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Thai Airways says cuts about 240 executive positions


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30 minutes ago, Mister MXYZPTLK said:

So to all the Thai Airways executives who are reading this, LEARN SIMPLE BASIC MATH.

Pillage what you can, while you can, if there's anything left, the ship is sinking! :jap:



Edited by PatOngo
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19 hours ago, webfact said:


"The number of executive positions has been reduced from 740 to about 500,"

an old saying  "too many chiefs and not enough indians"


P.S.   (no racism intended as these indians not related to India)

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17 hours ago, kimamey said:

I was going to mention this but you beat me to it. If Thai Smile goes it will be a shame as I live in Isaan and use Thai Smile most of the time. The service is always good and I don't have to worry about baggage charges. It also avoided the need to change airports between BKK and DMK although Thai VietJet seem to be using BKK now.

I agree with you.  I frequently use Thai Smile to go to Bangkok from Chiang Rai.  Always on time with good service.  I like going to BKK because I can get to our condo using the airport link and BTS.  It would be a shame to lose them.  My wife tried VietJet and definitely prefers Thai Smile.

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As said still way to top heavy, but could the problem be like the government very few know their jobs and are to busy looking for rip offs to worry about it. Qantas Australia had the same problems 10 or more years ago I used to fly Thai airways at that time because there was better service and cheaper air fairs, now it the other way around, why? answer that question and you have the answer to the problem

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15 hours ago, Katipo said:

740?!? That's insane. 500 is still ridiculous. Becoming much clearer why the airline has been underperforming for so long. Drop that number into the double digits and they'll be making progress.

Five levels of supervision?? Who ever thought that was good idea still better than 8 I guess.

How many offices will become vacant, or were the 240 gone not turning up to work anyway and just collecting a salary?


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16 hours ago, connda said:

Get that fat cutting knife out and they can make it even more efficient.  Most organization would be better off with less management and more empowered workers.  Never happen in Thailand tho'.  The culture just isn't set up for it.  Well, unless and youth start moving into positions of power and make a paradigm shift.

Let me guess: this being Thailand, they probably cut away the lowest three levels with the most practical knowledge and competence

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19 hours ago, bermondburi said:

https://news-sky-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/thai-airways-announces-staff-cuts-in-desperate-bid-to-avoid-bankruptcy-12222357?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=16137277538367&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fnews.sky.com%2Fstory%2Fthai-airways-announces-staff-cuts-in-desperate-bid-to-avoid-bankruptcy-12222357


The newspaper's economist, Chartchai Parasuk, said: "It seems like Thai Airways is preparing itself to walk down the bankruptcy route.

"But before facing the cruel fact, it wishes to save its four siblings - Thai Catering, Thai Cargo, Thai Ground Services, and Thai Technical.

"Three siblings - Thai Crew Centre, Thai Flight Training Centre, and Thai Smile - will not be saved.

"But without the mother who carried 24.5 million passengers a year and flew 80 aircraft around the world, these four siblings will find it difficult to survive on their own.

"I do not want to see Thai Airways die. The country should not risk leaving more than 10 million cash-paying foreign tourists in the hands of foreign carriers."


quote "The country should not risk leaving more than 10 million cash-paying foreign tourists in the hands of foreign carriers."


It doesn't matter that much to cash-paying foreign tourists whose airline they fly with> Thailand cannot say to the tourists "As a condition to enter Thailand you must use Thai Airways. If you don't there will be financial problems and possibly you will not gain entry to Thailand". 


Thailand still doesn't understand the the tourist is the one who decides where to go, how to get to their destination and where they want to stay.



Foreign tourists usually fly on cheaper airlines rather than pay more on Thai.



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As I have commented in the past, Thai Airways International ticket pricing was never competitive. If they could not operate profitably from 2009 to 2019 (40 million arrivals) What chance do they have in the near future ? planning on 500 executive positions ? What a joke. 

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6 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

They probably had no idea what they were supposed to be managing, similar to the armed services here in Thailand where there is roughly one general for every 212 troops

Don't knock it. Overnight the country can have new government after a General Election without affecting the military balance ????

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3 hours ago, Mister MXYZPTLK said:

750 executives managing 21,000 employees.  Any good business person knows that management should never be more than 10% of total employees...  That means 210 executives.  This is basic math which most Thai’s don’t understanding.  Same goes with landlords.  If your charging 70,000 baht for rent and a customers asks you for a 5000b discount or he can’t continue to rent from you, the Landlord (who think that they’re intelligent) will say no and loose the 70k per month in hoping of finding another tenant.  However, a loss of 5000b for an entire year would be a loss of less money than losing 1 month’s rent.  Once again, simple math.  


So to all the Thai Airways executives who are reading this, LEARN SIMPLE BASIC MATH.  Cut all the executive staff positions until you have only 50 Management staff.  You’re not even flying at a 50% level.  If you can’t or won’t reduce the unnecessary executive staff (Family, friends etc), then bring in someone who will or you can hire me!  I have no problem in getting rid of dead weight. 

Am I missing something 10% of 21000 on my calculator is 2100 not 210. So are you saying they don't have enough executives or too many at 1%? If I am wrong with my maths then I appologise.

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8 minutes ago, Caldera said:

Truth to be told, the only reason they haven't been allowed to go under is that they need to ferry around all the Thai VIPs. No price seems to be too high to continue to have that service available, at the taxpayers' expense obviously.


"...that they need to ferry around all the Thai VIPs. ..."


Reminds me of about 15 years ago, TG announced they would cancel the TG flights from several domestic locations and replace them with Thai Smile flights.


Instant outcry from many Thai politicians who were shocked/outraged and demanded that the TG flights continue so that they could have Bus. class service as fitted their importance and prestige.


You guessed it, The TG flights were reinstated. 

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20 hours ago, Katipo said:

740?!? That's insane. 500 is still ridiculous. Becoming much clearer why the airline has been underperforming for so long. Drop that number into the double digits and they'll be making progress.

Thats almost 10 execs for each plane they have. Just wind it up and make it a distant memory of thai corruption at its finest.

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17 hours ago, Mister MXYZPTLK said:

750 executives managing 21,000 employees.  Any good business person knows that management should never be more than 10% of total employees...  That means 210 executives.  This is basic math which most Thai’s don’t understanding.


So to all the Thai Airways executives who are reading this, LEARN SIMPLE BASIC MATH.

Come down from your high horse, go back to school, and learn about SIMPLE BASIC calculation of percentage ...!

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