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An entrepreneur in the making! Charming 10 year old making 400 baht a day selling veg to help her gran

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1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

I fully applaud her entrepreneurial spirit, but a gas station is far from an ideal environment for a pre-teen girl to be in, especially without any type of adult supervision. The constant flow of traffic and transient nature of gas stations carries an increased risk of abduction, public rest rooms are occasionally used as venues for sexual assaults, there's the risk of being hit by traffic (especially by backing trucks and buses), and elevated carcinogen levels from petrochemicals and exhaust fumes. 


I think she should seriously consider looking for a safer environment (even if it means lower sales), and, at a minimum, establish a "buddy system" relationship with another vendor. She should also walk - rather than ride - her bicycle while on the gas station premises, and under absolutely no circumstances work after dark.


There are many petrol stations that I have seen that become a magnet for stall holders. Not on the actual forecourt of the place but the off road areas surrounding it. There are quite a few on the roads from Bangkok to Ubon road (2 and 24). 


In time the whole place becomes a market of sorts as more local people home in on a potential customer base.


Looking at the picture in this news story, it looks like that kind of place. 

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Back in the early 60's I had a paper round, after I finshed the paper I would join the milkman and help him on the last half of his round, on Saturday's after the paper and milk deliveries I had a part time job in a small hardware store ( think the 2 Ronnies fork handle sketch ) ???? I also used to baby sit in the evenings for friends known to our family, during school holidays I also had a job in Romford market, I think Wednesday and Friday but can't be sure, all well before the age of 15 when I then joined the army.


You wanna call that exploitation ? My parents had a hard time early on with 5 kids to clothe & feed, but we were loved, my parents got richer and it all worked out okay ????


So, @kingofthemountain you've got it all wrong, sorry mate that's life for you.

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53 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

I started doing a newspaper round before school at the age of 12... had money in my pocket to do what I wanted to do. Best thing I ever did, it taught me value for money, where it comes from and that you have to do something to earn it.

Right Hotchili. Even I, when I was 10 years old, projected films on a Carbon machine in my father's businesses to be able to buy my whims.  Perhaps it is a natural reaction and feel rejection when seeing children selling flowers in the street, or vegetables as it is the case.  Perhaps there is an invisible line that differentiates cases, perhaps I was wrong to react by reading and seeing the photo of the girl in OP.  I only aimed at children's rights.  

Survey finds 400,000 Thai children are at work 1 in 4 found to be working in dangerous conditions and during sleeping hours
 A recent study found that over 400,000 Thais under the age of 18 spend at least one hour a week laboring either for wages, other benefits or simply to ease their parent’s workload.  “Nearly half of the youngsters are no longer in school,” Vivathana Thanghong, director-general of the Labor Protection and Welfare Department, said yesterday.  Of the working children, 177,000 are considered laborers because of the time they devote to working each week.

I believe that it’s only the tip of Iceberg.

And I don’t know yet where is the line to difference each case.


My wife tells me stories similar to the OP, at a similar age she used to work with mum in a vegetable market from 4am until school started. After school, wife and her sister used to push around a cart selling vegetables.

Wife's family was a single mum and 5 children, It fine to get on a high horse about child labour etc but in reality, in my wife's case,  they would have otherwise starved 

Nowadays, my wife has a fantastic work ethic, knows and appreciates the value of money and is very good at any business ventures

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Golden Triangle said:

Back in the early 60's I had a paper round, after I finshed the paper I would join the milkman and help him on the last half of his round, on Saturday's after the paper and milk deliveries I had a part time job in a small hardware store ( think the 2 Ronnies fork handle sketch ) ???? I also used to baby sit in the evenings for friends known to our family, during school holidays I also had a job in Romford market, I think Wednesday and Friday but can't be sure, all well before the age of 15 when I then joined the army.


You wanna call that exploitation ? My parents had a hard time early on with 5 kids to clothe & feed, but we were loved, my parents got richer and it all worked out okay ????


So, @kingofthemountain you've got it all wrong, sorry mate that's life for you.

Your experience 60 years ago in a western country as a young boy is interesting but

have nothing to do with the case of the girl in the OP post.


I have myself started to work at 13 and i have been happy to avoid this unnecessery

ordeal for my own child, but our particular cases are not really relevants here.


There are a lot of excellents reasons why most of the developped countries have

made illegal the work for children of 10 years old, so i think i wasn't wrong at all.

It seems a lot of guys here are against these laws, including you,

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, as i am with mine

on a legal side i was right from the begining, sorry mate that's life for you ????

''15 years old
The minimum age in order to employ a child is 15 years old in Thailand. Furthermore, no child under the age of 18 can be engaged to work without informing the labor inspector within 15 days from the date the child starts working.''


  • Sad 2
18 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

Your experience 60 years ago in a western country as a young boy is interesting but

have nothing to do with the case of the girl in the OP post.


I have myself started to work at 13 and i have been happy to avoid this unnecessery

ordeal for my own child, but our particular cases are not really relevants here.


There are a lot of excellents reasons why most of the developped countries have

made illegal the work for children of 10 years old, so i think i wasn't wrong at all.

It seems a lot of guys here are against these laws, including you,

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, as i am with mine

on a legal side i was right from the begining, sorry mate that's life for you ????

''15 years old
The minimum age in order to employ a child is 15 years old in Thailand. Furthermore, no child under the age of 18 can be engaged to work without informing the labor inspector within 15 days from the date the child starts working.''


What a load of tosh.


12 years old selling cold drinks outside a bar in oz. then up at 2 am for the milk run.


my parents were well off  and i could have anything i wanted, if i earnt it.


its normal in all societies for young ones to earn what they need. I applaud her. If she did nothing then sold her body then some , like you, may be saying she should be out getting a real job.


Some of you need to pull your head in.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Tarteso said:

For you.. Nanlaew; creepy are the various reports of sexual abuse one of them ending in murder, on the news of past week, including TVF ... happened in “Tarteso’s Land”.  Come on, wich one world do you live? 


I live in deepest Isaan. Why?


When I look at a kid "working" at a stall at a gas station, beside the road or in the local market, the last thing I think is, "Oh dear, she's going to get molested or raped."

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1 minute ago, NanLaew said:


But she isn't being "employed" is she? She's simply working to help the family.


After school, my two boys (4 and 13) help bring the baskets of veggies in from Yai's allotment for washing before Pa loads up her skylab ready for the 5 a.m. drive to the local market. Admittedly the young one doesn't do much as it's more like playtime for him but we can't stop him. Regardless, afterwards they wash up, have dinner and after a shower will get a good night's sleep and be up in time for school in the morning.


If you want, I can give you my name and address so you can report me to the authorities.

Exactly right.


Big difference between children working and child exploitation and helping granny sell her veg.

  • Like 1
18 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


I live in deepest Isaan. Why?


When I look at a kid "working" at a stall at a gas station, beside the road or in the local market, the last thing I think is, "Oh dear, she's going to get molested or raped."

And I live in a deepest North Chiang Mai and see the same like you..I just wrote about the RISK. Simple and easy to understand. 


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12 hours ago, Tarteso said:

Sorry I meant exploitaitive child labour.. sound better for u?

What's wrong with child labor?

What about those lazy kids these days watching a screen all day?

8 hours ago, BostonRob2 said:

A good news story is turned, by some, into a condemnation of child labor. Codswallop. My goodness the Thai bashers were out early in Thailand today. 

most Thai bashers don't even live in Thailand

  • Confused 1

This is the gas station she is selling vegetables at: ปั้ม ปตท.ดอนหวาย. Punch this name in on Google Maps and you can see plenty of additional photos. Gas station is located directly on Hwy 2. If you're cool with your 10 yr old (step)-daughter selling vegetables in this environment, well, OK, then.

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8 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

This is the gas station she is selling vegetables at: ปั้ม ปตท.ดอนหวาย. Punch this name in on Google Maps and you can see plenty of additional photos. Gas station is located directly on Hwy 2. If you're cool with your 10 yr old (step)-daughter selling vegetables in this environment, well, OK, then.


Thanks for the link. Looks like a fairly generic AND QUITE BUSY gas station. Must be what, at least 50 CCTV cameras in and around that place? I don't think I've used that particular gas station on my travels as I prefer the ones a bit more urban and less crowded. The urchins tend to be younger, prettier and cheaper too.


I mean their veggies of course.

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23 minutes ago, Tarteso said:
44 minutes ago, Matreusse said:

Luckily, your level of tolerance in this case is irrelevant.

Same feeling for your opinion.????

Oooooo...like a knife to the heart.


KOTM, so good to see that you have managed to get the copy and paste function off pat, perhaps the increase in your  blocked list reflects the fact that many people don't view the world as you do and that you could could actually be wrong ?


Nevermind, I really don't care, see ya.



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What’s happening on here? Why many haters that only comes to insult without any constructive words?


 I gave my opinion, and perhaps wrong opinion after read some smarts replies. I just talked about the risk of the little girl, thats all.  

After read all the personal attacks and insults, beging to think that this is a topic very sensible  and impossible to give any answer. No see any logic in those personal atattacks. 

Never before (in 6 years in TVF) had a ignored people, I blocked a few of you because of I am in my right to give my opinion, wrong opinion? Right!. 

Thanks to the people who understood my replies and answered to me in a good way and in personal messages. 

so sorry if I disturbed to someone. This is a sensible topic to share with uneducated and haters.


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Exploitation of course not, what was exploitation was the ''Bob A Job''  in boy scouts we never got a penny from that, all went to the boy scout's fund.

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Several posts now removed for a variety of reasons.

You may havs different points of view etc but that does nit excuse personal remarks etc.


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