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Thailand records its first case of South African strain of COVID-19


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2 hours ago, irishman25 said:

this Virus has been around for over 18.months before anyone knew what it was then they called the COVID-19 virus look what is happening now with  this strain now we can discover sooner.  Now did you know where the so called SPANISH flu started do your homework because you wont like the answer   

While it’s unlikely that the “Spanish Flu” originated in Spain, scientists are still unsure of its source. France, China and Britain have all been suggested as the potential birthplace of the virus, as has the United States, where the first known case was reported at a military base in Kansas on March 11, 1918. Researchers have also conducted extensive studies on the remains of victims of the pandemic, but they have yet to discover why the strain that ravaged the world in 1918 was so lethal.  Spain was one of only a few major European countries to remain neutral during World War I. Unlike in the Allied and Central Powers nations, where wartime censors suppressed news of the flu to avoid affecting morale, the Spanish media was free to report on it in gory detail. News of the sickness first made headlines in Madrid in late-May 1918, and coverage only increased after the Spanish King Alfonso XIII came down with a nasty case a week later. Since nations undergoing a media blackout could only read in depth accounts from Spanish news sources, they naturally assumed that the country was the pandemic’s ground zero.  The virus infected as much as 40 percent of the global population over the next 18 months. Of these, an estimated 20 to 50 million perished.

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17 hours ago, shortstop said:

Of course the virus came from China. 


But as  the original strain there is no need to label it as the China Virus.  Some politicians in order to deflect attention from their country's poor pandemic response gleefully blame China.  Since I don't want to be mistaken as a supporter of these politicians, I prefer to use the medical term Covid-19.



I believe the actual medical term for the virus is SARS-CoV-2

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On 2/14/2021 at 2:03 PM, Oliver Holzerfilled said:

He didn't catch it in Tanzania.  We know this because Tanzania, along with Thailand's neighbors Lao and Cambodia, have no deaths and very few cases of Covid.


In the event anyone tries to claim Tanzania or Lao or Cambodia are fudging their covid numbers don't bother.  Just as in previous months when some accused Thailand of unrecorded covid cases, the "if Thailand has more covid cases then why aren't the hospitals full and why aren't there dead bodies in the streets" crowd quickly shouted them down.  Don't temp the same fate from this crowd since there are also no full hospitals or bodies in the streets in Tanzania, Cambodia or Lao, so their covid numbers must be correct.


Therefore he caught it in Ethiopia. 

Hospitals are not empty. COVID19 patients and those suspected of having it are kept in their own ward for obvious reasons. 

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On 2/15/2021 at 2:42 AM, webfact said:

He disclosed that the 41-year old worked in Tanzania for about two months and, on January 29th, he travelled to Ethiopia before flying back to Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi international airport and entering state quarantine.


is it not strange that THAI businessmen can get FREE quarantine hotel, food, tests


but farang with family has to pay ?


and thais don't need the no-covid test , just a fit to fly

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand reported 143 new coronavirus infections on Monday and in quarantine detected its first case of the highly contagious COVID-19 variant first found in South Africa, its coronavirus taskforce said.

And because its called the South African Variant, there is now a debate whether to increase Quarantine from 14 to 21 Days for all arrivals from Africa 


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1 minute ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Apparently 7 new variants have been found in the US with similar mutations to the UK and SA variants.



And yet another evolving new variant in the UK similar to the South African and Kent strains


The team say the variant has similarities in its genome to the Kent variant, B117, and it contains a number of mutations that have worried researchers, including the E484K mutation to the spike protein – a protein found on the outside of the virus that plays an important role in helping the virus to enter cells. 





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On 2/15/2021 at 7:03 AM, Ian C HH said:

So what IS the answer to the lack of deaths and empty hospitals IYHO? 
A sincere question because it’s baffled me for a long time. I don’t believe you can hide deaths and overflowing hospitals  in today’s transparent media without a Google gagging onset?

That is a very good question, possibly there is some unknown immunity  which is yet to be investigated /studied / explained. 

I too have wonders from the early days of CV19 - - why? 

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8 minutes ago, Artisi said:

That is a very good question, possibly there is some unknown immunity  which is yet to be investigated /studied / explained. 

I too have wonders from the early days of CV19 - - why? 

It could be herd immunity from first the wave as testing was insignificant in number and it's possible the virus swept unchecked throughout the country.There has been no news of significant antibody testing during 2020 in Thailand which would have given a clearer picture of the situation.So we seem to be flying blind due to a lack of interest in testing here.

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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1 minute ago, FarFlungFalang said:

There has been no news of significant antibody testing during 2020 in Thailand which would have given a clearer picture of the situation.So we seem to be flying blind due to a lack of interest in testing here.

The same as no news from the 8,000 per day antibody tests being carried out on the locked up migrants and their families, its a piece of data that I fear will not be shared with the general public.

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Mahasarakham - have only seen 2 official reports of the outbreak there, one said there were 3 clusters, and that all traced  contacts were negative ...... Other report a couple of days later was one walkin patient. Since then nothing, Either the outbreak is over, or ........

Udon Thani had one case, there were several reports from usually reliable sources of several more, but none ever confirmed. No testing of possible contacts reported of course!


Although Thailand has had a very good official record, contact tracing always seems good, transparency is not so good.


How dangerous is Covid? UK excess death rate last year was up over 14%. How does that compare with previous years? For England and Wales, more people died in 2020 than any year since 1918 ....... When of course the death rate was bumped up by WW1 and Spanish flu.



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On 2/15/2021 at 10:25 AM, Barry343 said:

The strain covid19 he has was first detected in South Africa which is a slightest different that the one first detected in China.


How does that relate to holding China to account.


"yet we still don't know it's origin. So not a good idea to call it that. Though right now, it does look like it originated in China. They should be held to account."


If you are going to start holding countries to account, who and where do you start?

Extremely difficult with individuals internationally, far less governments.

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5 hours ago, Artisi said:

That is a very good question, possibly there is some unknown immunity  which is yet to be investigated /studied / explained. 

I too have wonders from the early days of CV19 - - why? 

A lot to do with common sense.

On 5th Feb last year I took the minibus into Bangkok and caught the train down to PB for a border hop. On the way to the minibus my wife popped into the pharmacy and bought me a pack of masks. I had to wear a mask and do the hand gel to get on the minibus. On the train nearly everyone was wearing masks, a lot of Chinese, one tried to talk to me but have to admit i was a bit ignorant and just ignored him. As soon as the beds were made up everyone got behind the curtains and most did not reappear until they had to get off.

At Pedang Besar they were enforcing distancing in the queues at immigration and a guy was wiping the fingerprint machine each time it was used and giving you hand gel. Between Thai and Malaysian Immigration they had set up a covid station with people in hazard suits, they checked temperature and passport history, bit of a panic when they saw my Chines visa but then realised it was 6 months old. In the market at PB large numbers were wearing masks and the train journey back was much the same. I jumped off the train at Bang Sue and took the MRT & BTS over to Ekamai, as the MRT train filled up you could see the difference between asian passengers and caucasians, masked and maskless. Took the bus from Ekamai back to Chonburi, the 24 seater, again mask and hand gel to get on.

Many claim that no precautions were taken before the end of March but that is not the case.

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2 hours ago, sandyf said:

A lot to do with common sense.

On 5th Feb last year I took the minibus into Bangkok and caught the train down to PB for a border hop. On the way to the minibus my wife popped into the pharmacy and bought me a pack of masks. I had to wear a mask and do the hand gel to get on the minibus. On the train nearly everyone was wearing masks, a lot of Chinese, one tried to talk to me but have to admit i was a bit ignorant and just ignored him. As soon as the beds were made up everyone got behind the curtains and most did not reappear until they had to get off.

At Pedang Besar they were enforcing distancing in the queues at immigration and a guy was wiping the fingerprint machine each time it was used and giving you hand gel. Between Thai and Malaysian Immigration they had set up a covid station with people in hazard suits, they checked temperature and passport history, bit of a panic when they saw my Chines visa but then realised it was 6 months old. In the market at PB large numbers were wearing masks and the train journey back was much the same. I jumped off the train at Bang Sue and took the MRT & BTS over to Ekamai, as the MRT train filled up you could see the difference between asian passengers and caucasians, masked and maskless. Took the bus from Ekamai back to Chonburi, the 24 seater, again mask and hand gel to get on.

Many claim that no precautions were taken before the end of March but that is not the case.

Good valid point/s, however I still think there is something else at play that is not yet understood. 

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On 2/14/2021 at 8:03 PM, Oliver Holzerfilled said:

He didn't catch it in Tanzania.  We know this because Tanzania, along with Thailand's neighbors Lao and Cambodia, have no deaths and very few cases of Covid.


In the event anyone tries to claim Tanzania or Lao or Cambodia are fudging their covid numbers don't bother.  Just as in previous months when some accused Thailand of unrecorded covid cases, the "if Thailand has more covid cases then why aren't the hospitals full and why aren't there dead bodies in the streets" crowd quickly shouted them down.  Don't temp the same fate from this crowd since there are also no full hospitals or bodies in the streets in Tanzania, Cambodia or Lao, so their covid numbers must be correct.


Therefore he caught it in Ethiopia. 

This is the same Tanzania that stopped reporting covid cases last May, does not want a vaccine, says herbs can cure covid and God will protect the country from Covid, all from the mouth of the head of state. American Embassy and diplomats published just a few days ago that Tanzania is possibly on the point of collapse in its health system. There are stiff penalties for writing or publishing it saying anything publicly about covid situation in Tanzania, even more Draconian than Thailand's policy on covid news releases. So sure, could never have caught it in Tanzania because no one knows what's going on in Tanzania I think. Every country surrounding them had seen an increase I think I read.

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On 2/15/2021 at 5:42 AM, SunsetT said:

Because Covid would spread exponentially as in other countries and hospitals would soon be be overflowing and elderly death rates would be soaring. Also  Thai and social media would be reporting it widely. It would be impossible to hide.


Emergency decree and restrictions on covid reporting and spreading of news to cause panic and fear, say no more.

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On 2/15/2021 at 7:49 PM, KhaoYai said:

Not that I think it matters where Covid 19 actually started but despite China's claims that the virus was imported on frozen seafood, I think its 99.9% certain that it did originate there.  The seafood had to come from somewhere yet no other country was reporting a cluster of a strange new illness at that time.

In 2010, a virus similar to SARS-CoV-2 was already present in Cambodia


The direct implication is that viruses similar to SARS-CoV-2 have been circulating for several decades, as revealed by molecular dating, throughout Southeast Asia and Yunnan, and that different species of bats could have exchanged these viruses in the caves they inhabit.

Chinese researchers have been searching for Sarbecoviruses throughout the country for about 15 years. They found more than 100 SARS-CoV-like viruses but only two related to SARS-CoV-2. The new data thus validates the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2-like viruses are present mostly in Southeast Asia, while SARS-CoV-like viruses are dominant in China.



Indeed, human populations in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam appear to be much less affected by the Covid-19 pandemic than other countries in the region, such as Bangladesh, Myanmar, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia. This suggests that the populations of these four countries may be benefiting from a level of herd immunity to Sarbecoviruses.


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21 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

I neither support your view nor deny it - I actually think its pretty certain that Covid 19 originated in China but that's my opinion, its not a fact. If you're going to state that its a proven fact, you should provide evidence of that.


Data and research has been presented and it leads to the origin of the virus is China:

Researchers at ETH Zurich released a study in early March that placed the origins of COVID-19 in November at the earliest. Research published by the Scripps Research Institute in February strongly implies that the virus in humans arose naturally through interspecies transfer, putting its origin in late November or early December 2019. Both studies point to the virus’s origin in Hubei province, China.


Above I underlined the research centers that did the research and the papers are at the web addresses below:




I would hope this gives you enough information to show that China is almost assuredly ground zero for the start of Covid-19.  As the research continues, there will be more and more labs and research centers confirming what is already known about where the virus originated.

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On 2/15/2021 at 6:23 AM, NoComment said:

Congratulations to all concerned for catching this strain.

The Kingdom is doing a fantastic job of controlling the Chinese  pandamic.

Many many Western countries could learn a lesson.

NO one learn;ed a lesson just look at the way country's handle it even when they were told how bad it was, it took most months to do something to control it.  and the vaccine issue is a JOKE in Europe now they want to block Thailand and other country's from having it as they already paid for it

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11 hours ago, waders123 said:

I would hope this gives you enough information to show that China is almost assuredly ground zero for the start of Covid-19.

As I clearly stated, based on the reports I've read that is also my Opinion but it is not a 'Proven Fact' as stated bt the pervious poster so what's your point?

Edited by KhaoYai
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On 2/15/2021 at 12:32 PM, bluesofa said:

Wasn't there one case reported in Maha Sarakham a week or so back?


Why do the locals think covid is rampant? Do they have any reliable source that has told them, or is it is perhaps Chinese whispers? (no pun intended)

That does sound like a good idea.

Wasn't there some info published suggesting this a while back, only for someone to say there was a conspiracy theory that the government were listing these deaths as pneumonia in order to keep the covid figures low?

today a medical doctor died in maha sarakham from covid. He is the first medic in thailand to die.

he has treated several patients with covid.


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