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Pattaya Is Great For Lonely Men

Ling Kae

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That's the age old question, who do you feel worse for: The girls going with the old punters or the old punters who go across the world to be with hookers?

The girls know exactly what they are doing and are going in with their eyes wide open...no delusions.

It's the old punters who go across the world thinking they are buying love from working girls I feel sorry for.

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Why should they(we)do that?Where is the benefit of discovering the reality of the situation?

"Dreams are necessary to life" (Anais Ninn)

Because when the dreamer finally wakes up they start looking for a razor, or a high balcony to jump off.

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Today I went shopping and for a stroll on the beach and thought about how so many single men come here to Pattaya and are very Happy with their lives here. I saw men from all countries, all ages, all sizes, some were disabled as well. Most of these guys had a nice Thai lady looking after them, same as myself I guess.

The point I am trying to make is that some of these guys would be just stuck in room alone back in farangland wherever that may be but coming to Thailand has turned their life around completely. Sure in the beginning some guys may have paid for company but most end up finding a nice lady to take care of them eventually.

I think Pattaya is a great place to come and visit and start living life again. You could never get a live in care-er, companion, cook and maybe lover in farangland 24/7 (full time care-ers are hard to find) but here in Thailand many ladies are happy to provide this kind of care and some are quite happy to eventually get married to the man. I would highly recommend Thailand to anybody for the above reasons, the happy men with smiling faces I see everyday speak for themselves, well done Thai ladies and Thailand.

Pattaya is full of happy dreamers. If these so called happy guys stop dreaming, they'll discover the reality of the situation.

The favourite choice of boyfriend/husband for these poor, poverty stricken girls is disabled and/or old men who may not have too much time left on their clock.

Keep your head buried deep in the sand and stay "happy".

Last night I was in A Go Go Club and a disabled man hobbled in and sat down at the front row at the stage. The first thing one of the dancers did was lean over and give him a kiss. This man had a smile on his face and continued to enjoy his music and chat with his male friend. To have your head in the sand is to think he would have a girl do that to him in farangland. When a man finally hooks up with a Thai girl in a long term relationship who cares how they met as long as they are both happy. Everyone deserves companionship and if you can't get it in farangland what's wrong with coming here to get it? And yes I am happy and married to a Thai lady and my head is not in the sand, are you happy?

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Why should they(we)do that?Where is the benefit of discovering the reality of the situation?

"Dreams are necessary to life" (Anais Ninn)

Because when the dreamer finally wakes up they start looking for a razor, or a high balcony to jump off.

Sounds like Tropo got his heart broken badly by a Pattaya "lady" somewhere down the line. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Today I went shopping and for a stroll on the beach and thought about how so many single men come here to Pattaya and are very Happy with their lives here. I saw men from all countries, all ages, all sizes, some were disabled as well. Most of these guys had a nice Thai lady looking after them, same as myself I guess.

The point I am trying to make is that some of these guys would be just stuck in room alone back in farangland wherever that may be but coming to Thailand has turned their life around completely. Sure in the beginning some guys may have paid for company but most end up finding a nice lady to take care of them eventually.

I think Pattaya is a great place to come and visit and start living life again. You could never get a live in care-er, companion, cook and maybe lover in farangland 24/7 (full time care-ers are hard to find) but here in Thailand many ladies are happy to provide this kind of care and some are quite happy to eventually get married to the man. I would highly recommend Thailand to anybody for the above reasons, the happy men with smiling faces I see everyday speak for themselves, well done Thai ladies and Thailand.

Well put, my uncle was 67 and widowed sat in his living room waiting for god,bored ,he was still working but had no hobbies or ambition, SO I BROUGHT HIM TO PATTAYA !,yes im not afraid to admit it, and he loves it, comes here 5 times a year and may well move here, you will probably ge a bit of stick for this posting, even perhaps from gay men and men with katoeys, i dont opinioate on there doings but watch them jump on this, all the best
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That's the age old question, who do you feel worse for: The girls going with the old punters or the old punters who go across the world to be with hookers?

The girls know exactly what they are doing and are going in with their eyes wide open...no delusions.

It's the old punters who go across the world thinking they are buying love from working girls I feel sorry for.

Excellent, yes this old chestnut always seems to bring out all the spite, but ill bet its not from an older gent,.. ( unless hes just been taken to the cleaners by a bg ) and of course it happens, so who should we feel is at blaim if this happens, ? the victim or the con artist ..and as a note, ill put money the spite comments are from people previously taken to the cleaners ! get ready for a bombardment of defense and denials :o
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Not sure if the OP is being genuine or not but on the assumption that he is.

Yes Thailand in general and Pattaya in particular is a haven for social inadequate, disabled or just plain ugly western men who can find love and companionship here which is simply not available to them in the west.

As such the overall quality of the world is improved by a little. May it always be so.

Im none of them and i still like it, are you ?
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Good post, the world needs Pattaya, hooray!

Pattaya was certainly an amazing experience the first time. One could never imagine in their wildest dreams such a place could exist.

An occasional holiday there is ok since you may not learn enough to understand the dynamics at work. One can certainly satisfy every physical need there, and then some.

Correct me if i am wrong, it seems most of the "business girls" do not seem to have much of a plan if any for the future. Normally people have hopes, dreams, aspirations, goals, self actualization, etc etc. The concept of saving money for the future or for a business also seems hard to find.

Some of the male "knights in white armor" will argue and say the girls are too poor to go to school/university. In the know Thai friends that are fluent in english say the government does indeed help anyone wanting to attend university to do so. I personally know of a girl from a poor Issan family that wanted to study, got this government help, and is a university graduate.

Ther also seems to be a goal of many Pattaya girls to extract as much money from the non thai men as they can. This includes girls that maintain multiple foreign boyfriends assuring each of them they are the "only one" and love them very much. Many girls receive money from multiple men who are in essence being scammed.

Another verified scam is the so called Thai girl university student complete with genuine university ID card. Ramkamhaeng Univ is an open enrollment school where ANYONE can enroll and get such an ID card. Some of the Nana girls have done this and claim to be university students though it boggles the mind how they can study and party(solicit) 7 nights a week til 4-5 am drunk to boot.

Mention of the guys who find a "nice woman" to take care of them is not without a price. Typically the guy takes financial care of the girl and often her entire family. Often her family members are young and healthy but would rather get money for nothing and their checks for free than work. Mainstream Thai society stays clear of this and does not have a positive opinion for the reasons mentioned above.

you will be hard pressed to find a middle class or above Thai son or daughter marrying into the family of many of those pattaya girls/boys because they do not want to become the welfare provider for the entire family, not to mention the relative lack of education likely in the entertainment girl. Many of those girls cant speak without yelling, and what they do talk about makes relative nobel laureates out of coconuts.

most thai men would not dream of paying those girls for their company, let alone supporting their extended families. they learn many tricks of the trade from their girlfriends. you are called cheap charlie if you don't throw money at their every whim. they often refer to chinese thais as cheap charlies also. chinese thais are hugely successful, work very hard, save money, become professionals, quite the opposite of much of the Isaan mentality. There are exceptions but in my experience they are few and far between.

Basically many girls that dont want to study, lack goals, a plan for the future, a clue, or are simply morons learn from their girlfriends that it is possible to find a foreign man gullable enough to be a "carte blanche" for them and their family,

Enjoy the entertainment aspect but please do not have ANY expectations about more than "entertainment"

"most thai men would not dream of paying those girls for their company " ,Do you think its all farang that patronise these places? take a look in bkk, ful of karaoke bars, massage parlours.barbers !, not a farang in sight,,
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Good post, the world needs Pattaya, hooray!

Pattaya was certainly an amazing experience the first time. One could never imagine in their wildest dreams such a place could exist.

An occasional holiday there is ok since you may not learn enough to understand the dynamics at work. One can certainly satisfy every physical need there, and then some.

Correct me if i am wrong, it seems most of the "business girls" do not seem to have much of a plan if any for the future. Normally people have hopes, dreams, aspirations, goals, self actualization, etc etc. The concept of saving money for the future or for a business also seems hard to find.

Some of the male "knights in white armor" will argue and say the girls are too poor to go to school/university. In the know Thai friends that are fluent in english say the government does indeed help anyone wanting to attend university to do so. I personally know of a girl from a poor Issan family that wanted to study, got this government help, and is a university graduate.

Ther also seems to be a goal of many Pattaya girls to extract as much money from the non thai men as they can. This includes girls that maintain multiple foreign boyfriends assuring each of them they are the "only one" and love them very much. Many girls receive money from multiple men who are in essence being scammed.

Another verified scam is the so called Thai girl university student complete with genuine university ID card. Ramkamhaeng Univ is an open enrollment school where ANYONE can enroll and get such an ID card. Some of the Nana girls have done this and claim to be university students though it boggles the mind how they can study and party(solicit) 7 nights a week til 4-5 am drunk to boot.

Mention of the guys who find a "nice woman" to take care of them is not without a price. Typically the guy takes financial care of the girl and often her entire family. Often her family members are young and healthy but would rather get money for nothing and their checks for free than work. Mainstream Thai society stays clear of this and does not have a positive opinion for the reasons mentioned above.

you will be hard pressed to find a middle class or above Thai son or daughter marrying into the family of many of those pattaya girls/boys because they do not want to become the welfare provider for the entire family, not to mention the relative lack of education likely in the entertainment girl. Many of those girls cant speak without yelling, and what they do talk about makes relative nobel laureates out of coconuts.

most thai men would not dream of paying those girls for their company, let alone supporting their extended families. they learn many tricks of the trade from their girlfriends. you are called cheap charlie if you don't throw money at their every whim. they often refer to chinese thais as cheap charlies also. chinese thais are hugely successful, work very hard, save money, become professionals, quite the opposite of much of the Isaan mentality. There are exceptions but in my experience they are few and far between.

Basically many girls that dont want to study, lack goals, a plan for the future, a clue, or are simply morons learn from their girlfriends that it is possible to find a foreign man gullable enough to be a "carte blanche" for them and their family,

Enjoy the entertainment aspect but please do not have ANY expectations about more than "entertainment"

She hurt you that bad eh . :o
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Ling and taxexcile, you both right on the mark. On my daily walks I see many many happy content men and some amazing sights too. There's a French guy in my condo who rides a push bike, his wife goes with him everywhere on the bike, she stands on the back with him and loves to be with him every step of the way. Then another day I saw a guy in an electric wheelchair that had custom steps on the back where his wife stands, they zoom around Pattaya having a great time, these kind of things I never see in my home country, really really happy people. The real point is that not for any money in the west would a lady enjoy and take care of you like that. Yeah I just had a vision of a 60 yo old guy donkeying his missus on his bike in Sydney, yeah right never happens. Every man deserves the right to companionship and Thai women are more than happy to help out.

An old cartoon in the Pattaya Mail years ago summed up the situation quite well. On one side there was this old man sitting in his pyjamas in a dark room, it was cold and raining outside. The caption read, divorced, kids won't come and see me, the rent is due, no friends........

On the other side it was the same old man in Pattaya, he had a tan, was standing on the beach, had his arms around a lady one on each side and the caption read, I've never felt better, kids what kids, new apartment, nice new friends............

If I was in this predicament I know what choice I would make.

Spot on, !
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Pattaya would probably be a lot better if it weren't in Thailand. I'm looking forward to some such equivalent but not with the same structure (or lack thereof) of Thailand. Maybe Sihanoukville is next?


Read the 2nd para.

And soho if it wasnt in london, and vegas if it wasnt in usa, blah blah blah,,
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There are actual cases of men building expensive houses for their Thai women and being evicted from the house they built as it is in the name of the Thai woman.

whoa , steady on old chap.

are you sure , seems highly unlikely to me , do you have any proof of such evictions ?????

Damned slanderous talk id say !..
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Sounds like Tropo got his heart broken badly by a Pattaya "lady" somewhere down the line. :D

Always hurts to find your "girl" has an extra appendage. :o

Let's hope your appendage is a reasonable size because it appears you think exclusively from it.

Here we are caught in a debate where the OP is incredibly naive and spreading dangerous rumours and all you can concern yourself with is appendage size and sexual orientation.

It's better people reading this forum understand the truth about these "happy" old deluded punters.

When a lot of these punters wake up from their dream, they would wish they were back at home with some money still on their accounts.

Sure, the OP claims he is happy because he took the incredible step of marrying a working girl, but once he leaves town, that marriage certificate is not worth the paper it's written on.

If only you'd seen reality before you married one, because by marrying them you are playing right into their hands.

Edited by tropo
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Sounds like Tropo got his heart broken badly by a Pattaya "lady" somewhere down the line. :D

Always hurts to find your "girl" has an extra appendage. :o

Let's hope your appendage is a reasonable size because it appears you think exclusively from it.

Here we are caught in a debate where the OP is incredibly naive and spreading dangerous rumours and all you can concern yourself with is appendage size and sexual orientation.

It's better people reading this forum understand the truth about these "happy" old deluded punters.

When a lot of these punters wake up from their dream, they would wish they were back at home with some money still on their accounts.

Sure, the OP claims he is happy because he took the incredible step of marrying a working girl, but once he leaves town, that marriage certificate is not worth the paper it's written on.

If only you'd seen reality before you married one, because by marrying them you are playing right into their hands.

What a Cynic you are Tropo ! guess you been there too long ! better for a Thai bar girl/ whatever to take your money rather than Gordon a/hole Brown !

In Pattaya you Pays ur money and take your choice.

In Uk you pays all your money and got no choice. And I dont say this from a bitter perspective, I luckily have plenty of choice !

Edited by Thehedonist
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What a Cynic you are Tropo ! guess you been there too long ! better for a Thai bar girl/ whatever to take your money rather than Gordon a/hole Brown !

In Pattaya you Pays ur money and take your choice.

In Uk you pays all your money and got no choice. And I dont say this from a bitter perspective, I luckily have plenty of choice !

I just believe in seeing things for what they are.

Sure, the old punters are getting a service for their hard earned cash but then somewhere along the line they confuse these services for true love. This is totally delusional.

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Always hurts to find your "girl" has an extra appendage. :o

Let's hope your appendage is a reasonable size because it appears you think exclusively from it.

Here we are caught in a debate where the OP is incredibly naive and spreading dangerous rumours and all you can concern yourself with is appendage size and sexual orientation.

It's better people reading this forum understand the truth about these "happy" old deluded punters.

When a lot of these punters wake up from their dream, they would wish they were back at home with some money still on their accounts.

Sure, the OP claims he is happy because he took the incredible step of marrying a working girl, but once he leaves town, that marriage certificate is not worth the paper it's written on.

If only you'd seen reality before you married one, because by marrying them you are playing right into their hands.

he doesnt even have to leave town, i know of a guy well into his 60s, who stays at home to look after his toddler, while his wife goes to work every day, at the place of employment where he met her, he actually assured me, she doesnt go with men.

i felt like asking him if he believed in the tooth fairy as well.

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Always hurts to find your "girl" has an extra appendage. :o

Let's hope your appendage is a reasonable size because it appears you think exclusively from it.

Here we are caught in a debate where the OP is incredibly naive and spreading dangerous rumours and all you can concern yourself with is appendage size and sexual orientation.

It's better people reading this forum understand the truth about these "happy" old deluded punters.

When a lot of these punters wake up from their dream, they would wish they were back at home with some money still on their accounts.

Sure, the OP claims he is happy because he took the incredible step of marrying a working girl, but once he leaves town, that marriage certificate is not worth the paper it's written on.

If only you'd seen reality before you married one, because by marrying them you are playing right into their hands.

he doesnt even have to leave town, i know of a guy well into his 60s, who stays at home to look after his toddler, while his wife goes to work every day, at the place of employment where he met her, he actually assured me, she doesnt go with men.

i felt like asking him if he believed in the tooth fairy as well.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOW, YOU DO TALK SOME CR.P, What is wrong with working girls ????? poor and just trying to impove their lives, they tell lies, the punters tell lies, "horses for courses! "quid pro quo" get real pal ! Pattaya, the best fun place I can find on route fom Blighty to Aus !! keep it that way !

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Yes Thailand in general and Pattaya in particular is a haven for social inadequate, disabled or just plain ugly western men who can find love and companionship here which is simply not available to them in the west.

I know a guy in Pattaya who none of the above. Well maybe one of them.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone who knows anyone who is none of the above. Maybe it is you?

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There are good and bad people in every soceity. Does Pattaya have more than It's fair share of the bad ?

It certainly has more than It's share of the adventurous, who are not prepared to just sit in misery and lonelliness for what ever reason and have got off their backsides in an attempt to make they're life better, whilst in the process injecting much needed funds into an economy which if they were not here would be at subsistance levels at best.

Yearn all you like for those old " fishing village" days, they will not return. What we should all strive to achieve is to make this place we all seem to have a strong opinion about, better for all.

Not too difficult a task, as all the bashers consider it a shi-te whole anyway. So if they in particular, joined in with those who like the place and did something every day ( even pick up one little piece of litter ) to improve the lot for the whole, it would not take long to see a

change for the better. Now I know half on here want to have a slug fest in every thread about dirty old men and the girls who earn a living in the city. But wouldn't it be nice to be a little more positive for once ?

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There are good and bad people in every soceity. Does Pattaya have more than It's fair share of the bad ?

It certainly has more than It's share of the adventurous, who are not prepared to just sit in misery and lonelliness for what ever reason and have got off their backsides in an attempt to make they're life better, whilst in the process injecting much needed funds into an economy which if they were not here would be at subsistance levels at best.

Yearn all you like for those old " fishing village" days, they will not return. What we should all strive to achieve is to make this place we all seem to have a strong opinion about, better for all.

Not too difficult a task, as all the bashers consider it a shi-te whole anyway. So if they in particular, joined in with those who like the place and did something every day ( even pick up one little piece of litter ) to improve the lot for the whole, it would not take long to see a

change for the better. Now I know half on here want to have a slug fest in every thread about dirty old men and the girls who earn a living in the city. But wouldn't it be nice to be a little more positive for once ?

Here Here!

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There are good and bad people in every soceity. Does Pattaya have more than It's fair share of the bad ?

Yes, it does. Those "bad" people from world's societies have concentrated in Pattaya.

Tatooed sheet metal workers from Dresden, UK football hooligans, US midwest shitholes residents, alcoholics, whoremongers, social rejects of any and every kind...the source is the whole planet, the destination is - Pattaya.

That's why it gets more of bad than any average place.

Being on the family side of what Pattaya has to offer, I am contempt.

Enjoying what most of the visitors or residents don't even know exists there.

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So what have tattooed sheet metal workers from Dresden ever done wrong to you ?

The SOBs b/f'd the BG I was planning on eventually b/f'ing myself one day ! :o

Ever since then I've hated those metal Dresden-tattooed sheet workers ! :D I promised myself I would never buy another sheet made in Dresden again, unless they could prove it wasn't made by worker-tattooed metal ! :D


social inadequate, disabled or just plain ugly western men

Social inadequate ? Me ? Well, it's true only a half-dozen or so TV members showed up for my birthday party, so maybe I am one of the inadequate ones. :bah:

Strike 1 !

Disabled ? Well, not physically at least, thought you do have to be kind of mental to keep working in places like where I'm at now. P.gif

Strike 2 !

Just Plain Ugly Western Man ? Depends on who you ask I guess. I thought I was a "hansum" man, though I wondered why every time I looked in a mirror it shattered. :D

Strike 3 !

That's it ! Write me off ! I'm obviously of no value to Western society. Guess I'll have to look for acceptance elsewhere in the world, where a guy that ain't so good looking, is often kind of shy, and is willing to work in some gawd-awful places can still stand a chance of having some fun and meeting someone nice.

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOW, YOU DO TALK SOME CR.P, What is wrong with working girls ????? poor and just trying to impove their lives, they tell lies, the punters tell lies, "horses for courses! "quid pro quo" get real pal ! Pattaya, the best fun place I can find on route fom Blighty to Aus !! keep it that way !


Where did I say there was something wrong with working girls???? In their place they are fine and serve a community service.

The point which you missed was that they are not the ultimate marriage partners or girlfriends and that people (probably you're one) are deluded to think they do.

Get real pal!

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That's it ! Write me off ! I'm obviously of no value to Western society. Guess I'll have to look for acceptance elsewhere in the world, where a guy that ain't so good looking, is often kind of shy, and is willing to work in some gawd-awful places can still stand a chance of having some fun and meeting someone nice.

I've got some news for you, the type of fun you're looking for is not exclusive to Pattaya.

Some very good alternatives:

1. Philippines

2. Cambodia

3. Vietnam

4. Indonesia

There are more, but "love" is available for a reasonable price in all of these places and all of the above are cheaper than Pattaya for the same "fun", and there's a good chance you can take your love interest for a stroll on the beach without being mugged too.

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So what have tattooed sheet metal workers from Dresden ever done wrong to you ?

Nothing personally...other than their very presence and the discomfort of having them within my sight.

In your home country, you don't have to endure that, you would not even know where they gather, what they do and how they enjoy their fun. One would not even know they exist.

In Pattaya, you can't avoid them.

Sharing a lift with them (tattoed. old-fat-bald-ugly with gold chains around their bull's necks) does not inspire any confidence that Pattaya is the place to be at.

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Very true. I wish everyone (Farang) read this and appreciate being in this beautiful country. Not critize and complaining. In the first place, you came here to enjoy life and like our life style. No one invite you here. If you don't like our country, you feel free to go home to your original country where's boring. Please respect our culture and fit in with our tradition. Do not try to change it. This is our life style. Sawadee!

How very well put peacemakers. here here.

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