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12 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Sorry but trump isn't president any longer.  I know you're not American so you can't relate to us seeing biden destroying America.


Some of the clips from biden talking is so embarrassing I can't watch.

Trump is still trying to get back in, to avoid the inevitable prosecutions in civil and criminal courts.

Telling me I'm not American is a dishonest argument, much like your hero used daily.

IMO Trump did a pretty good job of destroying America, perhaps the polarization he fomented, the trade war he lost, the pandemic he neglected, and the insurrection he encouraged are mere peccadilloes to you. That's what happens when belief in a sociopathic con artist takes over rational thought.

" Sir, show me hypocrisy". Who the hell is Stephen Miller anyway, some acolyte craving his 15 minutes of fame?

6 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Trump is still trying to get back in, to avoid the inevitable prosecutions in civil and criminal courts.

Telling me I'm not American is a dishonest argument, much like your hero used daily.

IMO Trump did a pretty good job of destroying America, perhaps the polarization he fomented, the trade war he lost, the pandemic he neglected, and the insurrection he encouraged are mere peccadilloes to you. That's what happens when belief in a sociopathic con artist takes over rational thought.

" Sir, show me hypocrisy". Who the hell is Stephen Miller anyway, some acolyte craving his 15 minutes of fame?


Isn't everyone that's out trying to get back in? 


Where are all "... the inevitable prosecutions in civil and criminal courts..." that we heard were going to happen the moment he got out of office? I think it hilarious that people believe this nonsense.


What did Trump do that was ".. a pretty good job of destroying America."?





26 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


Isn't everyone that's out trying to get back in? 


Where are all "... the inevitable prosecutions in civil and criminal courts..." that we heard were going to happen the moment he got out of office? I think it hilarious that people believe this nonsense.


What did Trump do that was ".. a pretty good job of destroying America."?





If you can't read plain English, I can't help you.


17 minutes ago, Lacessit said:


If you don't know, just say you don't know, no shame in that. No point in regurgitating someone else's nonsense. Did you even read it? I thought it was almost as funny as President Biden's meeting with Putin. 


You claimed Trump did a good job of destroying America, and you have nothing to back that up. It amazes me that people buy into this nonsense.


What was destroyed?


And how was it destroyed by Trump? 


Incidentally, New York prosecutors have been "prosecuting" Trump since he got elected.



  • Sad 1
2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:


If you don't know, just say you don't know, no shame in that. No point in regurgitating someone else's nonsense. Did you even read it? I thought it was almost as funny as President Biden's meeting with Putin. 


You claimed Trump did a good job of destroying America, and you have nothing to back that up. It amazes me that people buy into this nonsense.


What was destroyed?


And how was it destroyed by Trump? 


Incidentally, New York prosecutors have been "prosecuting" Trump since he got elected.



Trust was destroyed. You think Americans trust one another, after what has happened during Trump's presidency? You think the rest of the world trusted Trump, while he was President? The man made a yo-yo look positively somnolent by comparison.

Biden is doing his best to restore America from the nadir it reached under Trump. If you want to mock a person for being not as articulate as someone who spewed lies and hatred on a daily basis, you are proving my point for me.

1 minute ago, Lacessit said:

Trust was destroyed. You think Americans trust one another, after what has happened during Trump's presidency? You think the rest of the world trusted Trump, while he was President? The man made a yo-yo look positively somnolent by comparison.

Biden is doing his best to restore America from the nadir it reached under Trump. If you want to mock a person for being not as articulate as someone who spewed lies and hatred on a daily basis, you are proving my point for me.


I think the "trust" Americans had in the media was no longer warranted and needed to be destroyed. I am happy that more Americans are losing trust and becoming more aware of how the left is destroying the county. You, as a leftist see it differently, I understand that.


I am an American, and post Trump, I have more trust in my fellow Americans than I did before was elected.


I don't doubt President Biden is doing his best, but I do not like him or what he is doing. I liked Trump and what he did and was trying to do.


You think President Biden opening the borders, giving Putin his pipeline and favoring Palatine over Israel is a good thing, I do not.


I said nothing of how buffoonish President Biden sounded during the Putin meeting, you brought that up. I was talking about what he did. 


As a leftist, you want the US to become more socialist, and the citizens to become more reliant on the government. As a conservative, I want the US to become less socialist, and the citizens to become less reliant on the government. That is why you like Biden and what he's doing, and why I liked Trump and what he did and was trying to do. 


To be clear, you still have provided no real examples of Trump ruining the country. I'm an American, and I think the county was much better when Trump left office than when he entered. to me it seem the lies and hatred most always seem to spew for the left...





  • Sad 1
4 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


I think the "trust" Americans had in the media was no longer warranted and needed to be destroyed. I am happy that more Americans are losing trust and becoming more aware of how the left is destroying the county. You, as a leftist see it differently, I understand that.


I am an American, and post Trump, I have more trust in my fellow Americans than I did before was elected.


I don't doubt President Biden is doing his best, but I do not like him or what he is doing. I liked Trump and what he did and was trying to do.


You think President Biden opening the borders, giving Putin his pipeline and favoring Palatine over Israel is a good thing, I do not.


I said nothing of how buffoonish President Biden sounded during the Putin meeting, you brought that up. I was talking about what he did. 


As a leftist, you want the US to become more socialist, and the citizens to become more reliant on the government. As a conservative, I want the US to become less socialist, and the citizens to become less reliant on the government. That is why you like Biden and what he's doing, and why I liked Trump and what he did and was trying to do. 


To be clear, you still have provided no real examples of Trump ruining the country. I'm an American, and I think the county was much better when Trump left office than when he entered. to me it seem the lies and hatred most always seem to spew for the left...





LOL, do you realize your American military is one of the most socialistic organisations on the planet?

If you are going to ignore the facts I post about Trump's performance - the pandemic, trade war, polarisation of Americans, inciting a riot, maintaining the fiction he won, the damage he did to America's standing internationally - I can't do anything to change your mind. Perhaps you just don't care about such things.

Labelling me as a leftist is a dishonest debating tactic, much like Trump used to apply labels to anyone who disagreed with him. I am financially independent, have not had any form of debt since 1974. Does that sound like a socialist to you?

Most Americans have no idea what socialism is. It's a bogeyman you are brainwashed into believing is evil, and that does save mental effort in understanding how it can be beneficial.


Australia has had a number of what you would call socialist governments since Federation. In point of fact, they are almost always the reforming governments, while the conservative governments mainly sit around with their thumbs up their posteriors trying to preserve the status quo.


I'll give you one example of the benefits of socialism. In Australia, we have Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Every time a conservative government tries to neuter both systems, they retire with a bloody nose, courtesy  of an outraged electorate. Treatment is free in any public hospital, and the PBS means Australians pay $5.50 for the vast majority of drug prescriptions. Most GP clinics bulk bill the government for their patients.

Now contrast that with what you have in America. Can anyone even afford your medical system if they don't have health insurance? As far as pharmaceuticals go, Martin Shkreli ring any bells?





36 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

LOL, do you realize your American military is one of the most socialistic organisations on the planet?

If you are going to ignore the facts I post about Trump's performance - the pandemic, trade war, polarisation of Americans, inciting a riot, maintaining the fiction he won, the damage he did to America's standing internationally - I can't do anything to change your mind. Perhaps you just don't care about such things.

Labelling me as a leftist is a dishonest debating tactic, much like Trump used to apply labels to anyone who disagreed with him. I am financially independent, have not had any form of debt since 1974. Does that sound like a socialist to you?

Most Americans have no idea what socialism is. It's a bogeyman you are brainwashed into believing is evil, and that does save mental effort in understanding how it can be beneficial.


Australia has had a number of what you would call socialist governments since Federation. In point of fact, they are almost always the reforming governments, while the conservative governments mainly sit around with their thumbs up their posteriors trying to preserve the status quo.


I'll give you one example of the benefits of socialism. In Australia, we have Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Every time a conservative government tries to neuter both systems, they retire with a bloody nose, courtesy  of an outraged electorate. Treatment is free in any public hospital, and the PBS means Australians pay $5.50 for the vast majority of drug prescriptions. Most GP clinics bulk bill the government for their patients.

Now contrast that with what you have in America. Can anyone even afford your medical system if they don't have health insurance? As far as pharmaceuticals go, Martin Shkreli ring any bells?


I did not say i was an anarchist, I said I was a conservative. I support any number of socialist institutions, but there are many I do not support. It is a common tactic of the left to claim Americans don't know what socialism is, but we on the right know what it is, and we do not like it. 


I'm not ashamed of being on the right, are you ashamed of being on the left? Are you claiming to not be on the left? SO what are you, a centrist?  


I'm happy that you are rich, but how does that mean you're not a leftist? No shortage of million and billionaire leftists around, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Sports, Energy and Pharmaceutical industries are full of them. 


It's not that I don't care about the things you listed, it's just that I disagree with your assessment of Trump's performance. I think he did a fine job with the pandemic, and I think he'd have done a much better job had he been better supported. Trump was responsible for three vaccines being developed, how many did Scott Morrison get done? 


I think the "trade war" was good for the US, why do you think it was bad? 


It is the media polarizing the country, and the polarization effort starteda long time before Trump. Again, I'm an American citizen, and I do not remember a time when the county was not polarized, do you? If so, when? Maybe back when CNN was calling President Bush a monkey? 


I've head and read it over and over and I do not think Trump incited a riot. It's interesting that when Trump was elected there were protests/riots across the county, but the left loved that, that was just free citizens exercising their their rights. But one protest at the capital that goes a little violent when Trump loses, and it's the end of the world.


Hillary climes the election was stolen for four year (again just recently on CNN) and the left loves that, Trump climes the election was stolen and it's the end of democracy as we know it. 


I'd be happy to debate socialized medicine separately, but if people have no money in the US, medical care is free. Far and away, most people in the US used to have great employer sponsored health insurance, in the last twenty years, the push toward single payer has ruined that. People are paying MUCH more and getting less. I don't have to watch CNN to learn about the health care in the US, I've been living it my whole life. 



6 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


I did not say i was an anarchist, I said I was a conservative. I support any number of socialist institutions, but there are many I do not support. It is a common tactic of the left to claim Americans don't know what socialism is, but we on the right know what it is, and we do not like it. 


I'm not ashamed of being on the right, are you ashamed of being on the left? Are you claiming to not be on the left? SO what are you, a centrist?  


I'm happy that you are rich, but how does that mean you're not a leftist? No shortage of million and billionaire leftists around, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Sports, Energy and Pharmaceutical industries are full of them. 


It's not that I don't care about the things you listed, it's just that I disagree with your assessment of Trump's performance. I think he did a fine job with the pandemic, and I think he'd have done a much better job had he been better supported. Trump was responsible for three vaccines being developed, how many did Scott Morrison get done? 


I think the "trade war" was good for the US, why do you think it was bad? 







I have never claimed to be rich, I have enough to live out my days in modest comfort. I am not Gordon Gecko. I don't accept labels either, I can think for myself.

Trump did a fine job with the pandemic, are you kidding me? Holding maskless superspreader rallies against all medical advice? Turning America into a pariah nation?  Admitting to Woodward he downplayed the severity of coronavirus? You do have some strange notions.

Please post credible evidence Trump was responsible for developing three vaccines, and how much Federal funding was allocated to each.

Using Scott Morrison as a countervailing example is a weak argument, although I will point out Australia punches well above its weight in the biosciences. Check out how many Nobel winners we have.

3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I have never claimed to be rich, I have enough to live out my days in modest comfort. I am not Gordon Gecko. I don't accept labels either, I can think for myself.

Trump did a fine job with the pandemic, are you kidding me? Holding maskless superspreader rallies against all medical advice? Turning America into a pariah nation?  Admitting to Woodward he downplayed the severity of coronavirus? You do have some strange notions.

Please post credible evidence Trump was responsible for developing three vaccines, and how much Federal funding was allocated to each.

Using Scott Morrison as a countervailing example is a weak argument, although I will point out Australia punches well above its weight in the biosciences. Check out how many Nobel winners we have.


I hate to put any real effort into this as someone will come along and shut the discussion down, but "Operation Warp Speed" did much to accelerate the development of the vaccines. I did not mean to imply that Trump was individually responsible for the development. And it was a lot of federal funds and legal incentives. It the left were honest, they would be pointing out how many new billionaire executives have resulted from it. It was more unrestricting capitalism that did it more than anything else. 


That you mention "...maskless superspreader events.." proves what a free-thinker you really are. It was interesting how important it was for maskless looters and rioters be allowed to "protest" under the guise of mental health, but that churches were forced to close.

Fauci was advising Trump, and didn't he go on TV and downplay the threat and tell everyone masks were useless? He later flip-flopped a few times, but he was up there. What is wrong with downplaying the threat? Would a lot of people panicking have helped anything? 


It was interesting albeit telling that the only thing the left insisted had to stay open was the border...


You were the one that brought up how great the healthcare industry in Australia, not me. 





28 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


I hate to put any real effort into this as someone will come along and shut the discussion down, but "Operation Warp Speed" did much to accelerate the development of the vaccines. I did not mean to imply that Trump was individually responsible for the development. And it was a lot of federal funds and legal incentives. It the left were honest, they would be pointing out how many new billionaire executives have resulted from it. It was more unrestricting capitalism that did it more than anything else. 


That you mention "...maskless superspreader events.." proves what a free-thinker you really are. It was interesting how important it was for maskless looters and rioters be allowed to "protest" under the guise of mental health, but that churches were forced to close.

Fauci was advising Trump, and didn't he go on TV and downplay the threat and tell everyone masks were useless? He later flip-flopped a few times, but he was up there. What is wrong with downplaying the threat? Would a lot of people panicking have helped anything? 


It was interesting albeit telling that the only thing the left insisted had to stay open was the border...


You were the one that brought up how great the healthcare industry in Australia, not me. 







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  • 3 months later...
On 6/19/2021 at 5:27 AM, Lacessit said:

Trust was destroyed. You think Americans trust one another, after what has happened during Trump's presidency? You think the rest of the world trusted Trump, while he was President? The man made a yo-yo look positively somnolent by comparison.

Biden is doing his best to restore America from the nadir it reached under Trump. If you want to mock a person for being not as articulate as someone who spewed lies and hatred on a daily basis, you are proving my point for me.

You think the trust has been restored now that biden has stepped up and struck out ON EVARYTHING so far in 8 months.


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48 minutes ago, codemonkey said:

You think the trust has been restored now that biden has stepped up and struck out ON EVARYTHING so far in 8 months.


Biden is just cleaning up Trump's mess, the border and Afghanistan for example. Both are just examples of Trump policies coming to fruition...

22 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Biden is just cleaning up Trump's mess, the border and Afghanistan for example. Both are just examples of Trump policies coming to fruition...

Hmm, ok, but just so you know that biden is quickly sinking, but no surprise. Also, whats the most common chant at college football games now...."<deleted> Joe Biden"

Here ya are: https://news.gallup.com/poll/354872/biden-approval-rating-hits-new-low-harris.aspx

Worst president ever, but VERY successful at breaking EVERYTHING that was not broke.

22 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Biden is just cleaning up Trump's mess, the border and Afghanistan for example. Both are just examples of Trump policies coming to fruition...

Yeah, biden and harris sure have fixed the border problem...democrat style, open to all who cross. Good strategy,

  • Like 1
22 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Biden is just cleaning up Trump's mess, the border and Afghanistan for example. Both are just examples of Trump policies coming to fruition...

Bidens over the horizon strike that wiped out 10 Afghans, including 7 children,....Trump killed Iranian terrorists, not innocent children. Trump sent "mean tweets" but kept a secure border, miss the mean tweets yet or do you prefer un-vaxxinated illegals pouring across the S. border and afghan's charged with sexual assault on children (pedophilia). Great job by biden and his admin!



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/27/2021 at 3:33 PM, billd766 said:

He has done a lot in 5 weeks especially as he untangling the mess left by his predecessor.


I was totally un-impressed by Trump and his team after 4 years.

Considering how big the Biden catastrophe is so far in only 9 months I am very thankful he accomplished nothing in 48 years as senator. Biden is destroying EVERYTHING around him and thankfully is on his way out soon. Only thing Biden excels in is the blame game, oh, and lying to America.


  • Haha 1
34 minutes ago, codemonkey said:

Considering how big the Biden catastrophe is so far in only 9 months I am very thankful he accomplished nothing in 48 years as senator. Biden is destroying EVERYTHING around him and thankfully is on his way out soon. Only thing Biden excels in is the blame game, oh, and lying to America.


And I suppose that you believe that Trump was a bit like George Washington, and never told a lie in his life?


And was Trump's reelection really stolen from him?

34 minutes ago, billd766 said:

And I suppose that you believe that Trump was a bit like George Washington, and never told a lie in his life?


And was Trump's reelection really stolen from him?

Trump's a billionaire and yet lives rent free in your head.

Matter's not what I believe,  Biden's failures are a daily occurrence. America's had enough, he's out, go check Quinnipiac polls, your savior Biden is the worst ever.

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14 hours ago, codemonkey said:

Trump's a billionaire and yet lives rent free in your head.

Matter's not what I believe,  Biden's failures are a daily occurrence. America's had enough, he's out, go check Quinnipiac polls, your savior Biden is the worst ever.

He most certainly does not live in my head. I am merely responding to a post that YOU made, and YOU are the one who believes that he is innocent, unlike the majority of thinkers in the world.


I had to Google Quinnipiac polls as I had never heard of them.


I then searched for their ranking on Google and it seems as though they rank at #148 in the USA school rankings. you think that I and anybody else, other than you should take them seriously?




We are proud to be ranked among the best national colleges and universities in the country by leading organizations, including U.S. News & World Report and the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education.


#148 is among the best?






  • Haha 1
55 minutes ago, billd766 said:

He most certainly does not live in my head. I am merely responding to a post that YOU made, and YOU are the one who believes that he is innocent, unlike the majority of thinkers in the world.


I had to Google Quinnipiac polls as I had never heard of them.


I then searched for their ranking on Google and it seems as though they rank at #148 in the USA school rankings. you think that I and anybody else, other than you should take them seriously?




We are proud to be ranked among the best national colleges and universities in the country by leading organizations, including U.S. News & World Report and the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education.


#148 is among the best?






His post was about Biden, you brought but but but Trump into it. 


In any evert, at (per you) #148 that puts them in the top 3%, yes?



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  • Haha 1
5 hours ago, billd766 said:

He most certainly does not live in my head. I am merely responding to a post that YOU made, and YOU are the one who believes that he is innocent, unlike the majority of thinkers in the world.


I had to Google Quinnipiac polls as I had never heard of them.


I then searched for their ranking on Google and it seems as though they rank at #148 in the USA school rankings. you think that I and anybody else, other than you should take them seriously?




We are proud to be ranked among the best national colleges and universities in the country by leading organizations, including U.S. News & World Report and the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education.


#148 is among the best?






You are calling out Quinnipiac but know nothing about them, u need to rethink this and sharpen up your research methodologies.


Quinnipiac is among the more credible non-partisan polls. Five Thirty Eight rates them as an A-minus pollster.
It’s important to note that this rating is based on their Presidential polls.


At any rate, u must know about CNN, so have a listen to Jake for a moment, as he tells it all. Biden is a flop, a failure and doing his best to break everything he touches.

Also, check out NY Times and their comments on your savior Biden's failing presidency.



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  • Haha 1
  • 3 months later...
On 2/27/2021 at 10:11 AM, Isaan sailor said:

So, with millions of Americans still out of work, and many states still doing lockdown, why will the Biden Administration open the borders to millions of illegals?  If we have 20-30 million illegals in the US today--isn't that enough?  Could it be for political gain--future Democrat voters?  Do they want to release illegals with possible diseases? And using the same compartments on the border for children that Trump used for just one month?

Of the 5 deaths weren't 4 actually demonstrators, many elderly but...white?

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