and nothing you said applies. Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Vietnam, Singapore, and even China are living life in reality and none of what you said applies. South Korea is on the way to recovery as are several other countries. There wasn’t a grand plan, just safety procedures due to a pandemic, and it worked.


Yes, there will probably be a vaccine passport but we’ve already had that in the past with certain viruses and select countries, so it’s nothing new. You’re either too young to know about it or not traveled enough to have heard about it.


No one is wearing a mask because they are terrified. We wear a mask because they don’t want to accidentally get someone else sick. But it’s interesting that you perceive empathy and concern for others as being weak and afraid. 

And again, your 99% survival rate is cherry picked and based on averages of the healthiest age group.


You’re so dangerously wrong with every statement you make, it’s embarrassing to read. Maybe you’ve been kicked one too many times in the head during your Muay Thai training. 

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Multiple misleading posts containing false information all from the same source have been removed also replies, please do not engage these trolls, please report the posts and let moderators take good care of them. 

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